Máster Dental Science
Mixed Classroom
From 19/10/2018
to 18/09/2020
1260 hours
Sorry this content is only available in Spanish. Translation coming soon
The main objective of the Master’s Degree in Dental Science is to train specialists in dentistry and, particularly, the branches of implantology, neuromuscular dentistry and orthodontics. It has an international outlook, so it sets out to meet the demands of students from a variety of geographical locations (particularly, Asia and Latin America). Thus, a blended-learning programme has been designed in which theory is taught online and internships are offered in prestigious centres in the students’ home countries.
The demand for high-quality and specialised training offered by world-renowned universities such as the Universitat Jaume I (which is one of the top 500 in world rankings) is increasing among dentistry professionals. Additionally, they demand training that enables them to undertake doctoral studies.
The programme is taught by internationally-renowned specialised lecturers.
It has a multidisciplinary approach, since its lecturers comprise professionals from a wide variety of fields, such as engineering, biomedicine and, of course, clinical specialists.
Collaborating entities:
Admission to the course will be decided on by the course directors based on the evaluation of the candidates’ CVs, taking mainly into account their professional careers (qualifications, years of experience, research activity).
general information
Duration: 126 ECTS credits – two academic years
Delivery mode: blended. Theory will be taught online, while internship will require the student's attendance (on-site).
Dates: from 19 October 2018 to 18 September 2020
Contact phone number: +34 964 38 72 09/22
Qualification / Diploma obtained: UJI-specific master's degree
The objective of the master's degree course is to offer dentists, preferably with clinical experience, specific training in dental science.
Another objective of the course will be to ensure its graduates acquire a set of generic as well as specific competences within the field of dentistry. One aspect that can be highlighted among the specific competences is that of offering students basic training that enables them to improve their ability to carry out diagnoses and to plan the respective treatments.
Credits are distributed as shown in the table above, where it can be seen that the course is made up of 17 compulsory subjects (58 ECTS credits), 16 optional subjects (18 ECTS credits), 3 internships (30 ECTS credits) and 1 master's thesis (20 ECTS credits).
The first academic year will consist of 66 ECTS credits and the second will have a total of 60. During the first year there will be a greater number of compulsory subjects (58 ECTS credits) with only 7 optional ECTS credits and an internship worth 7 ECTS credits. In the second year there will be only 6 compulsory credits but 11 optional credits, internships will account for 23 ECTS credits and the master's thesis will be worth 20 ECTS credits.
Each student will have to choose one of the three specialisations offered. Subjects from different specialisations cannot be combined.
Compulsory subjects:
Semester I
Anatomy of Orofacial Structures: a comprehensive Approach (3 ECTS credits)
Embryonic Development of the Face and the Oral Cavity (2 ECTS credits)
Oral Histology (5.5 ECTS credits)
Applied Physiology & Nutrition (5 ECTS credits)
Biomechanics (5 ECTS credits)
Applied Oral Pathology (3 ECTS credits)
Osseointegration (4.5 ECTS credits)
Microbiology (1.5 ECTS credits)
Semester II
Biomaterials (5.5 ECTS credits)
New Therapies for Osseointegration (1.5 ECTS credits)
Biochemistry (2 ECTS credits)
Biostatistics (1.5 ECTS credits)
Research Methodolog(3 ECTS credits)
Genetic Growth and Development (2 ECTS credits)
Diagnosis and Therapy in Patients with Sleep Apnoea (1 ECTS credit)
Dental Science Seminars I (6 ECTS credits)
Optional subjects of the Implantology specialisation:
Semester II
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning (2 ECTS credits)
Basic Science and Fundamentals of Implantology (1.5 ECTS credits)
Sterilisation and Asepsis (2 ECTS credits)
Implantology Procedures (1.5 ECTS credits)
Optional subjects of the Orthodontics specialisation:
Semester II
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics I (7 ECTS credits)
Optional subjects of the Neuromuscular specialisation:
Semester II
Neuromuscular I (7 ECTS credits)
Internship subjects.
Semester II
Internship I (7 ECTS credits).
Compulsory subjects:
Semester I
Dental Science Seminars II (6 ECTS credits)
Optional subjects of the Implantology specialisation:
Semester I
Clinical Aspects of Implantology (2 ECTS credits)
Legal Aspects in Medicine and Consent (2 ECTS credits)
Bio-Regeneration using Different Techniques and Materials (2 ECTS credits)
Guided Tissue Regeneration (5 ECTS credits)
Optional subjects of the Orthodontics specialisation:
Semester I
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics II (4 ECTS credits)
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics III (1.25 ECTS credits)
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics IV (5.75 ECTS credits)
Optional subjects of the Neuromuscular specialisation:
Semester I
Neuromuscular II (4 ECTS credits)
Multidisciplinary Approach in Neuromuscular Orthodontics (5 ECTS credits)
Science of Craniofacial Pain/Orofacial Pain/TMD (2 ECTS credits)
Internship subjects:
Semester I
Internship II (13 ECTS credits).
Semester II
Internship III (10 ECTS credits)
Master's thesis (MT)
Semester II
Master's Thesis (20 ECTS credits)
Individual tutorials
If you want make an appointment for an individual tutorial with the director of the master's degree, you can do so by sending an e-mail to formacion@fue.uji.es.
Dr. Julio José Suay Antón
Industrial Engineer, PhD. In Engineering, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
Full Professor of the Universitat Jaume I. Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Design.
Established Medco (spin-off company of the University of Castellon) engaged in the development of anticorrosive pigments and coatings formulation.
Coordinator and director of PIMA, Polymers and Advanced Materials research group, taking part in the researches of the Biomaterials Center.
His research is mainly focused in three fields: the development of functional coatings for biomedical applications (dental implants), research in implants osteointegration by proteomics and the use of electrochemistry as a tool for formulating anticorrosive pigments.
Head of GMI-Ilerimplant Dental Science chair since 2017.
Dra. Cristina Martínez Ramos
Adjunct Lecturer in the Department of Neurobiotechnology Of the Universitat Jaume I. Graduated in Biology. PhD in Medicine from the University of Valencia.
BsC. Biological Science, PhD. Otoneuroopthalmology Surgery, PhD. Medicine, Universidad de Valencia.
Senior Research Technician and Associate Professor in department of Center for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering at Polytechnic University of Valencia.
Worked as an associate professor at the University San Pablo. Taught in the Master of Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology Biomedical at the Polytechnic University of Valencia.
Participating in a company based on biotechnology as a partner "Nerve Biomed, S.L.", founded in the year 2016.
D. Francisco Olucha Bordonau
Doctor in Biological Sciences, University of Valencia.
Professor of Morphological Sciences and Professor of Anatomy and Human Embryology at the Jaume I University.
Training venues at New York University, Florida Atlantic University and Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health at the University of Melbourne.
Specialist in Neuroanatomy, developed the research work on peptidergic control of emotional and cognitive behavior.
Member of the Council of the Mediterranean Neuroscience Society and promoter of the Euromediterranean Master in Neuroscience and Biotechnology.
Authored more than 16 Scientific publications and 2 book chapters.
D. Francisco Ros
BsC. Biochemistry, PhD. Neurosciences from University of Murcia.
Assistant Professor at Universitat Jaume I in Deparment of Medicine.
Member of the Neurobiotechnology research group of the Universitat Jaume I of Castellón, centered in the role of peptides of the insulin family on the behaviour and development of brain in Alzheimer’s disease.
Author of more than 17 research articles, 40 communications and 5 book chapters in his area of study.
Collaborative researcher in about 11 research projects between the University of Murcia and the Universitat Jaume I.
D. Víctor Roda Casanova
BSc., MsC., PhD., Universitat Jaume I.
Member of the Gear Transmissions Research Group (GITE) of the Jaume I University.
Fellow member of the Spanish Association of Mechanical Engineers.
Visiting researcher at the Mechanics of Materials and Structures research group of the University of Glasgow.
D. José Vicente García
-Bsc., Msc., PhD Universitat de Valencia
-Assistant Professor in Department of Mechanical Engineering at Universitat Jaume I
-Member of the Gear Transmissions Research Group (GITE) of the Jaume I University
-Fellow member of the Spanish Association of Mechanical Engineers
-Visiting researcher at the Mechanics of Materials and Structures research group at the University of Glasgow
Dña. Ana Piquer
MsC. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia; PhD. In Industrial Engineering, Universitat Jaume I.
Associated Professor in Department of Mechanical Engineering at Universitat Jaume I.
Head of the Bachelor’s Degree in engineering and Industrial Technology since April 2014.
Former coordinator in the Industrial Engineering during the Bolonia process since September of 2007 to July of 2011.
Former secretary of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Construction from September of 2011 to April of 2012.
Investigation centered in Computer Graphics and she participates in research projects about and application of human perception in 3D Reconstruction.
D. Nuno Araújo-Gomes
BsC. Biology, MsC. Cellular and Molecular Biology, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal.
Cellular and Molecular Biologist in department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Design at Universitat Jaume I.
Member of the PIMA research group of the Universitat Jaume I of Castellón (Spain).
Experience & Publications in the areas of Microbiology and Ecotoxicology.
Former scholarship holder of a Santíago Grísolia grant scholarship of the Valencian Community (Spain).
Finishing his PhD thesis in Osteoimmunology and Proteomics in the Biomaterials research line, with several published studies.
D. Jorge García Cañadas
PhD in Applied Physical Chemistry, Universitat Jaume I (Castellón).
Ramón y Cajal fellow at the Universitat JaumeI in Castellon (Spain) in the Polymers and Advanced Materials Research Group, leading the research line in thermoelectricity, mainly focusing on the development of characterization methods and the pioneering study of hybrid solid-liquid thermoelectric systems.
R&D Manager by the spin-off company Xop Física S.L, to lead the development of new semiconductor-based moisture, conductivity and temperature sensors.
Torres Quevedo fellowship and led several industrial projects.
In 2011 he joined Cardiff University where he was involved in the fabrication of thermoelectric modules for high temperature energy harvesting applications, the discovery of new thermoelectric materials by high-throughput methods, and the development ofnew characterization techniques for thermoelectric materials and devices.
Participation in one national and three European projects.
Co-inventor of two patents, author of more than 40 articles in international journals, 2 book chapters, and has co-supervised 3 PhD theses. He has also participated in different European and national projects (principal investigator in 2 national projects) and in several contracts with companies.
D. José Gamez
MsC. Chemistry, University of Valencia; Engineer Chemistry, University Louis Pasteur; MsC. Chemistry of molecular and macromolecular materials University Louis Pasteur; PhD. Technical University of Catalonia.
Assistant Professor in department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Design at Universitat Jaume I.
Coordinator of the EURUJI double degree program and “High Academic Performance” group of the ESTCE (2011-2015).
Co-Coordinator of the PIMA research group of the University Jaume I of Castellón.
D. Raúl Izquierdo
PhD. In, Universitat Jaume I, Vice-director of the Technology and Experimental Sciences School , Universitat Jaume I.
Associate Professor in department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Design at Universitat Jaume I.
Exchange student and strategic coordinator for the same school.
Multiple participations in book chapters and scientific articles.
Co-coordinator of the PIMA research group at the Universitat Jaume I, which has resulted in collaboration in multiple projects, in particular with the director of the Dental Science Master director, Dr.Julio Suay.
D. Francisco Romero Gavilán
Chemical Engineer, MsC. of Science Technology and Applications of Ceramic Materials, Universitat Jaume I.
Chemical Engineer in department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Design at Universitat Jaume I.
Started as a researcher through a fellow collaboration of the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain, followed by various research grants in the Department of Engineering in Industrial Systems and Design, working in the same university, where he acquired experience in the development of biomaterials and respective characterization techniques.
Research activity focused on the surface modification of dental implant through osteoinductive coatings and the development of new methodologies for biomaterial designing, based on the study of implant-tissue interactions using proteomics.
D. Aurelio Gómez
MsC., PhD.; Universidad de Valencia.
Full time Professor in Agricultural and Natural Sciences Department at Universitat Jaume I.
Director of Departament “Ciencias Agrarias y del Medio Natural de la Universitat Jaume I” (2006-2010).
“Coordinator in UniversitatJaume I of the intercenter master in “Biología Molecular, Celular y Genética” (2007-2012).
President of the Spanish Society of Plant Physiologists (2013-2017).
Associate editor of the journal “Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research”.
D. Conrado Martínez
BsC. Medicine, Universidad de Navarra; MsC.. Biological Sciences, University of Oregon; PhD. Human Genetics, University of Oxford, UK.
Lecturer in Department of Medicine at Universitat Jaume I.
M.D. in Human Genetics with know-how in the world of research, teaching, and professional clinical practice.
Periods as an assistant professor at the University of Oregon (USA) and as Tutor in Human Genetics at the University of Oxford (UK).
Worked for two years in a molecular biology laboratory in a public hospital performing genetic diagnostics tasks.
Worked for 7 years as a geneticist, consultant and trainer specialised in medical and attended a medical consultation of clinical genetics in a prestigious private hospital (Hospital Quiron Valencia) for 10 years.
Research is in the field of Human Pigmentation and Melanoma Genetics, with 17 published international scientific indexed articles.
D. Juan Vicente Sánchez
BsC. Medicine and Surgery, University of Valencia;
PhD. in Medicine, University of Alicante; MBA UNED.
Full time Professor of Physiology and Director of the Department of Medicine at Universitat Jaume I.
Fellow of the FECYT Scientific Council.
Co-founder of the Institute of Biomedical Technologies of Tenerife and the Mediterranean Foundation of Neuroscience.
President of the Ethic Committee of the Institute of Medical Sciences of Alicante.
Director of the entrepeneurship programs of the EOI (Escuela de Organización Industrial-Business School associated to the Spanish Ministry of Industry.
D. Maria Muriach
BsC. In Food Sciences, University of Valencia; PhD. Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU.
Assistant Professor at Deparment of Medicine, Universitat Jaume I.
Researcher focused on the study of oxidative stress as a pathophysiological mechanism in different diseases, especially those affecting the Central Nervous System.
Former full-time professor at the UCH-CEU (2006-2012).
Current PI of the research group “Neural Systems” in the Universitat Jaume I of Castellón.
Has 29 published articles in international journals, more than 20 of such journals being indexed in the ISI Web of Knowledge.
D. Victoria Valls
BsC. Biology (Biochemistry), University of Valencia; PhD. University of Valencia.
Associate Professor at Universitat Jaume I in Department of Medicine.
Assistant Professor of the 1st and 2nd cycle LRU (1996-1999); Interim Associated Professor of the Department of Biotechnology and Food Science – Faculty of Food Science and Technology – University of Valladolid and Burgos.
Evaluator of projects and products – Spanish Company of Penicillin and Antibiotics (CEPA) – Madrid (1997-1999).
Associated Professor (2011-2014) Polytechnic University of Valencia Higher Technical School of Agronomic and Natural Environment Engineering. FoodTechnology (Nutrition and Dietetics).
D. Luis Cabedo
BSc. Chemical Engineering; PhD., Universitat Jaume I.
Associate Professor in department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Design at Universitat Jaume I.
Has worked at the Novel Materials and Nanotechnology Lab of the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology - IATA, a centre of the Spanish National Research Council – CSIC.
Co-inventor of a patent in the above-related field and promoter of a spin-off (Nano biomatters).
Member of the "Royal Spanish Society of Physics and Chemistry (Polymers Group)".
Received the “Young Researchers Award” in the field of Engineering in 2010.
Dña. Iliana Recalde
Bsc. in Chemical Sciences and Master in Chemical-Physics of Polymers from Havana University, Cuba.
Ph.D. Valencia University; Spain (2002).
Has worked in different laboratories as researcher, on competitive projects, for both the public and private sectors, related with the use, development and characterization of polymeric materials for the pharmaceutical, electronics, aerospace and the packaging industry.
Has worked as Project Manager in national and European projects; as well has coordinated work groups for the execution of tasks in chemical laboratories.
Has worked as a professor in different universities (Course on Pedagogical Ability and Positive Evaluation: Assistant Professor).
Co-author of scientific publications in international journals and presentations in international congresses.
Dña. Ana Sánchez
BsC. in Biochemistry, Universidad de Valencia; MsC., University of Bristol, UK; PhD., University of Bristol, UK.
Titular Professor in deparment of Medicine at Universitat Jaume I.
Researcher CIBERDEM, Group D.J. Burks. Prince Felipe Research Center, 2008-2011.
Postdoctoral fellowship DJ Burks Group, Príncipe Felipe Research Center (CIPF), Valencia (Spain). 2006-2008. Studies of Insulin signaling in hippocampus. Implications in learning and memory.
Postdoctoral Group of Dr. Vicente Felipo, Príncipe Felipe Research Center (CIPF), Valencia (Spain). 2002-2005. Effects of ammonium on NMDA receptors in the cerebellum.
Marie Curie European Scholarship Award 2001. Department of Experimental Biomedical Sciences, University of Padua, Italy.
Dña. Carmen Cardá
BsC. Medicine, M.D. Medicine, BsC. Odontology, University of Valencia; PhD. In Odontology, University of Granada.
Full time Professor at Pathology Department, Universitat de Valencia.
Winner of PhD. Prize from the University of Valencia and Spanish National Prize from her Doctoral Thesis, based on a human tumor xenograft model in nude mice.
Participant in 20 research projects publicly funded.
Authored more than 100 publications in international scientific journals and 15 book chapters.
D. Enrique García Sorribes
BsC. Medicine and Surgery, Universidad de Valencia; M.D. in Stomatology University of Montpellier, France; MsC. In Implantology, University of Vitoria; PhD. Universitat Jaume I.
Founder & Dentist at García Sorribes Dental Clinic.
Named academic of the Royal Medicine Academy of Valencia (2015).
Vice President of continued formation courses of the General Council of Odontology and Stomatology of Spain.
Doctoral thesis: “Radiographic and clinic evaluation of 350 short implants in the atrophic superior and inferior maxillaries. 3 years retrospective study”.
D. Eduardo Maté
MSc. Implantology and Oral Surgery, Murcia University; University Expert Periodontology, Complutense University; MSc. Prosthodontics, Valencia University; MSc. Aesthetics, Esorib. NYU Spanish program, Universitary Expert Bone and Tissue Regeneration, UCAM. Murcia. Spain; PhD in Bone Regeneration and Implantology. Murcia University. Spain; Int. PhD in Biomaterials Engineering. Miguel Hernandez University. Elche. Spain.
ANECA. Full time Professor. Titular.
Extraordinary Professor of Biomaterials Engineering and Co Director of the Chair of Biomaterials Engineering. UCAM. Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia. Murcia. Spain.
Head of Oral Surgery and Implantology. Postgraduate and Dentistry Degree, UCAM. Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia. Murcia. Spain.
International Speaker in Implantology and Biomaterials.
85 International indexed papers.
Dña. Amparo Baiget
Chemist and I hold a PhD in Biomaterials , Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV).
Has research experience since 2003 in organic chemistry synthesis in Belgium. Two.
Focusing on the research in the area of regenerative medicine at the Center for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering (CBIT) at the Polytechnic University of Valencia.
Has experience in different subjects as polymers, cell biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, biotechnology and biomaterials, which I developed in different countries.
Her Doctoral Thesis is focused on the development of biomaterials for their use in the central nervous system regeneration.
Has worked at Histocell S.L. as manager of the area of Biomaterials, where she led the development and industrial scale-up of a sanitary product for wound care, helped with patent drafting and submission, and worked on the development of new biotechnological products.
Experienced researcher in management, execution and monitoring of competitive projects.
Dña. Isabel Goñi
Bsc., PhDin Chemistry, Basque Country University (UPV/EHU).
Full Professor of the Faculty of Chemistry and Polimers of the Basque Country University (San Sebastián).
Multiple research lines, in specific in the biomaterial drug delivery and development of new acrylic bone cements, with various directed PhD. thesis colaborations with important research groups.
Colaboration with the head of the Dental Science Master, Dr. Julio Suay, in the development of osteoinductive coatings, originating an European patent PCT W02013110843 licensed to Ilerimplant company, being currently on the clinical phase of an osteoinductive prototype.
Has participated in more than 40 projects R&D, more than 65 indexed publications of international journals and supervisor of 11 PhD. thesis.
D. Ahmed Halim Ayoub
DDS. Alexandria University; MsC. dental implantology, Seville University.
Implantologist at Egyptian Society of Oral Implantology.
Direction of dental implant Post-graduate training in the Egyptian Society of Oral Implantology, London oral restorative academy and London dental education services.
International speaker; presenter in international conferences and teaches in the UK, Europe and the Middle East.
Dña. Supriya Manvi
MsC., Rajiv Gandhi University; PhD, KLE UNIVERSITY, Belgaum, India.
Professor in department of Prosthodontics and Implantology at KLES Institute of Dental Sciences, Bangalore.
Certificate course in implantology (2006).
FICOI (2014).
Coordinator of more than 10 post-graduates.
Author of more than 30 research articles.
Member of organizations such as IPS (Indian Prosthodontic Society), ISOI, ICOI, IDA, IPH.
D. Porus Turner
MsC. Dental Surgery, Mumbai University; MsC. Oral Implantology, Goethe University.
Professor Emeritus in Prosthodontics and Implantology at A.B. Shetty Institute of Dental Sciences, NITTE University, Mangalore, India.
Past President and Accredited member of Indian Academy of Aesthetic and Cosmetic Dentistry.
Principal Faculty Dr. Turners’ Specialty (CDE) courses.
27 Original Publications.
Author of two books, one on Restorative dentistry and one on Oral Implantology.
Consultant to Bhabha Atomic Research Centre and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai India.
Accredited tutor for Master of Oral Implantology courses of Goethe University, Frankfurt Germany.
International Speaker on Restorative Dentistry and Oral Implantology.
D. Lalith Vivekananda
BDS, Bangalore University, India; MDS, PhD Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences.
Postgraduate teacher in department of Periodontology and Implantology at M.R. Ambedkar Dental College and Hospital.
Managing director of Pralash Dental & Medical Care, Bangalore.
Fellow of the Council of Independent Practitioners, life member of the Indian Society of Periodontology, Society of LASER Associations and Indian Dental Association.
Co-director of the Bangalore Academy of Periodontology.
Examiner of the Dental Council of India.
Special interest in the recent advances in regenerative sciences, stem cells and implants.
D. Ioannis P.Georgakopoulos
DDS, University of Athens; MsC. Laser and Oral Applications, University of Vienna, Austria;
MsC. Advances in Implantology, City Unity College, UK;
MBA, Athens University of Economics and Business;
MD & PhD, University of Patras Medical School, Greece.
Assistant Professor, University of Bari Medical School, Bari, Italy.
WAGro FSCD, World Academy of Growth Factors & Stem Cells in Dentistry, President.
BPP University, School of Health, Faculty of Dentistry London - UK, Former Faculty member University of Modena & Reggio Emilia, Italy. PhD School “Enzo Ferrari” Faculty of Mechanical Engineering & Biomaterials till June 2015.
University of Michigan Ann Arbor USA, Certificate in Oral Biology.
Temple University, Certificate in Implantology.
COISCO, Italy Master in Implantology.
Inventor of IPG DET Technique.
Member of: European Academy of Oral Surgery & Implantology. Association for Dental Education in Europe - Dublin Dental School and Hospital. ITI International Team for Implantology, German Society of Oral Implantology, DGOI. ICOI International Congress of Oral Implantology. Sola Laser Academy.
D. David Peñarrocha
Bsc. Odontology, MsC. Oral Surgery and Implantology, MsC Odontological Sciences, PhD. In odontology, Universidad de Valencia, Spain.
Dentist in department of Stomatology at Universidad de Valencia, Faculdad de Medicina y Odontología.
Member of scientific societies (European Association of Osseointegration, International Team for Implantology, Sociedad Española de Cirugía Bucal, Sociedad Española de Periodoncia y Osteointegración).
Member of the Editorial Board of Research scientific Journals (Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation; Revista Mexicana de Periodontología).
Usual reviewer of scientific Journals (Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry).
Coordinator of three doctoral thesis.
Dña. Maria Peñarrocha
Bsc. Medicine and Surgery, Bsc. Odontology, MBA Company Management, MsC. Oral Surgery and Implantology, MsC Odontological Sciences, PhD. Odontology, Universidad de Valencia, Spain.
Dentist in department of Stomatology at Universidad de Valencia, Faculdad de Medicina y Odontología.
Member of scientific societies (Asociación Valenciana de Cirugía Bucal; Sociedad Nacional de Cirugía Bucal; Sociedad de Medicina Oral).
Member of the Editorial Board of Research scientific Journals (Medicina Oral, Patologia Oral y CirugíaBucal).
202 Scientific Journal Publications.
Co-author of 6 books and 77 chapters on research books.
D. Manjit Singh
MsC. Dental Surgery, Lucknow University.
Dentist in Department of Orthodontics at IDRR, Edudent, Taha Medical Centre.
Fellow, American College of Dentists, International College of Dentists, Pierre’ Fauchards Academy, USA.
24 years of specialty practice exclusively devoted to Orthodontics in India & Overseas.
Associated with Indian and International Orthodontic Organizations and faculty on Temporo-mandibular Dysfunction and Neuromuscular Orthodontics to add new dimension to the critical diagnosis and treatment of the undiagnosed problems and syndromes.
Several Hospital collaborations based in India, as well as in Europe and North America.
Dña. Shaji T Varghese
BDS, MDS, University of Calicut, India.
Professor & HOD at department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial orthopaedics, PSM College of Dental Science.
Member of the Indian Orthodontic Society – Department of Orthodontics.
Several publications in international journals.
D. Fabio Savastano
MsC. Orthodontics, University of Padua; PhD. Medicine and Surgery, University of Naples.
Private Practicing Physician.
President of the International College of Neuromuscular Orthodontics and Gnathology (ICNOG).
International Member of the American Association of Orthodontics (AAO).
Member of numerous associations and has lectured in Brazil, Canada, U.A.E., Spain, Bahrain, Czech Rep., India and Italy on "Neuromuscular Orthodontics".
Exclusively practices in Orthodontics and gnathology in Albenga, Italy.
Author of 7 publications on Neuromuscular Orthodontics.
D. Sanjay Bhawsar
BDS, Bombay University; MDS Prosthodontics, Bombay University; PhD. Guide – Prosthodontics, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, NASHIK.
Principal, HOD & Professor in department of Prosthodontics, crown & bridge at MGVKBH Dental College & Hospital.
Fellow- International congress of Oral Implantologist (USA).
Diplomate level- International College of Neuromuscular Orthodontics & Gnathology (Italy), Laser Dentistry- University Of Vienna.
Implant certification – Miami University.
Past Vice president- Indian Dental Association –National level.
Liaison Officer- FDI-Federation Dentaire International - from India.
D. José Durán von Arx
MsC., Prof. Carl Gugino, Buffalo; PhD., University of Barcelona.
Head of the Department of Orthodontics at the University of Barcelona.
Director of the Master of Orthodontics of the University of Barcelona.
Former Director of the Orthodontic Department of Orthodontics at Children´s Hospital of Barcelona.
Director of the Orthodontic World Institute of Barcelona.
More than 300 articles and 4 books in the field of Orthodontics, one about “Stimulotherapy in Orthodontics” (in Spanish).
Creator of the MFS philososphy (multifunction system).
D. Mark McEnroe
BsC., University of Dublin, Ireland.
Over 20 years’ experience in the field of sleep diagnostics and therapy for the NHS and HSE in the UK and Ireland.
Consultant expert for many medical companies involved in peer to peer reviews in relation to clinical pathways and using latest technology in the clinical setting.
Lecture at national and international meetings in the field of sleep.
Working with many dentists in the UK and Ireland to enable them to undertake clinical assessments of sleep apnoea patients and correct clinical assessment for MADs.
D. Fisnik Kasapi
DDS, MsC. In Dentistry, University of St. Cyril and Methodius, Macedonia.
Owner & CEO of Private Dental Clinic “Dentin” for General Dentistry, Oral Surgery and Implantology.
Member of Albanian Dental Association from Macedonia, Albanian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, Executive Board of Dental Chamber of Macedonia and European Committee of European Association of Dental Implantologist BDIZ EDI.
Board Member of Association of Oral Surgeons of Macedonia.
Chairman of O.K. of Third Pan-Albanian Congress Skopje.
President of Albanian Implantology Association from Macedonia.
Master – Class – Plasmolifting in Dentistry – PlasmoliftingTM coach in Stomatology Nr. T 0025.
President of O.K. of the First Congress for Oral Surgery and Implantology in Macedonia.
D. Alberto Moreno
DDS, University specialist in integrated Odontology, MsC. in advanced implantology, University of Murcia.
Dentist. MD DDS – Clinical Director at Integral Odontology (Private dental office).
Dentist since 1999.
Associated professor in the University of Murcia (2000-2006).
Colaborator of the odontology faculty of the University of Murcia (2001-2002).
International speaker for GMI/Ilerimplant group.
D. Thumati Prafulla
BDS, Bengaluru University; MDS, Myrusu University; PhD, Einstein University.
Specialist in prosthodontics, implantology & orofacial pain at COPE- Center for Orofacial Pain and Prosthodontic Education.
International speaker for T-Scan Technology, Tekscan Inc. Boston.
International lecturer in BioResearch Inc. Milwaukee since 2012.
Workshop collaborator on Occlusal Analysis and Biometrics in Asia-Pacific region.
Involved in 20 research activities with 40 publications to her credit.
Given several lectures with live hands on and demonstration on Orofacial Pain/TMD’s/MFPDS.
D. Piero Silvestrini
BSc. Medicine and surgery, MD., University of Genoa, Italy; PhD. Pedodontics, University of Siena Italy; MSc. Posturology, University “La Sapienza” Rome, Italy.
Professor in Gnathology at Global Occlusion Easy Learning, Genoa, Italy.
Professor of Masters in Gnathology at Odontoline.it, Roma.
Scientific Advisor at Atlantotec.
Private practice exclusively catering to Gnathology.
Researcher in the Field of Prosthetics, Gnathology, Posture and Vision.
Lecturer for more than 200 Italian and International Conferences.
Author of more than 100 Scientific Works.
Co-authored many books including La Protesi Totale; Materiali Dentali; and Compendio di Semeiotica Occluso Posturale, La Protesi su Impianti Osteointegrati.
D. Javier Martín
BsC., PhD in Biological Science, Complutense University, Madrid.
Post-doctoral associate at the Rockefeller University (New York, USA).
Former Director of the Course in Advanced Techniques in Molecular Diagnostic, held in IIC (Valencia, Spain), for several years.
Former associated professor of Cell Biology and Genetics at the Cardenal Herrera-CEU University.
Coordinator of several projects related to the study of the interaction of cells with titanium implants and its use in tissue engineering procedures.
D. Sibi Xavier
He founded in 1998 the first dental magazine of India, Indian Dentist Research, and Review. He is actively involved in organizing dental events, continuing dental education programmes and has been publishing Dental Monthly Indian Dentist Research and Review for the past 18 years.
He has completed BDS from Govt. Dental College Kozhikode and MDS in Periodontics from Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education Karnataka India.
D. Jaime Franco
D. Kedar Bakshi
Graduated from the prestigious Gov. Dental College, Mumbai in 1995.
He is practicing Implantology since year 1999.
He is a fellow of ISOI and Fellow and Diplomate of ICOI, USA.
DGI Germany and Steinbeis University, Germany Accredited Curriculum Implantology for MSc. in Implantology in the year 2009.
He has been awarded and nominated for his excellence in dentistry such as "Outstanding Dentist of the Year" or "Best Speciality Practice in Implantology".
He has also been awarded as “HIGHLY COMMENDED OUTSTANDING DENTIST OF THE YEAR” by Famdent
He is a Diplomate in Orthodontics by OWI, Spain
He is an Author of a VIDEO BOOK ‘SECRETS OF DENTAL OCCLUSION’ First Indian author to have a book in video format.
He has contributed to Aesthetic dentistry, Implant dentistry and Occlusion by delivering many scientific presentations, lectures, table demonstrations, live surgeries at state and national level. He has been guest speaker or keynote speaker at state, national and international levels at several occasions.
He has formed a study group called Implant4u which has helped many dentists to enter into Implantology successfully. (www.implant4u.info)
He is a faculty for MSc. In Implantology at UJI, Spain (Public University)
*Note: The academic staff for the course is subject to change.
Master registration fees: 5900 euros.
300€ preregistration
2650€ in the registration until 14th september
25% 1475€ in December 2018
25% 1475€ in May 2019
Students who wish to be admitted to the master's degree course will previously need to have obtained a letter of acceptance from the centres where the on-site internship will be carried out. In order to obtain the letters of acceptance, please contact:
EDUDENT (Asia, Pacific Middle East and Africa)
Contact person: Dr Sibi Xavier
Payment of the registration fee:
1. Payment by Visa or Mastercard credit/debit cards.
2. Direct deposit/bank transfer: Account number: ES64-2100-4236-14-2200003795 (Bank: La Caixa)
The workload of university master’s degrees is between 60 and 120 European credits (one or two academic years) and must have official accreditation from the Spanish Ministry of Education. They are recognised throughout the European Union without any further formalities, so they allow for mobility between countries
UJI-specific master’s degrees accredit a university training cycle at postgraduate, non-doctoral level. They comprise a minimum of 60 credits
At Fundación Universitat Jaume I-Empresa
Departamento de Formación - Silvia Membrilla
Edificio Consejo Social.
Campus Riu Sec. Universitat Jaume I.
12071 Castellón de la Plana.
Teléfono: (+34) 964 387 209/22. formacion@fue.uji.es
Pre-registration and registration take place in June/July (first period) or September/October (second period). Pre-registration can be completed online from the section under that name on each course’s website. For registration, you must submit the documents required and make the payment for the course
In addition to the application for admission, you must submit two copies of your degree certificate; transcript of records; CV; two photos; two copies of your ID document (DNI, NIE or passport); proof of payment of the reservation fee (€ 300). Documents can be submitted in person at the FUE offices or sent by e-mail to formacion@fue.uji.es.
If your qualification has not been officially recognised by the Spanish government, the decision on admission is up to the course director(s).
All face-to-face master’s courses take place in the Board of Trustees building of the Universitat Jaume I, on the Riu Sec Campus
Full payment must be made before the start of the course. The admission fee must be paid at the time of pre-registration.
Yes, class attendance is compulsory and will be monitored at the beginning of each class. Students are allowed to miss up to 20% of the face-to-face hours taught in the course
This will be left to the course directors’ discretion. In general, undergraduate students who have fewer than 30 ECTS credits left to complete their degree (including the Bachelor’s Thesis) are eligible for admission. However, those students will not be issued any certificates or be awarded the master’s degree until they obtain their undergraduate degree
Professionals from the sector who do not hold a university degree are eligible for admission if they accredit sufficient professional experience (at least three years) as managers or employees at companies or institutions related to the field of study
Yes, the Master’s Thesis is part of the programme and the final subject you must complete in order to obtain the Master’s Degree
Yes, as long as it is contemplated in the course curriculum. Work placements tend to be an additional training supplement to academic contents, so it is not always necessary for students enrolled on a programme to undertake one.
Subject credits are based on the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). They are used to measure the workload of university studies. One ECTS credit corresponds to 25 hours of work.
Depending on each master’s course, you may be offered the possibility of taking up a subject you have not passed at the first attempt. At the beginning of each master’s course, you will be informed about the assessment tests that there will be in the academic year. You must pass all the subjects of the course in order to obtain the degree.
It is an online platform where you can find all the material needed to study the course and which can be accessed throughout the academic year with the username you will be given once you have registered.
Official certificates for UJI-specific degree are issued by the Rector of the Universitat Jaume I.
The fees for issuance of the degree certificate, through which the Universitat Jaume I accredits completion of the course, are not covered by the registration fee
If you wish to cancel your registration, you have the option of requesting your withdrawal by communicating it 10 calendar days before the start of the course. You can do so by sending an email to formacion@fue.uji.es with the subject CANCELLATION REQUEST
If you do not cancel registration or do so in less than 10 calendar days, the amount of the training will not be refunded. The organization reserves the right to cancel or change the date of the activity. In the event of cancellation of the activity, the registration fee will be refunded.
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