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II Workshop on Tourism Awareness
Conferences FUE-UJI

Imagen Noticia

17 - Jun - 2021

More than 100 international attendees

Mexico, Colombia, France and Italy are some of the countries of origin of those attending the second edition of the conference on the tourist landscape that took place today at La Torre d'en Doménec.

The possibility of following the session in streaming has favoured the registration of interested people from different Spanish provinces and other nationalities. More than a hundred participants followed in person and online the presentations on slow tourism, the value of heritage and the revitalisation of the rural environment.

The association La Plana de l'Arc, which includes the municipalities of Benlloc, Cabanes, Les Coves de Vinromà, La Torre d'en Domènec, La Vall d'Alba, Vilafamés and Vilanova d'Alcolea and the Universitat Jaume I, through the Universitat Jaume I-Business Foundation, have organised, for the second consecutive year, this awareness day on the urban and rural tourism landscape, which this year focused on the concept of slow tourism and its characteristics.

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