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XXIII International Congress and XXVI Ibero-American Congress of Roman Law
Conferences FUE-UJI

Imagen Noticia

23 - May - 2022

Castellón, from June 8 to 10, 2022

For more than 25 years the Ibero-American Association of Roman Law (AIDROM) has been holding an annual conference dedicated to research in Roman Law and its reception in the Ibero-American and European context. The aims of the Association are: the study and dissemination of Roman Law both in its strict sense and in the field of the Romanesque legal tradition and its projection in the European and Ibero-American legislation, the realization of all the activities conducive to the fulfillment of this aim, the maintenance of scientific relations through Congresses, Seminars, Courses , Publications, any other tending to the fulfillment of the aims of the Association, and a particular collaboration with juridical entities of Spain and Ibero-America.

The first editions of the meeting, dedicated to the Latin American field, were extended in the third edition to a more global context that included, since then, the European scope, but also the other continents, especially from the premise of the configuration of law. Roman as a propaedeutic subject in training and basic in legal research.

AIDROM, an association created in 1994, has as its specific purpose according to its statutes "The study and dissemination of Roman law, both in its strict sense and in the field of the Romanian legal tradition and its projection in European and Latin American law."

By unanimous agreement of the general assembly of the Ibero-American Association of Roman Law, held at the University of Oviedo during the XXI International Congress and XXIV Ibero-American Congress of Roman Law during April 10 to 12, 2019, specifically on April 12 In 2019, the Universitat Jaume I was designated as the venue for the XXIII International Congress and the XXVI Iberoamerican Congress of Roman Law. September 2021 and was approved as the theme of the congress "The reinterpretation of Roman law in the texts of the ius commune: foundations for current legal science."

The UJI has been a leading university since its inception in terms of research on the European common law. As a result of this line of research, it has a bibliographic collection of legal works on common European law that include works of foral and notarial law ranging from the 15th to the 18th century.

The congress will be dedicated to the memory of Professor Enrique Gómez Royo, who was Professor of Roman Law at the UJI, a key figure in the process of creating this university, as well as in the formation and structure of AIDROM.

Undoubtedly, the results of the congress will contribute to the collective construction of knowledge, the internationalization of research and the dissemination of its results.

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