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Jornada FUE-UJI



23-25 January 2019

First Announcement

The Professorship AECA Carlos Cubillo of Auditing and Accounting is pleased to organize the XIII Workshop on Empirical Research in Financial Accounting. The event will take place in Castellón, Spain on January 23-25 2019, and the deadline for submission is October 1, 2018.

The Workshop on Empirical Research has traditionally been the reference event in Spain to discuss high quality papers in all topics related to empirical financial accounting research. Over the years, the event has become a regular in the agendas of European researchers in accounting.  All papers are anonymously peer reviewed prior to acceptance for the workshop, and there is a discussion of the accepted papers after the presentation by their authors. As in previous editions, we will enjoy the attendance of relevant researchers in the area of financial accounting acting as main speakers. We are glad to announce that Ole-Kristian Hope (Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto) and Catherine Shakespeare (Ross School of Business, University of Michigan) will be our plenary guest speakers. 









Castellón, 23-25 January 2019


Wednesday 23 January


14:30pm – 15:00pm



15:00pm – 15:30pm Opening session.

Room: Saló d'Actes

Eva Alcón Soler, Rector of Jaume I University

Vicent Aragó Manzana, Chair of the Accounting and Finance Department, Jaume I University

José Luis Blasco, Dean of Law and Economics Faculty, Jaume I University

Juan Manuel García Lara, Scientific Committee

Belén Gill de Albornoz Noguer, Organising Committee & AECA Professorship

Juan Ángel Lafuente Luengo, Ciutat de Castelló Professorship


15:30pm – 17:15pm Session 1. Disclosure.

Room: Saló d'Actes Chair: Begoña Giner Inchausti, University of Valencia

Paper 1. Determinants of Alternative Performance Measures’ Disclosure Quality: Evidence from Germany

Presenting author: Stephanie Jana, ESCP Europe Berlin

Coauthors: Steffen Schneider

Discussant: Jens Mueller, University of Paderborn


Paper 2. Missing narratives: An analysis of biases in sample selection and variable choice in textual analyses

Presenting author: Encarna Guillamón Saorín, Carlos III University

Coauthors: Andrea Bafundi, Beatriz García Osma

Discussant: Marco Trombetta, IE Business School


Paper 3. Board human capital and disclosure quality in high growth firms

Presenting author: Francisco Bravo, University of Sevilla

Coauthors: Cristina Abad

Discussant: Stephanie Jana, ESCP Europe Berlin


17:15pm – 17:45pm

Coffee break


17:45pm – 19:30pm Parallel sessions. Session 2. Acquisitions and other external shocks.

Room: Saló d'Actes Chair: Facundo Mercado, University of Warwick

Paper 4. Disclosure Regulation and Corporate Acquisitions

Presenting author: Miguel Duro, IESE

Coauthors: Pietro Bonetti, Gaizka Ormazabal

Discussant: Flora Muiño, University of La Coruña


Paper 5. Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Reporting Quality: Evidence from CSR-Disasters

Presenting author: Irina Gazizova, Carlos III University

Coauthors: Juan Manuel García Lara, Beatriz García Osma

Discussant: Emma García Meca, Polytechnic University of Cartagena


Paper 6. Earnings Management of Target Firms and Deal Premiums: The Role of Industry Relatedness

Presenting author: Héctor Fabio Perafán Pena, University of Valencia

Coauthors: Belén Gill de Albornoz, Begoña Giner Inchausti

Discussant: Miguel Duro, IESE


Session 3. Research Forum. Development papers.

Room 104 Chair: Francisca Pardo, University of Valencia

Paper 7. Does accounting standards change on equity-liability classification matter? Evidence from cooperative entities

Presenting author: Fernando Polo, Polytechnic University of Valencia

Coauthors: Sergio Marí-Vidal

Discussant: Lucía Mellado Bermejo, UNED


Paper 8. Evaluating the impact of compliance with governance recommendations on firm performance: the case of Spain

Presenting author: Manuel Nuñez, University Ramón Llull

Coauthors: Josep Mª García Blandón

Discussant: Fabrizio Di Meo, University of Alcalá


Paper 9. Position, strategy and effectiveness in the lease standard-setting process: special attention to the Big Four audit firms

Presenting author: Lucía Mellado Bermejo, UNED

Coauthors: Laura Parte Esteban

Discussant: Rubén Porcuna, University of Valencia


Paper 10. Sustainable Or Not Sustainable? The Nature of the Board of Directors: “Enhancer” of Sustainable Performance

Presenting author: Nour Chams, University Ramón Llull

Coauthors: Josep Mª García Blandón

Discussant: Miguel Arce, University of Valencia



Dinner Hotel Luz  

Thrusday 24 January

8:45am – 10:30am Session 4. Financial intermediaries.

Room Saló d'Actes Chair: Fabrizio Di Meo, University of Alcalá 
Paper 11.
Banking crises, Accounting choices and the Spare tire effect

Presenting author: Marco Trombetta, IE Business School

Coauthors: Claudia Imperatore

Discussant: Facundo Mercado, University of Warwick 

Paper 12.
Analyst versus machine-learning predictions of risk

Presenting author: William Rees, University of Edinburgh 

Coauthors: Alistair Haig

Discussant: Enrique Salvador Aragó, Jaume I University 

Paper 13.
The role of accounting quality during mutual fund re-sales

Presenting author: Facundo Mercado, University of Warwick

Coauthors: Silvina Rubio, Mariano Scapin

Discussant: Joaquin Peris Peris, CEMFI


10:30am – 11:00am

Coffee break 

11:00m – 12:00am Academic keynote.

Room: Saló d'Actes Chair: Miguel Duro, IESE 
Keynote: Fair Value Accounting: Perspectives for Future Research; 

Catherine Shakespeare, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan


 12:15am-14:00pm Session 6

Session 6. Gender issues and top executives' characteristics.

Room: Saló d'Actes Chair: Miguel Arce, University of Valencia  
Paper 17.
 CEO and CFO Gender and Firm Wide Insider Trading

Presenting author: Beatriz García Osma, Carlos III University

Coauthors: Iain Clacher, Elvira Scarlat, Karin Shields

Discussant: Shuo Wang, Groningen University 

Paper 18. Gender, Experience and Power Faultiness and their Effects on CSR Disclosure

Presenting author: Emma García Meca, Polytechnic University of Cartagena

Coauthors: M. Camino Ramón Llorens, M. Consuelo Pucheta

Discussant: Irina Gazizova, Carlos III University 

Paper 19. Firms Suffering from Sadness: A Study of CEO Shock Tolerance and Firm Performance

Presenting author: Joaquin Peris Peris, CEMFI

Coauthors: Beatriz García Osma

Discussant: William Rees, Edinburgh University

14:00pm – 15:30pm

Conference lunch


Bus departure Hotel Luz


Visit Cuevas de Vall d’Uxó



Friday 25 January

9:30am – 11:15am Parallel sessions. Session 5. Audit and enforcement.

Room: Saló d'Actes Chair: William Rees, Edinburgh University 
Paper 14.
Forbearance or punishment: Does the stock market value past nonGAAP reporting around material restatements?

Presenting author: Jens Mueller, University of Paderborn

Coauthors: Soenke Sievers, Christian Sofilkanitsch

Discussant: Encarna Guillamón Saorín, Carlos III University 

Paper 15. 
Spend Money to Make Money? Voluntary Audit Reviews and Firms’ Cost of Debt

Presenting author: Shuo Wang, Groningen University

Coauthors: Vlad-Andrei Porumb, Yasemin Karaibrahimoglu

Discussant: Belén Gill de Albornoz Noguer, Jaume I University  

Paper 16.
 Market Reaction to Ethical Failures in the Audit Profession

Presenting author: Rubén Porcuna, University of Valencia

Coauthors: Cristina de Fuentes

Discussant: Héctor Perafán Pena, University of Valencia


11:15am – 11:45am

Coffee break 

11:45am – 13:15pm

Editors Panel: What does accounting research has to offer to society? 
Moderator: Catherine Shakespeare, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan. 
Keynote: Rewards to university investment in research Flora Muiño, University of La Coruña, Associate Editor of Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting 
Journal editors: 

Speaker 1. Juan Manuel García Lara, Carlos III University, Joint Editor in Chief Accounting and Business Research 

Speaker 2. Beatriz García Osma, Carlos III University, Incoming Editor European Accounting Review

Speaker 3. Marco Trombetta, IE Business School, Editor in Chief Journal of Accounting and Public Policy


13:15 pm – 13:45pm

Best paper award and closing session

13:45pm – 15:30pm

Lunch Workshop Venue 


Call for papers

We welcome empirical papers in all areas of Financial Accounting research. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Effects of Financial Reporting and Disclosure Regulation
  • Firm Valuation using Accounting Numbers 
  • Relation between Accounting Information and Capital Markets 
  • Information Disclosure
  • Intangible Assets 
  • Auditing Accounting Information Systems and Information Technology
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Accounting Choice and Earnings Management 
  • Accounting Information and Corporate Governance 
  • Financial Analysts and Accounting Information

Any other contribution to Financial Accounting research will be also very welcome.  

Deadlines for submission and registration 

  • The deadline for submission of papers is October 1, 2018.
  • Notification of acceptance of submitted papers will be sent by November 1, 2018.
  • The deadline for early registration will be December 1, 2018.
  • The deadline for late registration will be January 18, 2019.


  "FULL PAPERS" must be sent to: 13workshopefa@fue.uji.es


Scientific Committee

Cristina Abad (Universidad de Sevilla)

Carolina Bona (Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria)

Ulf Brüggemann (Humboldt University of Berlin)

Leandro Cañibano (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

Mark Clatworthy (University of Bristol)

Christina Dargenidou (University of Exeter)

Juan M. García Lara (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

Beatriz García Osma (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

Joachim Gassen (Humboldt University of Berlin)

Belén Gill de Albornoz (Universidad Jaime I)

Begoña Giner (Universidad de Valencia)

José A. Gonzalo (Universidad de Alcalá de Henares)

Joaquina Laffarga (Universidad de Sevilla)

Juan Ángel Lafuente (Universitat Jaume I)

Edward Lee (Manchester University)

Giovanna Michelon (University of Exeter)

Araceli Mora (Universidad de Valencia)

Flora Muiño (Universidad de A Coruña)

Fernando Peñalva (IESE Business School)

Jerónimo Pérez (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)

Bill Rees (University of Edinburgh)

Carmelo Reverte (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena)

Juan Pedro Sánchez Ballesta (Universidad de Murcia)

Marco Trombetta (Instituto de Empresa)



Organising Committee

Belén Gill de Albornoz Noguer

Simona Rusanescu

Juan Ángel Lafuente Luengo

Héctor Fabio Perafán Pena

Begoña Andrés



General fee (communicators, attendants, students from other universities...): 220 euros (meals included)

UJI Student fee: 50 euros (meals not included) (0.5 valid credits)


Congress venue

The Universitat Jaume I (UJI) is the public university in the north of the Valencian Community, on the European Mediterranean coast located among the cities of Valencia, Barcelona and Madrid. Established in 1991, the UJI has about 15,000 students, and is located in an integrated, modern, functional and sustainable campus. The UJI is also distinctive for the international outlook of its activities. The workshop will take place at the building of the Business-University Foundation (FUE). We encourage you to participate and share your research interests with our community. We will also enjoy a few days together where you can meet our institution and our city. 

For any information:  13workshopefa@fue.uji.es

Fundación Universitat Jaume I-Empresa
Edificio Consell Social
Salón de Actos
Campus de Riu Sec - Universitat Jaume I
12071 - Castellón


From Valencia

  • Road 
    Approximate duration : 1 hour 
    Distance : 76 km 
    We propose the following route: [ google ]
  • Train 
    Commuter : Valencia -Castellón de la Plana (C6 ) 
    For more information: www.renfe.es
  • Bus 
    The company HIFE , offers a direct path between Valencia and Castellon. 
    For more information: www.hife.es


Already in Castellón. And now , how do you get to the UJI ?

UJI The proximity of the city of Castellón de la Plana and the bus and train station , the urban layout of this area of ??the city, along with the wide range of transportation, allows to reach the campus can choose between public transport , cycling or walking a pleasant journey .

TRAM (from the railway station and bus )

The new transport channel reserved for communication every five minutes Castellón railway station and bus UJI campus . The TRAM is an electric transportation , comfortable , efficient and sustainable , which has changed the travel habits of the university community . 
Notes and bonds can be purchased directly from the TRAM .

For more information: - T1 Tram Line ( PDF )


University Jaume I is linked to different areas of the city with four bus lines. They all stop at the train station and buses. 
Notes and bonds can be purchased on the bus. 
For more information:


If your option is to move to the campus with your particular car , you have large landscaped parking areas and we recommend that you join the campaign " 4x4 , 4 wheels , 4 persons " , the program University car share . I will save and make friends . Share your car to come to campus and contributes to a cleaner environment .


short distance separating UJI campus with bus and train station , allowing you to reach a pleasant 15 minutes about 25 minutes from the city center . The University avenue connecting the city has wide sidewalks and bike independently.




Pintor Oliet, 3. Castellón de la Plana

Modern and functional hotel in the center of Castellón. Just minutes from downtown, excellent connections from Valencia and Barcelona, is the Hotel Luz Castellon, a 4 star modern and elegant, designed to offer a perfect stay in the city. Located in the new area of Castellon, between the English Court, the railway station and the University Jaume I. The hotel has 144 spacious rooms. Also highlight the gym with sauna for disconnection of the workday, and a gastronomic bet: Aqua Restaurant, winner of The Sun Of Respol Guide, where you can enjoy the cultural tradition of the Mediterranean region and the soul of the kitchen edge.


Tel: +34 964 201 010 - Fax: +34 964 201011 - reservas@hotelluz.com


Ronda Mijares, 67. Castellón de la Plana

The Hotel Jaime I is a modern and comfortable hotel in Castellon located 5 minutes walk from the town center. The property is well connected by road and is 60 km from the airport of Manises. It has 89 rooms and facilities are covered with free WiFi Internet connection

In the Hotel Jaime I, you will find 89 rooms equipped with everything necessary for you to enjoy the convenience and comfort. The floor is parquet and works with LED illumination. In each you will find free WiFi and you will have flat screen TV. The bathroom is complete with hair dryer and other amenities.


Tel: +34 964 250 300 - Fax: +34 964 203 779 - info@hoteljaimei.com



Calle Lucena, 3. Castellón de la Plana

Hotel Doña Lola was fully renovated in 2008. Located next to the "green lung" of Castellon city, Ribalta’s Park. A few meters from the Hotel you can find the shopping center "El Corte Ingles", less than 300m ago from here, the Central Bus Station and Train Station which welcome tourists from all places, and less 1200m ago from UJI, UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I DE CASTELLON.

Visit all the interesting places of the city is very easy thanks to the excellent placement of our hotel. Museums, the theatre, bars, restaurants or monuments will appear after a relaxed walking through the streets of Castellon.

Visit our restaurant verlooking the city's largest park, where you can enjoy the best of Mediterranean cuisine. The hotel has special menus for events, varied Mediterranean-based menus and a wide range of set menus to make you feel right at home.

The hotel has 5 panelled rooms that are fully equipped with the facilities necessary to hold meetings and banquets, with a capacity of up to 275 people.

Cosy, spacious, comfortable rooms, where the utmost attention has been paid to the small details that customers appreciate more and more on their travels. Totally renovated exterior rooms, equipped with full bathrooms, hair dryer, a select variety of amenities, FREE Wi-Fi in all hotel and laundry service.

The hotel also offers cosy apartaments form long stays.


Tel: +34 964 214 011 - Fax: +34 964 252 235 - info@hoteldonalola.com


link to photos and papers


Photos: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PbLuDqgjLwHjRkN9fz8rmZuJuT3MBo8j?usp=sharing




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