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10th Ibero-American Waste Engineering Symposium
Conferences FUE-UJI

Imagen Noticia

22 - Jun - 2023

Organised with the collaboration of FUE-UJI

The Universitat Jaume I in Castelló hosted, from 19 to 23 June, the meeting of the Ibero-American Waste Management and Utilisation Network (REDISA) and the 10th Ibero-American Waste Engineering Symposium.
REDISA, made up of 139 researchers from 35 universities and research centres from 11 Ibero-American countries, aims to share and transfer knowledge in the field of sustainable management of solid waste generated in urban and rural areas, integrating the environmental, economic and social aspects of the same.
The 10th Ibero-American Symposium on Waste Engineering was held on 20, 21 and 22 June at the Faculty of Law and Economics of the UJI and continued the series of symposia organised by REDISA since 2008. The theme of this edition was "Towards circularity and zero waste".
The meeting was attended by nearly 200 participants from 14 countries: Spain, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Bolivia, Guatemala, Venezuela and Ecuador.
A total of 174 papers were presented, covering the different stages of waste management systems, with specific sessions dedicated to the characterisation of waste and the management and treatment of specific fractions of construction and demolition waste, water treatment waste, electrical and electronic equipment, plastics and agricultural waste.
Finally, sessions were devoted to the environmental, economic and social evaluation of waste management systems and environmental education in the field of solid waste. The programme was rounded off with two round tables on selective collection models and Law 7/2022 on waste and contaminated soils.

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