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The UJI is committed to university micro-credentials
Training FUE-UJI

Imagen Noticia

29 - Nov - 2022

The FUE-UJI manages several micro-credentials in the 2022-2023 academic year

The Universitat Jaume I is committed to lifelong learning with the programming of university microcredentials, training proposals with a flexible, innovative, inclusive and interconnected format, which allow the specific acquisition of skills and competences and promote employability, with which it will contribute to expanding lifelong learning opportunities.
The European Commission defines a microcredential as a qualification that demonstrates learning outcomes acquired through a short course or module, assessed in a transparent way and which can be offered, among other institutions, by universities. "The advantage of microcredentials is that they allow people who take them to improve their skills or recycle themselves, thus updating their knowledge and adapting it to the current reality and the needs of the labour market, without having to take a full higher education programme", emphasises the vice-rector for Studies and Lifelong Learning, Isabel García Izquierdo. 
In the case of the UJI, the first microcredentials offered in this academic year 2022-2023 are Innovative public procurement in local administration (20 hours); Artificial intelligence applied to business (16 hours), and the Practical course on preparation and management of European projects (45 hours), although the extension of the offering in the second semester of the course is not ruled out.
The official record of the training received will be incorporated into a digital portfolio, by means of a certificate that includes the name of the student, the training results obtained, the evaluation method and the institution that accredits the certification, among others, and which will be recognised at European level.
More information: https://www.fue.uji.es/formacion/cursos

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