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Training news
Current FUE-UJI

UJI-specific Postgraduate Studies 2024/2025

#somUJI- Design the future, be UJI

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Inauguración del curso UniDiversitat 2024-2025

Formación para el Empleo y la Vida Independiente de Jóvenes con Discapacidad Intelectual, del Desarrollo y/o del Espectro Autista

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UJI Máster Degree in Ceramic Technology

La FUE-UJI acoge la apertura del curso y entrega de beca y diplomas

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Microcreds Plan UJI Presentation

Fundació Universitat Jaume I-Empresa col.laborará amb UJI en el desplegament del Plan Microcreds

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New program of business consulting for the UJI postgraduate students

A service coordinated by FUE-UJI in collaboration with SECOT Association

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UJI's postgraduate degrees registration now open

Oferta un total de 39 títulos de postgrado propio, gestionados a través de la FUE-UJI

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UJI successfully closes its Postgraduate programs for the 2023-2024 academic year

In the 2023-2024 academic year, the UJI proposed 32 its own postgraduate degrees, managed by the Universitat Jaume I-Empresa Foundation

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UJI undertakes permanent training courses and university micro-credentials with entities

FUE-UJI collaborates in the management of this training

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Third edition of the training course UniDiversitat ONCE-UJI

FUE-UJI colabora en la gestión de esta formación para la vida independiente de jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual

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Fundación Universitat Jaume I-Empresa attends the XXII ENCUENTRO RUEPEP

The meeting focused on Microcredentials Plan in the future of universities

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FUE-UJI Trustees
companies and entities

Contact with us
we help you find what you need

Carmen Guía

Phone: 964 38 72 16

Silvia Membrilla

Phone: 964 38 72 09
WhatsApp: 648126119

Andrea Navarro

Phone: 964 38 72 12
WhatsApp: 648126119

Reyes Riera

Phone: 964 38 72 10


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