Logo edificio FUE-UJI
Servicios I+D+i FUE-UJI
icono grupos de investigacion

Research groups

INNOVA: Innovative and technological solutions for companies and organisations. Tell us about your challenge. Through innova.uji.es we can help you to create the most suitable solution for your business projects.

Innova UJI brings the university closer than ever to the business world. Through our website innova.uji.es, the Universitat Jaume I research groups offer innovative and technological solutions to companies so that they can address and overcome the challenges they are faced with in the current socioeconomic environment.

Types of collaboration

We are aware that not all projects face the same challenges. Thus, Innova UJI establishes different types of partnerships with companies according to their needs:

  • Innovation and development
  • Technological support and technical assistance
  • Advice on specific issues

How do we do it?

Our research groups develop, support and advise on projects aimed at improving business competitiveness, introducing innovation and promoting knowledge and technology transfer.

The catalogue of solutions of innova.uji.es offers the possibility of searching for projects, by means of four differentiated options:

  • Organisational Areas (Company)
  • Areas of Knowledge (University)
  • Areas of Economic Activity (CNAE)
  • Keywords

Thematic UJI Research Groups Uji

  • Information and communication technologies
  • Industrial production
  • Chemical technology
  • Materials and nanotechnology
  • Business management, economics and finance
  • Energy
  • Medicine, health technology and health promotion
  • Psychology
  • Agrifood
  • Mathematics and data analysis
  • Culture, language and heritage
  • Education
  • Law
  • Sociology and cooperation
  • Journalism and audiovisual communication
  • Environment
  • Architecture, land planning and transportation
  • Tourism

FUE-UJI Trustees
companies and entities

Contact with us
we help you find what you need

Begoña Andrés

Phone: 964 38 72 07


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