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More than 160 researchers in thermodynamic engineering meet at the Universitat Jaume I
Conferences FUE-UJI

Imagen Noticia

30 - Nov - 2023

The 13th National and 4th International Conference on Engineering Thermodynamics (13CNIT) was held at the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) between November 29th and December 1st.

The 13th National and 4th International Conference on Engineering Thermodynamics (13CNIT) was held at the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) between November 29th and December 1st under the slogan "Advances in Engineering Thermodynamics, the key to sustainable development". 
This international congress, which began in 1999, aims to disseminate advances in the field of thermodynamic engineering, which is the application of thermodynamics to the development and improvement of materials, equipment, systems and processes.
This forum has brought together 165 researchers who have presented papers divided into nine themes that aim to cover the entire spectrum of knowledge in this discipline. Directed by UJI professor Ramón Cabello, from the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Construction, this meeting was opened by Vicent Sales, Councillor for Institutional Relations of Castellón City Council, and Jesús Lancis, Vice-Rector for Research at the Universitat Jaume I.
After the presentation of the event by its academic director, Vicent Sales highlighted the value of "scientific meetings like this, which put our city on the map of innovation and serve to position Castellón as an attractive city for attracting talent".
Jesús Lancis wanted to underline "the important contribution of this discipline, thermodynamic engineering, in offering solutions to the impact of human activity on the environment". Lancis also expressed the need to organise "forums like this one that allow us to give visibility to the work carried out by researchers at the University".
The plenary lecture by Professor Rafael Royo Pastor, from the Universitat Politècncia de València, on infrared thermography, opened the paper sessions, with more than 180 scientific papers from congress participants from countries such as Poland, Italy, Algeria and Chile.
This congress was supported by the Generalitat Valenciana, Frost-trol and Iberdrola, as premium sponsors; and by the Aula Fundación Torrecid de Liderazgo en Innovación, Radiadores Ordóñez and the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Construction of the UJI.

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