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The XXIII Edition of the International Tourism Congress will be entitled "TOURISM WITH A CAPITAL LETTER R: Reconstructing, Reactivating and Redirecting the Tourism Sector towards a new time" and will be held on October 6th and 7th, 2021.

Communications have to be about any of the issues related to the theme of the Congress, among which are:

Selection process:

This edition counts with two kinds of participants, those who present papers and thos who present posters.

The presentations can be held in person or via video-conference (on-line).

  • Papers: in this case the selection process begins with the submission of the full text of the communication. Upon receipt of a Scientific Committee will evaluate the proposals and select the communications that will be exhibited at the Congress (there is a limited amount of time reserved for exposing communications).
  • Posters: you need to send an abstract of your poster to be valued.

Once it has been approved, the size of the poster must be 90x60 cm. During the Congress, members of the scientific committee will form a comission to select the best paper, which will be awarded with a cash prize of 500€

Before the Congress, authors of the selected papers may introduce modifications suggested by the Scientific Committee or updates on their work, which will only be admitted for distribution if they are sent by email to Fundación Universitat Jaume I-Empresa.

After the Congress, authors of the selected papers will send the final text of the work to the Fundación Universitat Jaume I-Empresa by email. The Fundacion Universitat Jaume I Empresa has the commitment of publishing all papers selected in the Congress’s book (published by a national editorial), but the organization does not assume travelling and assistance costs for speakers.

Only the works of speaker who are registered in the Congress will be published.

Papers should have the following standards:

Regarding the length: minimum of 15 pages and a maximum of 20 (maximum 5200 words including references, tables and figures ), following the structure that follows :

The title page should include: title, author/s (maximum of 3 authors per work), subject for which the paper is presented, address, phone and e-mail of contact. The rest of pages will follow the next rules:

  • Main title in capital letters and bold (font type: Times New Roman 12, single spaced)
  • Shifted titles in bold and numbered (Size 11)
  • Subsections lowercase, bold and numbered (Size 11)

Also, the full text should have a summary and keywords in Spanish and English.



          1. SECTIONS

                         1.1Sub –paragraph


Minor rankings should be lettered as follows: a) b) c) etc...

The references in the text should be cited in parentheses with the author's name and year of publication.

The final bibliography should be done as follows:

  • Vera et al (1997): Territorial Analysis of Tourism. Edit. Ariel. Barcelona.
  • Yague Perales, R. (2002): "Rural Tourism in Spain. Annuals of Tourism Research 29 : 1101-1110

If references to Web pages are made, they must go at the end of the bibliography. 


Call for Paper’s Deadlines:

Receipt of  de communications: July 2th, 2021.

Acceptance of communications:  July 20th, 2021.

Congress Celebration: October 6th and 7th, 2021.

Submissions should be made to the following address:

The shipments must be made with the registration in www.congresoturismo.es

Fundación Universitat Jaume I-Empresa
Campus Riu Sec, Edifici "Escola de Doctorat i Consell Social", 12071-Castelló
e-mail: turismo@fue.uji.es
Teléfono: 964.387222; Fax  964387010


  • Cuota 1: Estudiantes UJI (sin derecho a crédito), estudiantes otros centros, socios Alumni SAUJI Premium y desempleados (sin diploma asistencia): gratuito
  • Cuota 2: Estudiantes UJI (con derecho a crédito*), estudiantes otros centros, socios Alumni SAUJI Premium y  desempleados:  25 euros. Se expedirá un diploma de asistencia.
  • Cuota 3*: Comunicantes, profesionales y otros: 115 euros (Incluye Programa Social y libro publicaciones)

*Para presentar la comunicación al menos un autor ha de matricularse como comunicante y será a quién se le envíe la publicación. 

Cuota 2"Estudiantes UJI con derecho a crédito... ",  estudiantes otros centros, socios Alumni SAUJI Premium y  desempleados" debidamente inscritos y que asistan de forma regular y continuada a las sesiones del Congreso (superar el 85% de control de firmas).


Justificante del ingreso de las tasas del congreso, en la cuenta que se indica a continuación.
Documento que acredite la situación del estudiante, desempleado o socio AlumniSAUJI Premium (carnet UJI, copia matrícula, darde...)

Puede enviar la documentación a la siguiente dirección de mail turismo@fue.uji.es 


sCIENTific committee

Prof. Drª. Sheela Agarwal, Plymouth University
Prof. Dr. Enrique Bigné, Universidad de València
Prof. Salvatore Bimonte, Universidad de Siena
Prof. Dr. Carlos Cardoso, Universidad de Coimbra
Prof. Dr. Josep Ivars Baidal, Universidad de Alicante
Prof. Dr. Jafar Jafari, Fundador-Editor de la revista Annals of Tourism Research
Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Lozato-Giotard, Université Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle
Prof. Dr. Emilio Obiol, Universidad de València
Prof. Dr. Juan Ignacio Pulido, Universidad de Jaén
Prof. Drª.Ana Belén Ramón, Universidad de Alicante
Prof. Drª. Rosa Mª Rodríguez, Universitat Jaume I
Prof. Drª. Amparo Sancho, Universidad de València
Prof. Dr. Enrique Torres, Universidad de Málaga
Prof. Dr. Fernando Vera, Universidad de Alicante
Prof. Drª. María José Viñals, Universidad Politécnica de València
Prof Drª. Rosa Yagüe, Universidad de València

oRGANIZing committee

D. Joaquín Farnós, Gerente del Hotel Termas Marinas El Palasiet
Dña. Pilar Gimeno, Presidenta Com. Turismo Cámara Comercio
Dña. Virginia Ochoa, Gerente Patronato Provincial de Turismo de Castellón
D. José Luis Wagner, Jefe de Área de Conocimiento e Inteligencia Turística. AVT

Drª. Rosa Mª Rodríguez, Universitat Jaume I
Dña. Begoña Andrés, Técnico Dpto. Jornadas Fundación Universitat Jaume I - Empresa


Prof. Dr. Rafael Lapiedra, Universitat Jaume I


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Phone: 964 38 72 53


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