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Governing bodies FUE-UJI
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Governing bodies
Know us FUE-UJI

The governing bodies of the Universitat Jaume I–Business Foundation are the following:

The Trust. This is the supreme governing, representative, administrative and decision-making body of THE FUE-UJI. It meets in plenary sessions and as a permanent committee.

The Trust include the trust organisations that identify with the Foundation's purposes and goals, the members proposed by the Board of Trustees and appointed by the Rector of the Universitat Jaume I, and vice-rectors and lecturers of the University. [See composition]

The Permanent Committee is set up within the Trust in order to manage the Foundation's day-to-day business, expedite its agreements and deal with urgent matters promptly.


Mr. Carlos Cabrera Ahís (Head of the Permanent Committee)
Ms. Eva Alcon Soler
Mr. Sebastián Plá Colomina
Ms. Pilar Chiva Jordá
Mr. Joaquín Font de Mora Gozalbo
Mr. Manuel Monfort Tena
Mr. José Luis Vivas Llach
Mr. Modesto Jesús Fabra Valls
Mr. Andrés Marzal Varó
Ms. Isabel García Izquierdo
Mr. Jesús Lancis Sáez
Ms. Mª. Carmen Pastor Verchili
Mr. Francisco Javier Grandío Botella (Secretary of The Board of Trustees in the UJI)

President: Ms Eva Alcón Soler, Rector of the Universitat Jaume I.

Honorary President: Mr Rafael Benavent Adrián.

The Organisations Committee, made up of the trust organisations, has the mission of advising the Foundation and channelling the concerns of the business sector in order to strengthen the university–business relationship in areas such as research, career placement and technological innovation.


Mr. Carlos Cabrera Ahís (Head of the Permanent Committee)
All the trust entities

The Office of the General Manager. This body is responsible for implementing the directives and agreements adopted by the Trust. The General Manager is Ms. Gloria Serra Isierte.

FUE-UJI Trustees
companies and entities

Contact with us
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Gloria Serra

Phone: 964 38 72 22


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