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The FUE-UJI joins RedFUE

Imagen Noticia

8 - Apr - 2024

Spanish Network of University-Business Foundations

The FUE-UJI has recently joined the University-Business Foundations Network, a national association that aims to promote the transfer of knowledge between the university world and the business world.
RedFUE was founded in 1997 and is registered in the National Register of Associations of the Ministry of the Interior. In 2003 it was declared of public utility, regularly fulfilling its legal obligations before the public administration.
This network has the function of representing, serving and strengthening university-business relations and supporting its members.
Future trends, opportunities and challenges related to the economy, the environment, digital transformation and the unstoppable evolution of science, require understanding between universities and companies to establish the foundations for a competitive economy and a more solid and prosperous future labour market in Spain.
"In this sense, from the FUE-UJI we want to contribute to face these great challenges through our areas of activity: training, research and knowledge transfer, internships and scholarships in companies, talent development, organisation of events and European and international projects" said Gloria Serra, manager of the Universitat Jaume I-Empresa Foundation. "Being part of RedFUE will allow us to establish synergies with other foundations in Spain and share experiences to promote our activities".

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