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R&D&I news

R&D&I news
Current FUE-UJI

La UJI comienza las labores de auditoría sobre el impacto del Arenal Sound

The study arises from various meetings sponsored by FUE-UJI

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FUE-UJI takes part in Feria Destaca en Ruta L'Alcora

Gloria Serra participates in a round table about the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

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Open Innovation with Blue Plasma Power


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FUE-UJI collaborates in the organization of Feria DESTACA 2023

La próxima edición tendrá lugar en L'Alcora del 18 al 20 de octubre de 2023

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FUE-UJI coordinates a meeting with the Ayuntamiento de Onda

El Museu del Taulell de Onda y la UJI unen fuerzas para investigar el pasado y los retos de la industria cerámica

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Work meeting by UJI Cátedra Cuatroochenta and the company Tilúa

A meeting held by the Universitat Jaume I with the collaboration of FUE-UJI

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Onda adds synergies with the FUE-UJI

New lines of collaboration in the field of innovation and transfer

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Destaca Fair 2022 in Vila-real

The FUE-UJI collaborates in the organization of this innovation forum

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PrePropuesta: Deadline 23 November 2022 to present CDTI in 2023

Presenta tu PREPropuesta y gana tiempo asegurándote tu plaza para la próxima convocatoria

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III UCIE-INAM innovation transfer sessions

29th November 2022

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FUE-UJI Trustees
companies and entities

Contact with us
we help you find what you need

Begoña Andrés

Phone: 964 38 72 07


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