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FUE-UJI and the Chamber of Commerce launch training on business intelligence
Training FUE-UJI

Imagen Noticia

10 - Jun - 2021

Under the direction of José Antonio Heredia, director of the Industry 4.0 UJI Chair

The Fundación Universitat Jaume I-Empresa and the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Castellón have signed a collaboration agreement for the launch of two professional specialization courses in business intelligence.

Eva Alcón, rector of the Jaume I University and president of the FUE-UJI, and Dolores Guillamón, president of the Castellón Chamber of Commerce, have signed the agreement that includes the details of this training activity that will take place at the facilities of the Chamber of Commerce and that has had the technical advice of the FUE-UJI in the design of the contents and the selection of the teaching staff. Isabel García, vice-rector for Studies and Teaching; and Gloria Serra, manager of the FUE-UJI, have accompanied the signatories.

The two courses will be developed from September 2021 and are under the academic direction of José Antonio Heredia, director of the Industry 4.0 Chair at the Jaume I University and an expert in business analytics with an extensive career as a researcher and specialist in manufacturing engineering.The teaching team is completed by professionals from different leading companies and industry 4.0 agents, as well as experts in business intelligence who make up the Chair.

The training presented today is part of the will of the Jaume I University and the Chamber of Commerce to contribute to the evolution of the production model towards a more sustainable, intelligent and integrated industry, through digitalization and artificial intelligence.

Eva Alcón has underlined the importance of promoting institutional collaboration "to foster common projects that are useful for the business and social fabric of our province, and these courses cover the demand for training of qualified technical profiles in the face of the challenge of digital transformation."

Dolores Guillamón highlighted training as a key factor for competitiveness and that "by joining forces between both institutions, we will achieve greater benefits for companies and, consequently, for our economy."

More information: www.fue.uji.es

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