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Conferences news
Current FUE-UJI

VI Congreso de Derecho Concursal

Organised by FUE-UJI, sponsored by Trademat

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XVII Meeting Molecular Biology of Plants

Registration now open

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International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Electric Machines. ELECTRIMACS 2024

At the Universitat Jaume I, from 27- 30 May 2024

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Universitat-Empresa charity football match raises more than 2,120 euros for cancer research

The Universitat Jaume I-Empresa Foundation delivers the proceeds to the Chair of Physical Activity and Oncology “Fundación José Soriano Ramos”

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II Conference on Emergency Nursing and Outpatient Emergencies of the Emergency Health Service of SES

Congress will take place on May 16 and 17, 2024

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FUE-UJI attends the XVII OCUE Meeting in Girona

Red de Oficinas de Congresos de Universidades y Fundaciones Universitarias' Meeting

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In 2023 the FUE-UJI collaborated in the organisation of 14 scientific meetings

Con la asistencia de más de 960 congresistas

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The FUE-UJI took part in the RUEPEP technical conference

Held in Cordoba, the conference addressed micro-credentials in Europass

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More than 160 researchers in thermodynamic engineering meet at the Universitat Jaume I

The 13th National and 4th International Conference on Engineering Thermodynamics (13CNIT) was held at the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) between November 29th and December 1st.

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13th National and 4th International Conference in Engineering Thermodynamics

FUE-UJI collaborates in the organization of this international congress

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FUE-UJI Trustees
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Blanca Vicente

Phone: 964 38 72 53


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