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Onda adds synergies with the FUE-UJI

Imagen Noticia

14 - Dec - 2022

New lines of collaboration in the field of innovation and transfer

Onda City Council and the Fundación Universitat Jaume I - Empresa (FUE-UJI) are working to open new lines of collaboration in terms of innovation and knowledge transfer from the university campus to the city.

To this end, both institutions have held a working meeting in which the mayor, Carmina Ballester, and the deputy mayor for Innovation, Vicent Bou, have participated on behalf of the municipal government, and on behalf of the university, the Vice-Rector for Innovation, Transfer and Scientific Dissemination, David Cabedo, the executive president of the FUE-UJI, Carlos Cabrera, the manager, Gloria Serra, and the person in charge of the Transfer area, Lucía Pallarés.

At the meeting, Ballester expressed the City Council's interest in continuing to develop new innovative projects hand in hand with the university and has opened the doors to participate in initiatives promoted from the Jaume I.

"We are working to revert to Onda the talent and knowledge that is generated at the Universitat Jaume I, since it is the main focus of science and innovation in the province", pointed out the first mayor.

Training grants

It should be remembered that the City Council already collaborates with the FUE-UJI in different programs such as paid training scholarships for graduates and, on the other hand, for undergraduate students during the summer months.

Source: Onda City Council

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