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Jornada FUE-UJI


NOVEMBER 10 AND 11, 2022.

The congress will take place, in person and virtually, on November 10 and 11, 2022, at the Universitat Jaume I in Castellón. It is organized by the ENCOM Research Group and the Department of Communication Sciences. The event seeks to publicize the opportunities offered at a strategic level by three interrelated concepts such as brand, territory and sport. These are prominent contributions to citizens, companies and institutions. The congress has an interest in promoting those cases that provide knowledge and analysis of international, national and local experiences. This second edition focuses on two current issues, closely linked to communication, such as the link between territorial policies and the SDGs, as well as the use of technological advances in the experiences of all interest groups.

THE BRAND is managed with the main objective of creating positive links that guarantee the credibility of the territory it represents.

SPORT promotes positive values that favour the creation of ties. Also, it is generally rooted in the geographical territory and contributes to improving perceptions about it. It is also a fundamental element of differentiation from the communication by and for the different social agents: companies, civil society and institutions.

THE TERRITORY is a geographical place delimited by borders: physical, geographical, geopolitical or mental.

All these aspects link the Jaume I University with its closest surroundings and, with its character and philosophy, which is very sensitive to the demands of the society and the needs of the business and social fabric. All of these elements emphasise the scientific reflection of a congress about these topics.

It is about generating knowledge regarding local, national or global practices in the management of these territorial brands that enable work, from efficiency and can become an intangible asset. Managed from communication and given its strategic nature they will be able to generate sources of competitive advantage for the represented territories and the agents interacting with them. As López Lita and Benlloch (2005) comment, "on many occasions, the brand territory takes on a dimension as a brand that goes far beyond simple mercantile and commercial and even cultural motivations and becomes a scream of a community that claims its identity." The development and promotion of sport can be an attractive source of value that must be made visible through the strategic communication of this territorial brand.

Therefore, the congress has the following objectives:

1º.-  To analyze the contribution of strategic and technological management of territorial brands and their contribution to the sustainable development of the territories represented.

2º.- To know experiences about the development of territories from the practice of sports while focusing on the balance between sustainability and development.

3º.-Sharing experiences around this axis marks territory and sport in the international context.

4º.- To examine the importance of sport as a communicative asset in the international geopolitical scenario.

The scientific contribution channels into five lines of work in response to the objectives set out above, which the scientific committee of the congress has established. The comitee belongs to the Department of Communication Sciences and other national and international universities. These are the lines of work:

  • Brands, territory and sport. Innovative experiences in the combined management of some of these strategic axes.
  • Social impact of the strategic management of the brand, territory and sport.
  • Brands, territory and sustainability: the aim is to learn about aspects of the creation and management of brands, territorial brands or sports experiences in achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs).
  • Sports diplomacy and territorial identity: Analysis of sport as a communicative tool for territorial diplomacy and as a configurator element of collective identities.
  • Brands, media and sport: Experiences of sports management, brand management, and the analysis of the media context at the intersection between communication and sport.
  • Transparency, sport and reputation, given the growing opacity phenomena that sometimes characterize federations, countries and territories and their possible impact on reputation.
  • Disinformation, fakenews and sport.
  • Citizen involvement and participation (citizenengagement) in the management of major sporting events.
  • Adapted sport as a tool for social inclusion and the reduction of inequalities.



Magdalena Florek

Profesora de la Universidad de Economía y Empresa de Poznan (Polonia). Cofundadora y miembro de la junta directiva de la International Place Branding Association. Profesor de place marketing, place branding, gestión de marcas y planificación de marketing.

Fue  becada por la Fundación Fulbright en la Northwestern University y en la Kellogg School of Management.

En 2006/2007 profesor titular del Departamento de Marketing de la Universidad de Otago, Nueva Zelanda. Cofundador y miembro de la junta directiva de "Best Place - The European Place Marketing Institute". Consultor estratégico en Heria. Miembro principal del Institute of Place Management. Miembro del Consejo Editorial de varias revistas académicas, entre ellas: Journal of Place Branding & Public Diplomacy y Journal of Destination Marketing and Management

Olga Kolotouchkina

Profesora en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Tanto los estudios de doctorado, como la trayectoria profesional e investigadora de Olga se han centrado en el ámbito de la estrategia y gestión de la imagen de marca, la diplomacia pública, la participación ciudadana, así como la visibilidad de la discapacidad en la esfera pública.

Desde 2009 imparte cursos en grado y postgrado en el Instituto Europeo de Diseño, Universidad Nebrija, Universidad CEU San Pablo y Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca.

Ha participado en proyectos de consultoría estratégica desarrollados para Mastercard Priceless Cities; Telefónica Smart Cities y para el Sultanato de Omán

Emilio Fernández - Peña

Doctor en Comunicación por la Universidad del País Vasco con premio extraordinario (2001).

Director del Centro de Estudios Olímpicos de la UAB desde 2009.

Ha colaborado en el ámbito de redes sociales con el Comité Olímpico Internacional (COI) y trabajado en el diseño de la exposición sobre televisión del Museo Olímpico del COI en Lausana (2014).

Forma parte del grupo de trabajo internacional para diseñar la oferta formativa de la nueva Academia Olímpica Internacional (Grecia). Es asiduo profesor invitado en la University of Southern California, en Los Ángeles.

Simon Chadwick

Investigador, escritor, académico, consultor y conferenciante con más de veinticinco años de experiencia en la industria deportiva mundial.

Profesor de deporte y economía geopolítica en la Skema Business School de París. Cofundador y codirector del Observatorio de Fútbol de China.

Anteriormente, fundó y dirigió el Birkbeck Sports Business Centre de la Universidad de Londres y el Centre for the International Business of Sport de la Universidad de Coventry.

Además, ha trabajado con algunos de los nombres más importantes del deporte, como el FC Barcelona, la UEFA, Adidas, Nielsen, la Asociación Europea de Clubes, Ping, la Fórmula E y Coca Cola.

Luís Leardy

Director de Comunicación del Comité Paralímpico Español y nadador paralímpico en los Juegos Seúl 1988  y Barcelona 92.

Licenciado en Ciencias de la Información por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ha trabajado como periodista en la Agencia Servimedia y jefe de prensa de la Fundación ONCE.

Desde 2005 es director de Comunicación del Comité Paralímpico Español y ha sido responsable de prensa del Equipo Español en un total de 13 ediciones de los Juegos Paralímpicos de Verano y de Invierno desde 1996 hasta la actualidad.

Fue uno de los coordinadores del “Libro Blanco del deporte de personas con discapacidad en España”, editado por el CERMI, el Comité Paralímpico Español y la Fundación ONCE, obra galardonada con el Premio Nacional a las Artes y las Ciencias Aplicadas al Deporte en 2022.

También recibió el Premio Defensa 2005 de Prensa Escrita, el Premio Cermi.es 2022 de Medios de Comunicación y es miembro de la Real Orden del Mérito Deportivo.



Early registration (until July 30)  

Registration (after July 30)

General registration, with presentation of publication 100€ 120€
General registration, with presentation of publication, partners of collaborating entities (Ad Comunica, Dircom, Colegio Publicitarios de la CV) 90€ 110€
UJI students (Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate), with presentation of publication 30€ 50€
Registration with certificate of attendance*, without presentation of publication 20€ 30€
Attendance, without presentation of publication or right to certificate of attendance Free Free


*Validation requested for 1 free configuration credit for UJI students if they attend 80% of the congress sessions.


Certificate of presentation of the paper at the congress. 

Certificate of participation in the congress. 

Publication of the communication in the collective book (digital) with the publisher Tirant lo Blanch (SPI Q1)


  • Submission of communication summaries (first phase): until July 20, 2022 (with the possibility of early registration before 07/30/2022 at a reduced rate)
  • Submission of communication summaries (second phase): until September 20, 2022.
  • Congress dates: November 10 and 11, 2022.
  • Sending of the video of the communication in case of non-face-to-face participation: until November 3, 2022.
  • Submission of complete communications according to the publication regulations: until February 15, 2023.
  • Publication of a collective book in Tirant-lo Blanch (SPI Q1): second semester of 2023.
  • Deadline to receive articles for issue 27 of adComunica magazine: October 15, 2023
  • Publication of nº27 of the AD Comunica magazine (Indexed in ESCI): January 2024.
  • (The author or authors will be able to answer the questions that arise from the video of the presentation through videoconference synchronously in the corresponding communications table).



To guarantee the publication of the accepted communication, all authors must be registered before September 20. Changes recommended by the reviewers should be addressed by the authors. The different communications selected by the scientific committee will be part of a 

digital publication, planned with the publishing house Tirant Lo Blanch (SPI Q1). This way, it will be recorded, and the dissemination and training continued. The standards for publication can be consulted in this document.

Deadline to receive communications for digital publication at the Tirant-lo Blanch publishing house: February 15, 2023.

Publication date of the collective book in Tirant-lo Blanch: second semester of 2023.

The most outstanding texts resulting from research on the theme of the congress can be sent for scientific assessment to the monograph "Brand, territory and sport on the horizon 2030", scheduled in adComunica magazine No. 27 (ESCI, ERIH PLUS , ISOC, MIAR, ICE, RESH, Dialnet Metrics, Latindex or Dulcinea).Deadline for receiving articles: October 15, 2023.

Publication date adComunica nº27: January 2024. 


Template for sending the summary of the communication proposal: [ Click Here ]

Expected publication:

All accepted contributions will be published in a digital book as conference proceedings with the publisher TIRANT LO BLANCH.

All contributions must be uploaded on the scheduled dates and following the "submission template" in the Registration Form.

Rules for publication

Language: Texts must be unpublished and written in English, Spanish, Valencian and/or Catalan (since it is the co-official language of the Valencian Community and the Universitat Jaume I).

Length: Communications should be between 5,000 and 8,000 words. Criteria must be met, otherwise it may be rejected for subsequent publication in any format.

Format: Once the acceptance of the communication has been confirmed to the authors, the text must be sent in Times New Roman font, size 12, single line spacing, justified.

Content: The sections must begin with an introduction, where the author(s) will explain why the topic addressed may be interesting, while presenting the foundations of the research. The scientific references offered, as a review of the state of the issue in the debate on the proposed topic, must be those strictly necessary to facilitate the reading of the text. On the other hand, special attention will be paid to the exposition of the research methodology followed, the justification of the work sample used, if applicable, and the research objectives pursued. The article must present the investigation results, including tables and figures (photographs, drawings, graphs, etc.) if necessary, which enable the text's plot line to be correctly followed. The manuscript will end with some brief conclusions to summarise the main ideas defended in the text, and to show the open lines of research or planned future developments. APA citation style must be followed.


The brand and its management have become, among other things, a powerful intangible element of differentiation within business strategies, having developed a highly useful know-how that has transcended the field of business to other areas in which organizations, projects and territories meet. For decades, countries, regions and cities have reflected on this intangible strategically to “mark” anthropological and cultural differences, going beyond an initial strictly economic dimension. Territory-brands have had a deep boost in recent times. This impulse connects to the increasingly evident need for differentiation felt by the different communities (López Lita and Benlloch, 2005).

Many experts, such as Castells (2005), emphasize that cities and territories are great demographic magnets that uniquely condense the physical, intellectual and creative energy of their citizens, stimulating cultural development. Castells points out the value of the implication of citizens together with the government of the territories when it comes to solving problems since cities and regions are centres of knowledge, and this knowledge must be about the impact on the lives of its inhabitants. We have many examples of territories that become paradigmatic, causing them to be a pole of attraction for investment, innovation and culture (Anholt, 2010).

In this context, the ingenuity of territorial managers sharpens by presenting an attractive image of their space, ensuring a favourable perception by all relevant audiences and generating positive and lasting experiences. As Kolotouchkina and Blay mention, they even appropriate the usual practices in the consumer products sector, in companies and corporations. Territorial managers use communication and brand resources to define the value offer of their territory and position it consistently in the interurban market (2015, p.640).

For this effect to occur, the territories must formulate a relevant brand promise for all those groups related. Therefore, strategically managing their identity and image is essential. Given all this phenomenon, public diplomacy has become a part of the territory brand. It's a tool that serves the project as part of the relational and communicational dimension of the brand.

The interest in this call for communications lies in the constitution of sport as a value attribute of the first order in managing brand territory on the global stage. This emerges especially when the 2030 agenda and the UN SDGs demand the conciliation of large territorial development projects concerning the natural environment and having active lifestyles.

The sports phenomenon represents an endless source of emotions, passions and positive values. Few experiences today exert a fascination like sports – whether as an actor or a spectator – in all corners of the planet, becoming one of the main contents of the media. At the same time, the emergence and overcoming of a global pandemic have accelerated transformations that were in process, such as healthy experiences, the commitment to sustainability, digitization and also the use of sport itself as a diplomatic tool.

This monograph aims to publicize the opportunities offered at a strategic level by three interrelated concepts that contribute to citizens, companies and institutions, such as:

  • The "brand" is managed with the primary goal of creating positive links that guarantee credibility of the territory represented.
  • The "sport" congregates positive values that favour the creation of links while rooted in the geographical territory, which contributes to improving perceptions about it. It is a fundamental element of differentiation in communication for the different agents: companies, civil society and institutions. 
  • The "territory" as a geographical space delimited by borders; physical, geographical, geopolitical or mental.

Thus, without being a closed list, the following thematic lines of reflection and analysis are proposed:

  • Brands, territory and sport. Innovative experiences in the combined management of some of these strategic axes. 
  • Social impact of the strategic management of the brand, the territory and the sport. 
  • Brands, territory and sustainability: The aim is to learn about aspects of the creation and management of brands, territorial brands or sports experiences in achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs). 
  • Sports diplomacy and territorial identity: Analysis of the use of sport as communicative support for territorial diplomacy and as a configurator element of collective identities. 
  • Brands, media and sport: Experiences of sports management, brand management and the analysis of the media context at the intersection between communication and sport. 
  • Transparency, sport and reputation, given the growing opacity phenomena that sometimes characterize federations, countries and territories and their possible impact on reputation.
  • Disinformation, fake news and sport.
  • Citizen involvement and participation (citizenengagement) in the management of major sporting events. 
  • Adapted sport as a tool for social inclusion and the reduction of inequalities. 


Anholt, S. (2010) Places: Identity, Image and Reputation. Londres, Palgrave Macmillan.

Blay Arráez, R.; Benlloch Osuna, M.T.;  Sanahuja Peris, G. (2020) Marca, territorio y deporte: Un triángulo estratégico en la gestión de intangibles comunicativos. València: Tirant Humanidades.

Blay Arráez, R.; Benlloch Osuna, M.T.;  Sanahuja Peris, G. (2020) “Castellón, Escenario Deportivo”, la apuesta por el deporte como generador de marca territorio en Blay Arráez, R.; Benlloch Osuna, M.T.;  Sanahuja Peris, G.  Marca, Territorio y Deporte : Un Triángulo Estratégico en la Gestión de Intangibles Comunicativos (27-90). València: Tirant Humanidades.

Castells, M. (2005). Globalización e Identidad. Cuadernos del Mediterráneo. Número 5, 11-20. Recuperado de http://www.iade.org.ar/uploads/c87bb-fe538f7-d1bb.pdf 

Florek, M., Insch, A.(2011). WhenFitMatters: LeveragingDestination and EventImageCongruence. JournalofHospitality Marketing & Management, 20 (3), 265 – 286. DOI: 10.1080/19368623.2011.562413

Florida, R. (2008). Who’syourcity? How the creative economyismakingwheretolive the mostimportantdecisionofyourlife. Nueva York: Basic Books.

Herstein, R. and Berger, R. (2013), “Much more thansports: sportsevents as stimuliforcityre‐branding”, Journalof Business Strategy, Vol. 34 No. 2, pp. 38-44. https://doi.org/10.1108/02756661311310440

Fernández Peña, E. (2016). Juegos Olímpicos, televisión y redes sociales. Barcelona: UOC.

Ginesta, X. (2020). Les multinacionals de l’entreteniment. Fútbol, diplomacia, identitat i tecnologia. UOC.

Govers, R. (2015). Rethinking Virtual and Online Place Branding. En Kavaratzis, M. et al. (eds.), Rethinking Place Branding. Springer International Publishing Switzerland. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-12424-7_6

Kavaratzis, M. (2004). Fromcity marketing tocity branding: Towards a theoreticalframeworkfordevelopingcitybrands. Place Branding and PublicDiplomacy 1(1): 58–73.

Kavaratzis, M.; Hatch, M.J. The Dynamics of Place Brands: AnIdentity-BasedApproachto Place Branding Theory. Mark. Theory 2013, 13, 69–86.

Kolotouchkina, O. y Blay Arráez, R. (2015) “Estrategias de marca ciudad en el contexto de la capitalidad europea de la cultura 2016” Revista Opción, vol. 31, núm. 4, 2015, pp. 639-655 Universidad del Zulia Maracaibo, Venezuela.

Kolotouchkina, O., Llorente-Barroso, C., García Guardia, M.L., & Pavón, J. (2021). Disability Narratives in SportsCommunication: Tokyo 2020 ParalympicGames’ BestPractices and Implications. Media and Communication, 9(3). https://doi.org/10.17645/mac.v9i3.4043

Kolotouchkina, O. (2018). Engagingcitizens in sportsmega-events: the participatorystrategicapproachofTokyo 2020 Olympics. Communication&Society, 41(4), 45-58. https://doi.org/10.15581/

López Lita, R., & Benlloch Osuna, M. T. (1). De la marca comercial a la marca territorio. Recerca. Revista De Pensament I Anàlisi, (5), 87-100. Recuperado a partir de https://www.e-revistes.uji.es/index.php/recerca/article/view/239

Lubowiecki-Vikuk, Adrian&Basińska-Zych, Agata. (2011). Sport and Tourism as elementsof place branding. A case studyonPoland. JournalofTourismChallenges and Trends. IV. 33-52.

Meier, H.E; García, B.; Konjer, M. &Metzke, M. (2022) The short lifeof the European Super League: a case studyoninstitutionaltensions in sport industries, Managing Sport and Leisure, DOI: 10.1080/23750472.2022.2058071

Moragas Spà, M. Comunicación y Deporte en la Era Digital. In Proceedingsof the Congressof the SpanishAssociationfor Social ResearchAppliedto Sport (AEISAD); Centre d’EstudisOlímpics, UAB: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2007. Available online: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/13282886.pdf

Olivares Delgado, F. (2018) Marcas Negras (en la era de la transparencia). Madrid: Gedisa.

Olivares Delgado, F. (2020) Prólogo en Blay Arráez, R.; Benlloch Osuna, M.T.;  Sanahuja Peris, G.  Marca, Territorio y Deporte : Un Triángulo Estratégico en la Gestión de Intangibles Comunicativos (15-17) València: Tirant Humanidades.

Rein, Irving & Shields, Ben. (2007). Place branding sports: Strategiesfordifferentiatingemerging, transitional, negativelyviewed and newlyindustrializednations. Place Branding and PublicDiplomacy. 3. 10.1057/palgrave.pb.6000049.

Seisdedos, G. (2007). Cómo gestionar las ciudades del siglo XXI: del city marketing al urbanmanagement. Madrid: Pearson Educación.

Viñas Gracia, C. & Ginesta Portet, X. (2022). A dimensão geopolítica do fracassadoprojeto da superligaeuropeia de futebol: umensaio sobre economia, política e esporte no séculoxxI. Movimento, 28, e28013. https://doi.org/10.22456/1982-8918.120308

Westerbeek, H &Linley, Michael. (2012). Buildingcitybrandsthrough sport events:Theoretical and empiricalperspectives. Journalof Brand Strategy. 1. 193-205.

Key dates

  • Submission of communication summaries: until July 20, 2022 (early registration) 
  • Submission of communication summaries: until September 20, 2022. 
  • Congress dates: November 10 and 11, 2022 
  • Sending of the video of the communication in case of non-face-to-face participation: until November 3, 2022 
  • Submission of complete communications according to the publication regulations: until February 15, 2023.* 
  • Publication of a collective book in Tirant-lo Blanch (SPI Q1): second semester of 2023.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         *(The author or authors will be able to answer the questions that arise from the video of the presentation through videoconference synchronously in the corresponding communications table).


This congress is sponsored by the Diputació de Castelló and the Endavant Villarreal CF Chair for Sport at the Universitat Jaume I.

Assistance requested from the Generalitat Valenciana, Subsidy program for the organization and dissemination of international scientific, technological, humanistic or artistic conferences and meetings (AORG/2022).


Assistance requested from the Generalitat Valenciana, Subsidy program for the organization and dissemination of international scientific, technological, humanistic or artistic conferences, conferences and meetings (AORG/2022).


adComunica, Association for the Development of Communication

College of Advertisers of Comunitat Valenciana

Dircom, Association of Communication Directors


Honor Committee

Sr. D.José Martí, presidente de la Excma. Diputación de Castellón

Sra. Dña. Tania Baños, diputada de deportes de la Excma. Diputación de Castellón

Dra. Dña Eva Alcón Soler, rectora de la Universitat Jaume I

Dr. Francisco Javier Vellón Lahoz, decano de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales

Dr. Javier Marzal Felici, director del departamento de ciencias de la comunicación


Scientific Comittee

Dr. Ángel Alloza, CorporateExcellence

Dr. Borja García, Loughborough University

Dr. Carlos de las Heras Pedrosa, Universidad de Málaga

Dr. Carlos Campos López, Universidad de Extremadura 

Dr. Carlos Fanjul Peyró, Universitat Jaume I de Castellón

Dra. Cristina González Oñate, Universitat Jaume I de Castellón

Dr. Daniel Zomeño Jiménez, Universitat Jaume I

Dra. Elizete de Azevedo Kreutz, Universidad de Univates

Dra. Elvira Antón Carrillo, Universitat Jaume I

Dra. Estela BernadMonferrer ,Universitat Jaume I

Dra. Eva Breva Franch, Universitat Jaume I

Dr. Emilio Fernández Peña, UAB-Centre d'EstudisOlímpics 

Dr. Fernando Olivares Delgado, Universidad de Alicante

Dr. Francisco Fenández Beltrán, Universitat Jaume I

Dr. Francisco Javier Herrero Gutiérrez, Universidad de Salamanca

Dr. Guillermo Sanahuja Peris, Universitat Jaume I

Dr. José Fernández Cavia, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona)

Dra. Olga Kolotouchkina, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Dra. Rocío Blay Arráez, Universitat Jaume I

Dr. Santiago Mayorga Escalada, Universidad Isabel I España

Dra. Susana Miquel Segarra, Universitat Jaume I

Dr. Xavier Ginesta Portet, Universitat de Vic

Dra. Xelo Balado Albiol, Universitat Jaume I

Dr. Yiran Su, Universityof Georgia (USA)

D. Juan Carlos Barreda Cruselles, Universitat Jaume I

Dra. Lorena López Font, Universitat Jaume I

Dr. Javier Zamora, Universidad Internacional de Valencia

Dr. Juan Monserrat Gauchi, Universidad de Alicante

Dra. Magdalena Florek, FoundingMemberof the Board and EducationDirectorof IPBA

Dra. Magda Mut Camacho, Universitat Jaume I

Dra. Maria Carmen Jambrino Maldonado, Universidad de Málaga.

Dra. María Pallarés Renau,Universitat Jaume I de Castellón

Dra. Mª Teresa Benlloch Osuna, Universitat Jaume I


Academic direction

Dr. Guillermo Sanahuja Peris, Universitat Jaume I

Dra. Rocío Blay Arráez, Universitat Jaume I

Dra. Mª Teresa Benlloch Osuna, Universitat Jaume I


Organizing Committee

Engagement and Communication (Encom) research group of the Universitat Jaume I

Department of Communication Sciences of the Universitat Jaume I

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