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FUE-UJI and the FVMP promote training courses in the field of social services
Training FUE-UJI

Imagen Noticia

11 - May - 2022

An action lead by the Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces

The Fundación Universitat Jaume I-Empresa and the Federación Valenciana de Municipios y Provincias (FVMP) signed a general collaboration protocol in March that laid the foundations for the subsequent development of joint actions, especially in the field of training. From this agreement a cycle of seven courses was born that will be taught at the Universitat Jaume I over the next few months and that are aimed at primary care professionals in social services teams. Some topics that will be addressed are foster care, the development of strategic plans for social services, active aging and the elderly, among others.

With the beginning, last week, of the course "Intervention in minors in family crisis situations" the starting signal has been given to these training actions whose objective is to provide social services professionals of the local administration with the skills to ensure the provision of better care to citizens.

The Valencian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FVMP) is a Valencian institution whose main objective is to promote municipalism from the initiatives of local entities, defending the interests of the municipalities and coordinating actions.

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Phone: 964 38 72 16

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Phone: 964 38 72 09
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Phone: 964 38 72 12
WhatsApp: 648126119

Reyes Riera

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