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The FUE-UJI maintains more than 2,500 educational cooperation agreements with companies
Internships FUE-UJI

Imagen Noticia

13 - Apr - 2022

The Extracurricular Internship Program and the Experience Program continue to offer training experience

The Fundación Universitat Jaume I-Empresa manages, on behalf of the Universitat Jaume I, the UJI Extracurricular Internship Program. On the other hand, it manages the Experience Scholarship Program for university graduates.

The UJI Extracurricular External Internship Program is an activity of a formative nature, carried out by the student body, supervised by a professional from the entity where it is carried out and by an academic tutor from the Universitat Jaume I.

Its main objective is to allow students to apply and complement the knowledge acquired in their academic training, in addition to favoring the acquisition of skills that prepare them for the exercise of professional activities, facilitate employability and the capacity for entrepreneurship.

Every year new companies and entities sign internship agreements to host students for a period. Currently, more than 2,580 educational cooperation agreements remain in force with companies that host student interns. In 2021, the FUE-UJI managed 753 internship annexes.

On the other hand, the Experience Program of scholarships for practical training in companies for university graduates is aimed at recent graduates of the Universitat Jaume I who are unemployed or in a job improvement situation.

The objective is that graduates without experience acquire it in a company or entity, applying the knowledge acquired in the degree and completing their academic training with training in a company or entity. Participants never replace a job, it is a voluntary training scholarship. It contains a parallel training program through which it is intended that the graduate acquires both professional skills and personal skills necessary to develop her career in highly competitive contexts.

The FUE-UJI maintains more than 470 current cooperation agreements. In 2021, it managed 306 scholarship annexes for graduates.

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