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Cursos de Formación FUE-UJI


From 12/09/2023
to 30/11/2023

150 Credits




This program is important and relevant as all general dentists do clinical Endodontics. Almost every such practitioners are searching for a refined course in Endodontics. Hence the necessity is very high and this program helps to meet all such needs.


Duration: 150 hours (15 ECTS credits)

Modality:  Blended

Date and time: The Schedule will be informed by the course director after registration.

This course will take place in India 

Contact phone: 

Spain +964 38 72 09/12

India +91 8095253300 (WhatsApp)

Title / Diploma obtained:  Continuous training by the Universitat Jaume I



All the students will have to have a dentist's degree 


  • To provide an innovative program which enhances current knowledge and clinical skills in Endodontics.
  • To present sound academic theory and high-quality practical training by mentors.
  • To provide students with the confidence and ability to enhance their clinical practice by incorporating the latest advances in technology and research in the field of Endodontics.
  • To deliver learning using the latest skills and technology enabling students to access the course, while maintaining their commitment to their clinical practice. 



Core and Applied Science

  • Introduction to subject and course
  • Standard Documentation of Cases
  • Style Italiano Protocol and Ppt
  • Photography Orientation in General and Endodontics
  • Biostatistics and Research Methodology
  • Dental pulp and Periradicular tissues
  • Embryology
  • Anatomy
  • Preoperative interpretation of endodontic anatomy
  • Microbiology and pathology of pulp and periradicular tissues
  • Communication, interpersonal skills and team leadership
  • Epidemiology
  • Diagnosis & Treatment planning in Endodontics
  • Sedation, local and general anaesthesia
  • Radiology in endodontics
  • Pre - restoration in endodontics
  • Access cavity in primary and retreatment cases
  • Guided Endodontics
  • Isolation
  • Endodontic instruments
  • Cross infection and Sterilization
  • Endomotors


Clinical and Practical Endodontic Procedures

  • Diagnosis and management of orofacial pain, psychogenic pain and TMD
  • Pharmacology and therapeutics
  • Endodontics in children (primary teeth and immature permanent teeth)
  • Glide path
  • Working length determination and apex locators
  • Shaping (various file systems)
  • Intracanal medicaments
  • Irrigating solutions and activation
  • Complications related to irrigation
  • Sealers
  • Obturation
  • Management of procedural errors
  • Perforation and Apical plug MTA
  • External and internal resorptions
  • Vital pulp therapy
  • Management of Broken Instruments
  • Management of Ledges
  • Regenerative Endodontics
  • Microscopes in dentistry and Microscope photography



  • Microsurgery
  • Case Selection and Removal of gutta percha, posts or other filling material during retreatments
  • Disassembly with How to Treat Calcifications and Missed Canals
  • Ultrasonics in Endodontics


Allied Topics

  • Endodontic Management of Traumatized Tooth
  • Reimplantation
  • Treatment of Discoloured Teeth
  • Post and Core
  • Periodontics in relation to endodontics
  • Prosthodontics in relation to endodontics
  • Review and Maintenance Procedures



  • Online 6-month diploma course by Universitat Jaume I
  • 55 lectures with 15 demonstrations
  • 2 day-hands-on course in India. (stay & travel at own cost)
  • Review Paper Discussions
  • Case Presentations and Discussion
  • Minimum 12 unique clinical case presentations by students with detailed discussion
  • Theory presentations by students
  • Continued support in clinical Endodontics
  • Small online exit examination



The course will be carried out mainly through theoretical classes. Candidates can opt for hands on sessions with the faculty if desired. Submission of 12 Finished cases with complete documentation is required for receiving the Diploma.



The course will be evaluated by taking an online exam and presenting cases by the students.



Dr. Raúl Izquierdo Escrig - Director

Department of Industrial Systems and Design

BSc. Jaume I University (Chemical Engineering)

MSc. Polythecnic Univ. of Valencia (Chemistry-Physics of Polymers).

PhD. Jaume I University (Porous Polymeric Biomaterials).

His research activity is mainly related to the design and development of novel materials and/or processing routes, useful in fields like biomedical devices.

Dr. Julio José Suay Antón - Associate Director

Industrial Engineer, PhD. In Engineering, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. 

Full Professor of the Universitat Jaume I. Coordinator and director of PIMA, Polymers and Advanced Materials research group, taking part in the researches of the Biomaterials Center.

His research is mainly focused in the field of implantology: the development of functional coatings for biomedical applications (dental implants), research in implants osteointegration by proteomics, design of new adjustements and threatments to avoid perimplantitis.

Head of GMI-Ilerimplant Dental Science chair since 2017.

Dr.  Ajay Bajaj – Endodontics Course Director 

Prof. Dr. Ajay Bajaj completed Masters in Endodontics and Conservative Dentistry in 2002. 
He is the the Course Director at Universitat Jaume 1, Spain for Endodontics and founder of Euro Dental Academie. He has 2 decades of clinical experience and done close to 400 lectures, courses, webinars and more than 60 live procedures across the globe including single sitting root canal treatment, separated instrument management, retreatment and intentional replantation. 
He has clinical experience of more than 30,000 rcts in 20 years. He has written many original articles in various journals and has been inventor of original techniques and equipments. He is the jury to various Dental Awards since 7 years. 
Dentistry is his passion! 

Dr. Fabio Gorni

Head of the Micro Endodontic Surgery Course- Dental School - University Vita Salute San Raffaele - Milan Head of the Peri-oral Aesthetics Course - Dental School - University Vita Salute San Raffaele - Milan Founder of STYLE ITALIANO ENDODONTICS Past President of ltalian Society of Endodontics Private practice in Milan – ltaly.

Graduated from the Milan Dental School in 1984. Visiting professor for the dept of Endodontics of the S. Paolo Hospital in Milano.

lnternational lecturer, he has published scientific papers on national and international journals and scientific videos. He has written chapters for 5 different endodontics books and is the author of an international book on retreatment. He is one of the top recognized experts in the world on the recovery of compromised teeth and micro-endodontic surgery. An innovator in Endodontics field and micro dentistry.

Dr. Filippo Cardinali

Graduate in Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis at the University of Ancona in 1992.

Active Member of the Italian Society of Endodontics. Certified Member of the European Society of Endodontology. Associate Member American Association of Endodontists.

Gold Member of Styleitaliano Endodontics. Co-author of the book "Manuale di Endodonzia" published by Elsevier Masson Italy in 2013. Co-author of the iBook "The Isolation Game" published in Apple iBook Stores Co-author of the book "Ritrattamenti: soluzioni per le patologie apicali di origine endodontica" published by EDRA in 2018.Lecturer in theoretical and practical courses on subjects related to the isolation of the operative field and endodontics, has participated as a speaker at courses and conferences in Italy and abroad.

Private practice, concentrating mainly in Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry and author of publications on journals of National and International Sector.

Dr. Mohammad Hammo

Dr. Mohammad Hammo Graduated from Jordan University in 1992 (BDS), and continued his higher education in Endodontics in saint Joseph University in Lebanon 2001 ( DESE).

Dr. Hammo has been lecturing locally and globally (more than 120 international conferences). He has publications in different scientific journals. He owns the Hammo Endodontic Clinics in Amman; additionally, he is a consultant endodontist in Qatar.

He is the former president of Scientific Committee of Jordan Dental Association, and also, he is serving as the director of Endodontic Program in British Academy of Implant and Restorative Dentistry (BAIRDS). 

Dr. Riccardo Tonini

D.D.S. M.Sc graduated from dental school of University of Brescia (Italy) at 2004.

At 2007 he carried out his Master degree from university of Verona (Italy) in Endodontics. His scientific work includes publications, continuous participations in National and International meetings and teaching experience in Italy (university of Brescia).

Since 2010 he is an active member of the Italian Society of Endodontics and the Italian Society of Microscopic dentistry. He is also a member of Style Italiano study club.

He is the inventor of ProTrain 8 and has collaborated for several other innovations in dental industry.

Dr Tonini maintains Private Practice limited in Endodontics for the last five years in Brescia, Italy.

Dr. Mohamad Zaafrany

Dr. Mohamad Zaafrany graduated from Mansoura university - Egypt in 2003. From 2007 his practice is committed to Endodontics.

He practiced as Endodontist in advanced speciality dental center in MOH - Saudi Arabia from 2008 to 2017.

He won the award of best Endodontic case of the year 2016 contest by SIE "1st place".

He is KOL for DentSply Sirona Endodontics. KOL for Zumax Medical Dr. Mohamad Zaafrany CO. KOL for Tehnodent CO. He is also Official DSD team member.

Head of Endodontic department - Hala Dental Center - Mansoura, Egypt. He is a Gold member of Styleitaliano Endodontics.

Dr. Marc Kaloustian

Dr Marc Kaloustian completed his DDS degree from the Saint Joseph University of Beirut in 1999.

He then obtained a Certificate in Advanced Education in General Dentistry from Boston University, Goldman School of Dental Medicine in 2000.

He pursued a Masters in Endodontics, Masters in Biomaterials and obtained his PhD in 2020 from the Saint Joseph University, Lebanon with honors. He is currently a senior lecturer at the Department of Endodontology at the Saint Joseph University Dental School, Lebanon where he supervises undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Dr Kaloustian is an active member of the Lebanese Society of Endodotology and co-organizer of many international endodontic meetings.

He is also a silver member of Style Italiano Endodontics, an international lecturer with many publications in indexed journals. Dr Kaloustian has a private practice in Beirut limited to Endodontics.

Dr. Marc Habib

Doctor Marc Habib did his undergrad studies in Dentistry at the Saint Joseph University of Beirut and graduated with honors, he was awarded the Zareh Ouzounian prize of Endodontics in 2004.

Doctor Habib then did his post grad studies in Endodontics and graduated in 2007 with a Masters Specialization in Endodontics followed by a Masters in Biomaterials of the oral Cavity at the Saint Joseph University as well. Since 2006 until now he has been a Clinical Assistant teaching undergraduates at the endodontics department.

He is as well a Senior Lecturer giving courses in the Endodontic University Diploma program at Saint Joseph University. He is the Treasurer of Lebanese Society of Endodontology, member of the European Society of Endodontology and member of the SIE (ltalian Society of Endodontics).

Since 2009 he has been a member of the organizing committee for the annual international meeting of the Lebanese Society of Endodontology. Gold Member at the Style Italiano Endodontics group. Speaker at numerous conferences and workshops in Lebanon and abroad. Dr. Habib limits his practice to endodontics in his private office at Beirut Endodontic Clinic.

Dr. Harsh Haren Shah

Dr. Harsh Haren Shah (MDS) completed his Masters in Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics. He is an accredited member of the Indian Academy of Aesthetic and Cosmetic Dentistry.

His areas of special interest include aesthetic dentistry, surgical endodontics, MTA, photography and multi-disciplinary dentistry. Dr. Harsh delivers lectures and conducts workshops on various topics of endodontics, post and core, partial indirect restorations and porcelain laminate veneers at various local, National and International platforms.

He is a Director of the Board of IAACD and a committee member of other local associations.

He has authored and co-authored several publications in various national and international journals on topics of endodontics and aesthetic dentistry.

Dr. Garima Poddar

Dr. Garima Poddar, completed her graduation from B.V.P. Dental College & Hospital, Pune, India in 2005. She has received fellowship from the prestigious lnternational college of dentists. She practices microscope enhanced dentistry routinely at her center & has a clinical experience of 16 years. At present, she is a senior consultant in the dental department of Shanti Memorial Super Specialty Hospital, Cuttack, Odisha. 

She is a certified silver member of Style Italiano Endodontics. She is a key opinion leader far Micro mega (France), Meta Biomed, (Korea), Bombay Dental & Surgical Pvt. Ltd. (India). 

Recently she was declared winner of Famdent Outstanding dentist of the year award far 2021. She also won, Famdent special jury award in the category of outstanding dentist of the year far 2019. 

She has delivered keynote lectures at many reputed national and international platfarms. She has keen interest in sharing her endodontic experiences with budding dentists, & routinely conducts workshops far the same. She is closely associated with NGO's, dedicated to cleft lip and cleft palate. 

Dr. Ahmed Shawky

Dr. Ahmed Shawky graduated in the faculty of dentistry, Cairo university in 2005 with honors. He was appointed as a Resident in the department of endodontics in 2007 after the internship training. Dr Ahmed obtained his master's degree in Endodontics in 2012 after which he was appointed as an assistant lecturer in the faculty endodontic department. In 2017, he obtained his PhD Degree and he is now a senior lecturer "Associate professor" at the department of Endodontics, Cairo University.

Dr. Ahmed has published researches in international journals (International Endodontic Journal, EC Dental Sciences) in the field of regenerative endodontics which have been cited in many literatures. He has co-authored a community article with the iconic Dr. Stephen Cohen about root resorption in dentistry today.

Dr. Ahmed's practice is limited to ENDODONTICS with more than 13 years of clinical experience.

Dr. Ahmed is a silver certified member in Style Italiano Endodontics, Opinion leader for many international companies. He conducted more than 40 certified and accredited continuing education courses in endodontics, both nationally and internationally. His international participation in international conferences surpassed 20 specialized and non-specialized congresses.

Dr. Ahmed Alwaidh

Dr. Ahmed Alwaidh has MSc in Endodontics from King's College London. He obtained his BDS by College of Dentistry, University of Baghdad, 2008. 

Dr. Alwaidh is a certified Silver Member of the Style Italiano Endodontics group. He is a key opinion leader and lnternational speaker at Fanta Dental. He is also scientific advisor at Teimdent Oy, Finland. 

Dr. Alwaidh is based in Dubai, UAE, and his work is committed mostly to microscopic Endodontics and restoration of endodontically treated teeth. 

Dr. Alwaidh has conducted many courses and workshops in Endodontics both locally and internationally. He is a member of the the lraqi Dental Association, the British Endodontic Society (BES), and the European Society of Endodontology (ESE).

Dr. Meghal Shah. Clinical Coordinator

Dr Meghal has been appointed as Clinical Co-ordinator for Diploma in Endodontics program at Universitat Jaume 1, Spain. 

He graduated with BDS degree from Dr. D.Y.Patil Dental College & Hospital, Pune in 2007. He further Pursued his Fellowship In Endodontics. He maintains Microscope Enhanced Dental Practice in Mumbai. 

With Keen interest in Endodontics and Restorations, he has delivered Lectures and Conducted Workshops for the same in National Conferences. 



1000 €


  • Scanned pages of  1st and last pages of Passprt.

  • Scanned copy of Dental Degree Certificate 

  • Payment receipt

Account number to make the
                                        deposit : (name, surname and course) ES64 2100-4236-14-2200003795 (La Caixa)

How and where do you have to deliver the documentation?

1. In person at the FUE-UJI in Castellón (Universitat Jaume I)
2. Via email at formacion@fue.uji.es
3. Via fax at 964 387010

More information
Fundación Universitat Jaume I-Empresa
Training Department
Telephone: 964 387 222/12
Fax. 964 387 010
Emails: formacion@fue.uji.es

FUE-UJI Trustees
companies and entities

Contact with us
we help you find what you need

Carmen Guía

Phone: 964 38 72 16

Silvia Membrilla

Phone: 964 38 72 09
WhatsApp: 648126119

Andrea Navarro

Phone: 964 38 72 12
WhatsApp: 648126119

Reyes Riera

Phone: 964 38 72 10


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