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UJI Patents

The main objective is to facilitate and promote collaboration between the research groups of the UJI and the surrounding socio-economic environment.

Patent portfolio:

  • Surface-passivated perovskite nanocrystals and use thereof
  • Functional Coating with Humidity Regulating Capability to apply on Ceramic Tiles
  • Tool for the automatic detection of pathologies in chest x-rays and validation from the automatic analysis of medical records
  • Reversible procedure for storing-releasing hydrogen in liquid form
  • Robotic gripper for grasping an object
  • Bimetallic pseudopeptidic complexes and their uses
  • Procedure for storing hydrogen in liquid form using liquid organic hydrogen carriers
  • Procedure for the removal of pollutants by electrofiltration
  • Process for the in situ production of ceramic pigments
  • Thermoelectric device influenced by redox species
  • Underwater robot equipment user interface with manipulation and realistic pre-simulation capabilites
  • In vitro method for predecting and/or forecasting the ability of a biomaterial to induce the regeneration of tissues
  • Development of high-efficiency products for the control of pathogenic microorganisms of interest to the the agrifood sector and the pharmaceutical industry based on biomolecules from plants
  • Start-up of an offshore wind power plant without the support of an external power grid
  • Materials based on silver nanoparticles with high antimicrobial activity. Method of preparation
  • GLUCOTEAR: an optical nanoparticle capable of detecting the glucose concentration within the range present in a person's tear
  • SILIFE: a new industrial process to reduce or eliminate the toxicity due to respirable crystalline silica (RSC)
  • DolorTic.com: a technological network that makes it possible to interconnect all the stakeholders involved in the treatment of chronic pain
  • System for Monitoring Elderly People in Their Own Homes Using WI-FI Signals
  • Statical Modelling and Predecting Events that Vary in Space and/or Time
  • New compounds with potent anticancer activity
  • BECAD: A tool for assessing disability and dependence and guiding rehabilitation
  • In vitro method for predicting the biocompatibility of medical implants
  • Procedure for efficient production and safe storage of hydrogen for use in fuel cells
  • Procedure for the enantioselective preparation of profens and phenidates
  • New electrolytes based on ionic liquids for application in electrochemical solar cells and batteries
  • EMOCIONATEST: An app for the assessment and promotion of the emotional competence in children
  • Application for monitoring the influence of pain in the life of patients with chronic pain and the efficacy of its treatment
  • SEviro: A Platform for monitoring the environment
  • Smiling is Fun: An online intervention for the prevention and treatment of emotional disorders

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