XXV University-Business Tourism Congress
Conferences FUE-UJI
It will take place on October 19 and 20, 2022 at the Universitat Jaume I.
The XXV Edition of the International Congress of Tourism University-Business will be entitled "25 years of tourism transformation: looking to the future with guarantees" and will be held on October 19 and 20, 2022 at the Universitat Jaume I.
Rafael Lapiedra Alcamí, professor of the Department of Business Administration and Marketing of the UJI, and director of the Congress, stressed the importance of celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Congress in this next edition, as it is certainly the congress specialized in Tourism that has been held more editions in Spain.
This meeting is an initiative of the Universitat Jaume I with the sponsorship of the Provincial Tourism Board of Castelló and the collaboration of the Generalitat Valenciana. It is an event that, since its inception in 1997, has had the collaboration of the FUE-UJI in the Organizing Committee.
The papers must deal with one of the following topics: sustainability and tourism, security and guarantees to minimize the impact of COVID, vindication of the value of the tourism industry, the importance of training in the professionalization of the sector, the post-Covid tourism company, new ways of understanding tourism marketing, tourism intelligence applied to the territory, responsible tourism and inclusive tourism, among others. During the meeting, the presentation of papers or posters will be in person or via video-conference.
A scientific committee, made up of academics and tourism experts from national and international universities, will be in charge of peer reviewing the proposals submitted and will select the papers to be presented at the Congress.
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