Master of Lifelong Learning in English Language and Literature and their Artistic and Cultural Expressions
Mixed Classroom
From 27/10/2023
to 08/03/2024
60 Credits
MELART has been created to respond to a series of needs and knowledge spaces that contribute to the training of graduates in English Studies or people with similar profiles. The main objective is to review and further explore aspects that establish connections between linguistic, literary, artistic and cultural expressions in English, thereby contributing to the education not only of people interested in receiving training in the area, but also of practising teachers and professionals who will update their knowledge and have access to materials that they will be able to implement in their professional field.
Duration: one academic year / 60 ECTS credits
Mode of study: hybrid
Dates: from October 2023 to March 2024.
Days and hours: Monday and Wednesday 16.00–20.00
Place: FUE-UJI. Board of Trustees building. Campus del Riu Sec Castelló de la Plana. (see map)
Qualification awarded: UJI-specific master’s degree
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The master’s degree course, which is delivered in a blended (hybrid) learning format, will be structured on the basis of theoretical-practical sessions that will combine the introduction of key concepts and the analysis of texts by the teachers, who will act as learning facilitators, and seminars in which the active participation of the students through debates will be fundamental for the construction of knowledge. Thus, a schedule of face-to-face sessions will be planned, ensuring there is sufficient time between them to allow students to carry out a detailed reading and analysis of the texts or materials that make up the syllabus.
In general terms, assessment will take into account attendance and active participation in the sessions and will be carried out through oral presentations, written academic assignments, or other tools the teacher deems appropriate and will communicate to the students through the established channels.
Given that a C1 level in English is a minimum requirement for admission and entry to this master’s degree course, the level of language used in the oral presentation and in the written assignments will obviously have an impact on the final mark. In fact, if the English used in the oral presentation and written assignments contains phonetic, syntactic, grammatical or spelling mistakes that actually affect and hinder the understanding of the intended message, the student will fail the module.
The different subjects covered in the modules are distributed over the two semesters, with the weight of these subjects being somewhat greater in the first semester, in order to facilitate the completion of the Master's Thesis, which usually requires more dedication in the middle and final stages.
Each module will introduce concepts that relate English language and literature to English culture and its expression through art.
The master’s degree course is made up of the following modules:
The blended learning sessions of the master's degree will take place from October 3, 2023 to March 8, 2024, and will be held on Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings.
Senior lecturer UJI (Dept. of English Studies) / 3 credits
Senior lecturer UJI (Dept. of English Studies) / 6 credits
Senior lecturer UJI (Dept. of English Studies) / 1.5 credits
Senior lecturer UJI (Dept. of English Studies) / 3 credits
Senior lecturer UJI (Dept. of English Studies) / 6 credits
Senior lecturer UJI (Dept. of English Studies) / 6 credits
Senior lecturer UJI (Dept. of English Studies) / 6 credits
Senior lecturer UJI (Dept. of English Studies) / 4.5 credits
Postdoctoral Assistant Lecturer UJI (Dept. of English Studies) / 6 credits
Predoctoral trainee staff (Dept. of English Studies) / 1.5 credits
Predoctoral trainee UJI staff (Dept. of English Studies) / 1.5 credits
Adjunct lecturer UJI (Dept. of English Studies) / 1.5 credits
Adjunct lecturer UJI (Dept. of English Studies) / 1.5 credits
Francisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez
FULL PROFESSOR. Professor Ruiz de Mendoza is a full professor with an extensive and recognised teach and research career. He has led six national research projects and has supervised 15 doctoral theses. He heads the international research group Lexicom, and his CV includes more than 160 articles published in prestigious journals. He has also co-edited 8 books and authored 7 others and has been invited to present his research on numerous occasions at universities around the world.
INTERIM CONTRACT LECTURER. Professor Adriana Taboada currently teaches and researches at the University of Vigo. As an expert on Tolkien's literature, she has undertaken several stays, including one as a guest at Oxford University, working with Stuart Lee, one of the most renowned specialists in this author. Her field of specialisation is highly relevant to the module, as she is one of the most important specialists in the analysis of the visual and artistic elements of the author, a subject she has dealt with in a number of publications in renowned journals and publishing houses.
The master’s degree course also features collaborators of recognised repute, who will bring an additional degree of experience and internationalisation to the programme. Among them will be Professor Jeremy J. Smith (University of Glasgow), Emma Nudding (University of York) or, at the national level, professor Jorge Luis Bueno, of the University of Vigo. A number of professionals from different fields of art will also collaborate.
*Note: The teaching staff of the course is subject to changes.
€1056 (€300 to reserve a place + €756 remaining registration fees)
Special rate for SAUJI Premium members. To qualify for this rate, please select it when you register. Check requirements and conditions
Students wishing to enrol on this master's degree course must pay the €300 required to reserve a place on the course into the account below and fill in the "Registration Form".
Account no.: ES64- 2100-4236-14-2200003795 (Bank: La Caixa)
Payment of the remaining registration fees
1. Direct deposit/bank transfer: Account number: ES64-2100-4236-14-2200003795 (Bank: La Caixa)
2. Direct debit: Together with the documents that are required for registration, you must also provide a bank account number so that direct debit payment can be made at the beginning of the course.
3. Personalised sources of financing are available
The workload of university master’s degrees is between 60 and 120 European credits (one or two academic years) and must have official accreditation from the Spanish Ministry of Education. They are recognised throughout the European Union without any further formalities, so they allow for mobility between countries
UJI-specific master’s degrees accredit a university training cycle at postgraduate, non-doctoral level. They comprise a minimum of 60 credits
At Fundación Universitat Jaume I-Empresa
Departamento de Formación - Silvia Membrilla
Edificio Consejo Social.
Campus Riu Sec. Universitat Jaume I.
12071 Castellón de la Plana.
Teléfono: (+34) 964 387 209/22.
Pre-registration and registration take place in June/July (first period) or September/October (second period). Pre-registration can be completed online from the section under that name on each course’s website. For registration, you must submit the documents required and make the payment for the course
In addition to the application for admission, you must submit two copies of your degree certificate; transcript of records; CV; two photos; two copies of your ID document (DNI, NIE or passport); proof of payment of the reservation fee (€ 300). Documents can be submitted in person at the FUE offices or sent by e-mail to
If your qualification has not been officially recognised by the Spanish government, the decision on admission is up to the course director(s).
All face-to-face master’s courses take place in the Board of Trustees building of the Universitat Jaume I, on the Riu Sec Campus
Full payment must be made before the start of the course. The admission fee must be paid at the time of pre-registration.
Yes, class attendance is compulsory and will be monitored at the beginning of each class. Students are allowed to miss up to 20% of the face-to-face hours taught in the course
This will be left to the course directors’ discretion. In general, undergraduate students who have fewer than 30 ECTS credits left to complete their degree (including the Bachelor’s Thesis) are eligible for admission. However, those students will not be issued any certificates or be awarded the master’s degree until they obtain their undergraduate degree
Professionals from the sector who do not hold a university degree are eligible for admission if they accredit sufficient professional experience (at least three years) as managers or employees at companies or institutions related to the field of study
Yes, the Master’s Thesis is part of the programme and the final subject you must complete in order to obtain the Master’s Degree
Yes, as long as it is contemplated in the course curriculum. Work placements tend to be an additional training supplement to academic contents, so it is not always necessary for students enrolled on a programme to undertake one.
Subject credits are based on the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). They are used to measure the workload of university studies. One ECTS credit corresponds to 25 hours of work.
Depending on each master’s course, you may be offered the possibility of taking up a subject you have not passed at the first attempt. At the beginning of each master’s course, you will be informed about the assessment tests that there will be in the academic year. You must pass all the subjects of the course in order to obtain the degree.
It is an online platform where you can find all the material needed to study the course and which can be accessed throughout the academic year with the username you will be given once you have registered.
Official certificates for UJI-specific degree are issued by the Rector of the Universitat Jaume I.
The fees for issuance of the degree certificate, through which the Universitat Jaume I accredits completion of the course, are not covered by the registration fee
If you wish to cancel your registration, you have the option of requesting your withdrawal by communicating it 10 calendar days before the start of the course. You can do so by sending an email to with the subject CANCELLATION REQUEST
If you do not cancel registration or do so in less than 10 calendar days, the amount of the training will not be refunded. The organization reserves the right to cancel or change the date of the activity. In the event of cancellation of the activity, the registration fee will be refunded.
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