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The Universitat Jaume I-Enterprise Foundation resumes the FUE-UJI Meeting Hour visits

Imagen Noticia

7 - Feb - 2024

The FUE-UJI brings together the companies and entities of its Board of Trustees in a visit to the facilities of Port Castelló

In November 2023, the Universitat Jaume I-Empresa Foundation launched a new initiative under the title Meeting Hour FUE-UJI.
"It is a cycle of meetings between the organisations of the Committee of Entities of the Board of Trustees of the Universitat Jaume I-Empresa Foundation with the aim that each of them can show the rest of them their activity, their facilities and their projects" according to Carlos Cabrera, executive president of the FUE-UJI, in the presentation of this activity.

After a first visit to the technology company Cuatroochenta, this Tuesday, representatives of about twenty organisations have met for a guided tour of the facilities of Port Castelló.

In addition to Carlos Cabrera, president of the Committee of Entities of the FUE-UJI; Rubén Ibáñez, president of Port Castelló; Marisa Flor, director of innovation and entrepreneurship of the UJI; and Gloria Serra, manager of the Foundation, took part in the visit.

Rubén Ibáñez, president of the Port Authority of Castellón, welcomed the group, highlighting Port Castelló's commitment to the diversification of freight traffic and underlining the traffic data for the month of December "which show an increase of 23% in solid bulk compared to the same period last year".

After a bus tour of the port facilities, there was a presentation of the research projects developed by the UJI Centre for Research in Robotics and Underwater Technology, CIRTESU, directed by the professor of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence of the UJI Pedro J. Sanz, director of the IRS Lab. 

CIRTESU has recently collaborated in works related to wastewater management, bathymetry in the port area, maritime rescue work and pipe sounding, among others, with cutting-edge technologies and intelligent and autonomous robots capable of carrying out highly specialised work underwater. Meeting Hour FUE-UJI is an initiative that seeks to provide a space for knowledge, exchange of ideas and rapprochement between the organisations of the Board of Trustees. A proposal that will be repeated monthly and that has already set 15 March for a new call, with a visit to the campus of the Universitat Jaume I, in which the members of the Board of Trustees will be able to see first-hand some of the projects being developed by the research groups of the University.

FUE-UJI Trustees
companies and entities

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