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The FUE-UJI consolidates its commitment to promoting university-business relations

Imagen Noticia

2 - May - 2022

The Foundation meets its Board of Trustees

The Universitat Jaume I-Empresa Foundation has held the plenary meeting of its Board of Trustees in which the 2021 activities report and the accounts report have been presented.

Eva Alcón, rector of the Universitat Jaume I and president of the FUE-UJI, has been in charge of welcoming and has highlighted that "the expansion of the specialized training offer and the consolidation of the online modality are examples of that will of adaptation to the demand of a society where access to knowledge is of a strategic nature”. Alcón has also highlighted internationalization, where the FUE-UJI collaborates decisively with the UJI to position the University and its research groups in the international and highly competitive scenario.

For his part, Carlos Cabrera, executive president of the Foundation, presented the most significant data on the activity carried out by the different areas. Cabrera has made special mention of the organizations that are part of the Board of Trustees, many of them represented among the attendees. «The support of the entities and companies of the board of trustees is a key factor so that the FUE-UJI can promote the projects that, year after year, make up our offer of services. We want to give a special thanks to the organizations of the Board of Trustees, because their commitment to the Universitat Jaume I is the best guarantee for advancing university-business cooperation », he pointed out. Next, Gloria Serra, manager of the Foundation, has reported on the annual accounts of the Foundation.

Rafael Benavent, honorary president of the FUE-UJI, and Javier Grandío, secretary of the UJI Social Council and secretary of the FUE-UJI Board of Trustees, attended the session that served to report on the initiatives and programs developed by the Foundation until December 31, 2021.

Among the most outstanding events in 2021 was the adhesion of the companies CEV, Macer, Vernís and Cuatroochenta to the Board of Trustees of the FUE-UJI, which already has 35 patron entities.

In 2021, among the actions to promote the University's offer and to support transfer management, the FUE-UJI processed 17 collaboration contracts between research groups of the University and companies/entities.

In the training area, the FUE-UJI managed 64 training actions that totaled more than 1,080 participants. With regard to the Extracurricular Internship Program for UJI students, a total of 753 annexes of internships were managed.

Within the framework of the Experience Program of scholarships for UJI graduates, 306 scholarship agreements were managed for university graduates, in a total of 476 current agreements with companies/entities.

During 2021, the FUE-UJI participated in the organization of 12 events of different kinds (congresses, conferences and workshops) with a total of 2,300 participants.

The EuroFUE-UJI office managed 18 European projects, of which five were completed with successful results. In addition, it participated in more than 180 networking actions and in 107 European and international events.

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FUE-UJI Trustees
companies and entities

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Berta Clausell

Phone: 964 38 72 11


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