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Transnational meeting Erasmus+ ASIDE project
Eurofue FUE-UJI

Imagen Noticia

22 - Jul - 2021

The EuroFUE-UJI office has hosted the working sessions

The European and International Projects Office of the FUE-UJI (EuroFUE-UJI) has hosted the transnational meeting between the partners of the Erasmus+ ASIDE project, which took place in Castelló on 1 and 2 July. This consortium meeting was attended by 2 representatives from each of the entities participating in the project. Fundacja Instytu Badani Innowacjiw Edukacji (Poland) as project coordinator, the Public Education Centre Saricam (Turkey) and the Adult Education Centre ITC International TEFL (Czech Republic) as partners, as well as the FUE-UJI as partner and organiser of the event.

The meeting between the partners in Castelló focused on taking a balance of the results developed so far in the framework of this project on e-Inclusion and on establishing and defining the actions for the next activities of the project. The activities focused on management, dissemination and quality control of the results of the ASIDE project were also evaluated.

The transnational meeting has also had the participation of the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalisation and Cooperation of the Universitat Jaume I of Castelló (UJI), through its Deputy Vice-Rector Eva Camacho, who has exchanged with the partners of the different countries the internationalisation and mobility actions of the UJI. As well as the possibilities of international cooperation and collaboration between the partners of the project and the University.

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