UniDiversitat students from UJI start their professional practices in companies
Internships FUE-UJI
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The 15 young people with intellectual functional diversity who participate in the UniDiversity Program of the UJI have started their work practices in the collaborating companies.
The business response has been very positive and students have been able to do internships in companies in the province of Castelló, as well as in some services of the university itself. For its preparation, a job trainer and a technical support person have been hired. In addition, the students have developed their work capacity in the second module of the course, in which they have worked on the acquisition of digital skills, mathematical operations for daily life, vocational guidance and work skills related to an active search for employment and development in the workplace.
They have completed two training itineraries, one focused on the agri-food and environmental sector and the other on the artistic and cultural. "The teaching team and the families are very satisfied with the progress that the students have shown, especially in the acquisition of personal, social and independent life skills and how they have participated in university life", explained professor Odet Moliner, the director of the course. This has been possible, she commented, because the program works in an environment of "enriched learning" taking some classes together with the rest of the university students in which they participate as one more.
The program is an opportunity to develop inclusive experiences within the framework of the university community and promote mutual learning and coexistence in diverse situations.
Driven by the Vice-Rectorate for Social Responsibility, Inclusive Policies and Equality, it has the support of the Diversity and Disability Unit and the Vice-Rectorate for Studies and Training. It is offered as a permanent training qualification of 300 hours (100 hours of internships in companies) and is taught by university professors and external experts from other entities and associations. Both the course and the internships are managed by the Fundación Universitat Jaume I-Empresa.
This year the internships were carried out in the companies JD Spain Sports Fashion 2010 S.L., Sprinter Megacentros del deporte S.L., Zeeman Textil Supers S.L., Escola Infantil la Lluna, Rototom, Supeco Maxor S. L. (Carrefour), Carrefour Market, Artes Gráficas Castell, CastellóCREA- Local Development Agency (Castellón City Council) and Pedagogical Museum of Castellón. They have also been carried out in different services of the UJI: Concierge of the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, Concierge of the Rectorate and in the Laboratory and Greenhouse of the Dpt. of Biology, Biochemistry and Natural Sciences.
Their collaboration is indispensable and is a great opportunity to raise awareness in the business fabric about the possibilities of employment inclusion for young students with intellectual disabilities, developmental disabilities and ASD.
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