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FUE-UJI travels to Argentina for the work agenda and the promotion of the ECOMAyA project
Eurofue FUE-UJI

Imagen Noticia

14 - Jun - 2022

Gloria Serra, manager of FUE-UJI and Nela Gómez, director of EuroFUE

Gloria Serra, manager of the Fundación Universitat Jaume I-Empresa, and Nela Gómez, director of the European and international projects office of the FUE-UJI, have traveled to Argentina for 10 days to develop a dissemination and impact agenda of the Project "Beekeeping entrepreneurship and circular economy to empower women and their families-ECOMAyA". The FUE-UJI participates as a partner in this project, financed by the European Union, together with SOGRES-UJI and coordinated by the Network of Professionals and Technicians of Emilia Romagna- PROTER.

This work agenda has prioritized the transfer of knowledge and the link with institutions of the city of Mar del Plata, since it is a project whose base is beekeeping and activities related to textile, food and construction production and services, forming part of it the Municipalities of General Pueyrredon, Gral. Alvarado, Balcarce, Mar Chiquita and La Costa. The activities within the framework of the visit have begun with the institutional reception by the Vice Consul of Spain, Claudia Álvarez and later the Undersecretary for Human Rights, Daniela Zulcovsky, together with the Director of Gender Policies of the Municipality, Belén Berruti, with whom complementary action proposals were established on training issues.

Next, they met with Women Entrepreneurs from UCIP; the CAECE University, Déborah Sabsay, delegate of the Franco-Argentine Chamber of Commerce; Florencia Miconi, President of the Center for Builders and Annexes of Mar del Plata, Eng. Ana Sánchez, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, ending with a visit to the new ClonAr laboratory, a center for biotechnological developments. In all these meetings, the different possibilities of joint work from the ECOMAyA project and networking have been studied.

During this work schedule, various seminars and workshops have also been organized with the participation of the Spanish delegation. It stands out among the conferences presented by Nela Gómez and Gloria Serra, "Territorial Projects and International Financing in the European Union", at the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences- UNMDP. More than 100 students attended the presentation on “Sustainable Companies. Analysis of cases of accommodation companies in Spain” at the Higher Institute of Technical Training 222, in which the FUE-UJI emphasized the importance of working towards the Sustainable Development Goals.

Finally, FASTA University shared with the ECOMAyA team the great work of its Innovation Laboratory, offering a workshop for first-year students of the Faculty of Engineering under the digital entrepreneur model and the work on educational inclusion and education. quality. Also as part of the project, they participated in the Mar del Plata Batán Entrepreneurial Women's showroom, where more than 15 entrepreneurs were able to show their products and tell about their experiences. At this point, Nela Gómez and Gloria Serra remarked: "It is a great effort that women entrepreneurs make in Mar del Plata, we consider that they are doing a great job and the entrepreneurial process that exists in the city is very enriching."

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