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International Conference: MULTIDISCIPLINARY AND MULTICULTURAL DISCOURSES: Research and Profession

Jornada FUE-UJI


Los días 25 y 26 de octubre de 2018 tendrá lugar en la Universidad Jaume I (Castellón de la Plana) el II Congreso Internacional Entretextos: Multidisciplinary and Multicultural Discourses: Research and Profession.

El congreso se presenta como una oportunidad de reflexión sobre la multidisciplinariedad de nuestro entorno académico y profesional sin olvidar aquellos elementos del lenguaje que hacen posible la comunicación en una sociedad global y multilingüe.

Dirigido a estudiantes, investigadores y profesionales de diferentes disciplinas, especialmente a profesionales e investigadores de los ámbitos de la comunicación y la lingüística.

El evento tendrá lugar en el Edificio del Consejo Social de la Universitat Jaume I


María Luisa Carrió-Pastor

María Luisa Carrió-Pastor is a professor of English language at the Department of Applied Linguistics at the Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain. She is the head of the Department and the coordinator of the Doctorate Degree “Languages, Literature, Culture and, their applications”.

Her research areas are contrastive linguistics and the study of academic and professional discourse both for second language acquisition and for discourse analysis. 

She is in charge of the project “Identification and Analysis of Metadiscourse Strategies in Research Articles in English and Spanish”, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy. 

Carmen Valero Garcés

Carmen Valero- Garcés, Ph.D., and MA is a Professor of Translation and Interpreting at the University of Alcalá, Madrid (Spain), and the Director of the Post Graduate Program on Public Service Interpreting and Translation.

She is also responsible of the Research Group FITISPos®, and the innovative education group FITISPos- E-Learning, as well as the managing editor FITISPos International Journal, and president of the association AFIPTISP. 

She has taught and lectured in several countries and she is the editor of more than a dozen of books, as well as the author of some books and many articles. Some recent titles include Ideology, Ethics and Policy Development in Public Service Interpreting and Translation (Valero Garcés & Tipton eds, 2017) y  Beyond Public Service Interpreting and Translation (Valero Garcés  et at ed.) (2017). 

Ruslan Mitkov

Prof. Dr Ruslan Mitkov has been working in Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computational Linguistics, Corpus Linguistics, Machine Translation, Translation Technology and related areas since the early 1980s.

Whereas Prof. Mitkov is best known for his seminal contributions to the areas of anaphora resolution and automatic generation of multiple-choice tests, his extensively cited research (more than 250 publications including 15 books, 35 journal articles and 36 book chapters) also covers topics such as machine translation, translation memory and translation technology in general, bilingual term extraction, automatic identification of cognates and false friends, natural language generation, automatic summarisation, computer-aided language processing, centering, evaluation, corpus annotation, NLP-driven corpus-based study of translation universals, text simplification, NLP for people with language disabilities and computational phraseology.

Mitkov is author of the monograph Anaphora resolution (Longman) and Editor of the most successful Oxford University Press Handbook - The Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics.

Current prestigious projects include his role as Executive Editor of the Journal of Natural Language Engineering published by Cambridge University Press and Editor-in-Chief of the Natural Language Processing book series of John Benjamins publishers.

Dr. Mitkov is also working on the forthcoming Oxford Dictionary of Computational Linguistics (Oxford University Press, co-authored with Patrick Hanks) and the forthcoming second, substantially revised edition of the Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics.

Prof. Mitkov has been invited as a keynote speaker at a number of international conferences including conferences on translation and translation technology. He has acted as Programme Chair of various international conferences on Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine Translation, Translation Technology, Translation Studies, Corpus Linguistics and Anaphora Resolution. He is asked on a regular basis to review for leading international funding bodies and organisations and to act as a referee for applications for Professorships both in North America and Europe. Ruslan Mitkov is regularly asked to review for leading journals, publishers and conferences and serve as a member of Programme Committees or Editorial Boards. Prof. Mitkov has been an external examiner of many doctoral theses and curricula in the UK and abroad, including Master’s programmes related to NLP, Translation and Translation Technology.

Dr. Mitkov has considerable external funding to his credit (more than є 20,000,000) and is currently acting as Principal Investigator of several large projects, some of which are funded by UK research councils, by the EC as well as by companies and users from the UK and USA. Ruslan Mitkov received his MSc from the Humboldt University in Berlin, his PhD from the Technical University in Dresden and worked as a Research Professor at the Institute of Mathematics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia. Mitkov is Professor of Computational Linguistics and Language Engineering at the University of Wolverhampton which he joined in 1995 and where he set up the Research Group in Computational Linguistics.

His Research Group has emerged as an internationally leading unit in applied Natural Language Processing and members of the group have won awards in different NLP/shared-task competitions. In addition to being Head of the Research Group in Computational Linguistics, Prof. Mitkov is also Director of the Research Institute in Information and Language Processing. The Research Institute consists of the Research Group in Computational Linguistics and the Research Group in Statistical Cybermetrics, which is another top performer internationally. Ruslan Mitkov is Vice President of ASLING, an international Association for promoting Language Technology. Dr. Mitkov is a Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany and was invited as Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Franche-Comté in Besançon, France; he also serves as Vice-Chair for the prestigious EC funding programme ‘Future and Emerging Technologies’.

In recognition of his outstanding professional/research achievements, Prof. Mitkov was awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa at Plovdiv University in November 2011. At the end of October 2014 Dr. Mitkov was also conferred Professor Honoris Causa at Veliko Tarnovo University..



María Luisa Carrió-Pastor

María Luisa Carrió-Pastor es catedrática de lengua inglesa en la Universitat Politècnica de València. Sus áreas de investigación son la lingüística contrastiva, el análisis del discurso académico y profesional y la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera.

En la actualidad es la directora del Departamento de Lingüística Aplicada, la coordinadora del programa de doctorado en la UPV "Lenguas, literaturas, culturas, y sus aplicaciones" y la editora de la Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas.

Carmen Valero Garcés

Carmen Valero Garcés, Catedrática de Traducción e Interpretación en la Universidad de Alcalá (Madrid), Doctora en Filología Inglesa, y Master en Migración y Relaciones Intercomunitarias,
dirige el Programa de Formación en Traducción e Interpretación en los Servicios Públicos que incluye, entre otros, el Master Universitario en Comunicación Intercultural, Interpretación y Traducción en los Servicios Públicos, máster ofertado en diez pares de lenguas y miembro de la Red Europa de Másteres de Traducción (EU DGT - EMT Network).

Es coordinadora del Grupo de Investigación FITISPos®, del grupo de Innovación Docente FITISPos E-Learning, editora de la revista FITISPos International Journal y promotora de la asociación AFIPTISP.

Ruslan Mitkov

Ruslan Mitkov es profesor de informática en la Universidad de Wolverhampton e investigador en procesamiento del lenguaje natural y lingüística computacional.

Responsable del proyecto First, que facilita la lectura a personas con autismo,
Director del grupo de investigación Computational Linguistics,
miembro del Instituto de Investigación Information and Lenguage Processing de la Universidad de Wolverhampton (Reino Unido).




International Conference: MULTIDISCIPLINARY AND MULTICULTURAL DISCOURSES: Research and Profession

We are pleased to announce the Call for papers for the International conference on MULTIDISCIPLINARY AND MULTICULTURAL DISCOURSES: Research and Profession, which will be hosted by the Interuniversity Institute for Modern Applied Languages (IULMA) at Universitat Jaume I, Spain (25th – 26th October 2018).

The conference aims to bring together scholars, researchers and professionals from different disciplinary backgrounds, especially language and communication research and professional domains.

The conference committee invites contributions relating to the following specific topics:

  1. Linguistics Applied to Multidisciplinary and Multicultural Discourses: Genre behaviour in multilingual contexts, intralinguistic and interlinguistic translations.
  2. Contrastive Discourse Approaches: Text types, genres, and registers across languages and cultures.
  3. Technologies in the Multidisciplinary and Multicultural Classroom: The use of new technologies applied to language learning and teaching.
  4. Corpora in discourse research: The use of corpus linguistics in discourse analysis for research purposes.
  5. Discourse in professional settings

Instructions for submissions

Submissions should present either complete research or research in progress where, at least, some relevant results have been obtained. Proposals can be submitted to be delivered as:

     a) Individual papers (20m + 10m discussion)
     b) Poster

Submissions should be written according to the following guidelines

  • Abstracts should include 250-300 words, excluding the word count for references. The abstract will be submitted for review and should be formatted as follows:

              * Surname, given name, affiliation, e-mail.

              * Title, centred, bold, font Times New Roman 14 pts.

              * Main text, justified, font Times New Roman 12 pts, linear interspacing 1.

              * Keywords (max. 5), italics, font Times New Roman 12 pts.

              * References.

The author(s) should assign the paper to one of the 5 specific panels mentioned above and choose individual paper or poster presentation. Proposals indicating IULMAENTRETEXTOS International Conference should be sent to: iulmaentretextos@uji.es

Presentations are accepted in English, Spanish or Catalan. The deadline for submissions is 20th April 2018.   


20 APRIL 2018

Deadline for abstract submission

11 MAY 2018

Communication of acceptance

30 June 2018

Deadline for early bird registration

30 September 2018

Deadline for late registration

The following Keynote speakers have already been confirmed:

  • Ruslan Mitkov (University of Wolverhampton. Professor of Computational Linguistics. Head of the Research Group in Computational Linguistics).
  • M. Carmen Valero Garcés (Universidad de Alcalá de Henares). Professor in Translation and Interpretation. Director of the Translation and Interpretation training programme for Public Services. Head of the Research Group FITISPos®)
  • Maria Luisa Carrió-Pastor (Universitat Politècnica de València. Professor in Applied Linguistics. Head of the Applied Linguistics department at UPV) 


IULMA ENTRETEXTOS 2018. 25 - 26 de octubre  2018

Conferencia Internacional: EL DISCURSO MULTIDISCIPLINAR Y MULTICULTURAL: Investigación y empleo.

Envío de propuestas

El comité organizador invita a participar con contribuciones relacionadas con los siguientes temas específicos:

  1. Lingüística aplicada a discursos multidisciplinares y multiculturales:  Comportamiento de géneros en contextos multilingües; traducción intralingüística e interlingüística
  2. Análisis contrastivo: tipo textual, géneros y registros a través de lenguas y culturas.
  3. Tecnologías en el aula multidisciplinar y multicultural: las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de lenguas.
  4. Investigación del discurso y análisis de corpus: la lingüística de corpus aplicada al análisis del discurso en investigación.
  5. El discurso en ámbitos profesionales.

Instrucciones para el envío de propuestas

Las contribuciones han de presentar una investigación completa o en curso donde se hayan logrado al menos algunos resultados sustanciales. Las presentaciones pueden ser de dos tipos:

      a) Comunicación a congreso (20 minutos + 10m discusión)
      b) Poster

Para cualquiera de las dos presentaciones se debe redactar una propuesta de acuerdo con las siguientes pautas:

Enviar un resumen de alrededor de 250-300 palabras, excluyendo la bibliografía, indicando IULMAENTRETEXTOS a la siguiente dirección: iulmaentretextos@uji.es

  • El resumen deberá formatearse de acuerdo con el siguiente estilo:

                * Apellido, nombre, afiliación, correo electrónico.
                * Título, centrado, negrita, fuente Times New Roman 14 pts.
                * Texto principal, justificado, fuente Times New Roman 12 pts, interlineado sencillo 1.
                * Palabras clave (máx. 5), cursiva, fuente Times New Roman 12 pts.
                * Bibliografía.

El / los autor /es debe(n) adscribir el trabajo a uno de los 5 paneles específicos del congreso mencionados anteriormente e indicar el tipo de presentación.

Se admiten propuestas en inglés, castellano o catalán. La fecha límite para envío de propuestas es el 20 de abril de 2018.



20 abril 2018

Fecha límite para el envío de propuestas

11 mayo 2018

Notificación de aceptación

30 junio 2018

Fecha límite para la inscripción anticipada

30 septiembre 2018

Fecha límite de inscripción (sin descuento)

Han confirmado su asistencia como conferenciantes plenarios:

  • Ruslan Mitkov (University of Wolverhampton. Professor of Computational Linguistics. Head of the Research Group in Computational Linguistics).
  • M. Carmen Valero Garcés (Universidad de Alcalá de Henares). Professor in Translation and Interpretation. Director of the Translation and Interpretation training programme for Public Services. Head of the Research Group FITISPos®)
  • Maria Luisa Carrió-Pastor (Universitat Politècnica de València. Professor in Applied Linguistics. Head of the Applied Linguistics department at UPV)  


Oral Presentations

Individual oral presentations are allocated 30 minutes (20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion).

Poster Presentations

Posters should be A0 Portrait (841x1189mm).  They can be hung from the first conference day and can be left up for the duration of the conference. Ask the registration desk to know where posters should be placed.

IT Equipment

Each room will either have a laptop or PC and a data projector.  Presenters should bring presentations on a USB Flash Drive and are encouraged to pre-load the presentation before the start of the session. If your presentation has audio/video, please inform the registration desk before the start of your session.


Presentación oral

Las presentaciones orales tendrán una duración de 30 minutos (20 minutos para la presentación y 10 minutos para las preguntas).

Presentación de posters

Los posters deben tener las siguientes dimensiones: A0 Portrait (841x1189mm).  Podrán colgarse desde el primer día de la conferencia y estar expuestos durante la duración de la misma. Infórmese en la mesa de registro sobre cuál será el espacio destinado a los posters.

Equipo informático

Cada aula estará dotada de ordenador portátil o PC y un proyector. Los participantes deberán traer sus presentaciones en un USB Flash Drive y se les permitirá subirlas antes de empezar la sesión. Si su presentación contiene audio/video, por favor informe de ello en registro antes de empezar la sesión.





25th and 26th October 2018

Click here to download the Final Programme (.pdf)




Recepción y entrega de documentación / Registration


Inauguración / Opening ceremony


Plenaria /Plenary Session:

Professor María Luisa Carrió-Pastor (Polytechnic University of Valencia)
How do we express mitigation in academic language? A corpus driven analysis of metadiscourse devices in English and Spanish


Descanso / Coffee break


Comunicaciones simultáneas / Parallel sessions:


Linguistics Applied to Multidisciplinary and Multicultural Discourses
Chair: Ignasi Navarro
Room: FF0103AA

Ana Bocanegra-Valle. (Universidad de Cádiz)
Engagement strategies in institutional discourses of internationalisation

Ana Medina Reguera and Cristina Ramírez Delgado. (Universidad Pablo de Olavide)
Localización y evolución de los géneros digitales: discurso multilingüe de sitios webs empresariales


Contrastive Discourse Approaches
Chair: Carolina Girón
Room: Salón de actos

Jill Haldane. (University of Edinburgh)
Semantic structures and meaning making: Comparative discourse analysis of linguistic variation in multilingual, disciplinary postgraduate summary writing.

Marianna Smaragdi and Ingela Johansson. (Lund University)
Images of the North. An imagological analysis of Nordic noir book covers in Greece and Spain


Technologies in the Multidisciplinary and Multicultural Classroom
Chair: Lucía Bellés
Room: FF0211AA

Mª José Gómez Perales.(Universitat Politècnica de València)
Tutoriales: Una oportunidad para aplicar el Aprendizaje basado en Tareas en la adquisición del alemán como lengua extranjera en un contexto multidisciplinar

Lucía Bellés-Calvera. (IULMA / Universitat Jaume I)
English as the language of instruction in the content classroom: A case study in Humanities


Discourse in professional settings
Chair: Vicent Beltrán
Room: FF0104AA

Ana Muñoz-Miquel. (Universitat Jaume I)
Empathy, cognition and emotions in patient-centred communication: challenges for medical translators and interpreters.

Mireia Calvet Creizet (Universitat de Barcelona)
Análisis discursivo de frames en el género multidisciplinar de las kurzgrammatiken o miniporträts (del alemán y en alemán)


Comida / Lunch


Plenaria/ Plenary session:

Professor Mª Carmen Valero Garcés (Universidad de Alcalá de Henares)
Desde el mito de la traducción literal a la multimodalidad en la era del postmonolingüísmo


Descanso / Coffee break


Comunicaciones simultáneas / Parallel sessions:


Linguistics Applied to Multidisciplinary and Multicultural Discourses
Chair: Marisa Renau
Room: FF0210AA

Sergio Maruenda (IULMA / Universitat de València)
A socially-committed agenda for discourse research: Corpus-assisted Discourse Studies (CADS) in intimate partner violence news

Manel Bellmunt Serrano. (IULMA / Universitat Jaume I)
Ideology behind the processes of rewriting and translation: the cases of lady Macbeth and Hamlet


Contrastive Discourse Approaches
Chair: Carolina Girón
Room: FF0102FR

Carmen Aljibe and Mª Rosario Martí Marco. (Universidad de Alicante)
El discurso académico de la excelencia en la política universitaria alemana y españolaEl discurso académico de la excelencia en la política universitaria alemana y española.

Anabel Borja Albi and Pilar Ezpeleta-Piorno (Universitat Jaume I)
Procesos de creación, traducción y gestión de contenidos en la ecología de géneros Web Universitaria Multilingüe (WUM)


Corpora in discourse research
Chair: Lucía Bellés
Room: FF104AA

Alexandra Csongor, Gabriella Hild and Timea Németh. (University of Pécs, Hungary)
A Contemporary Approach to Science Popularization-Similarities between Medical Research Articles and online Popular Science Articles

Gabriella Hild, Timea Németh and Alexandra Csongor. (University of Pécs, Hungary)
A longitudinal case study with four Norwegian students studying medicine in Hungary.






Plenaria/ Plenary session:

Professor Ruslan Mikov (University of Wolverhampton)
Language Technology for Automatic Generation of Multiple-Choice Tests: The Success Story so far and (Opportunities for) Applications in Language Learning and Assessment


 Descanso / Coffee break


Posters / Poster session

Ingrid Carolina García-Ostbye.
Towards a quantitative analysis of open review genres in medicine. The term ‘evidence’ and its context in electronic responses to research articles.

Montserrat Esbrí-Blasco & Carolina Girón-García.
Cognitive constructs guiding digital metaphors: a study of metaphorical transference.

Núria Molines Galarza.
La docencia de la Lingüística Aplicada en el caso de la variación lingüística.

Enrique Cerezo Herrero.
The Role of LSP in Foreign Language Teaching for Translation Purposes.

Tamara Hernández Puertas.
Examining teacher’s feedback and computer-generated feedback on errors on prepositions.

Sorina Stelea.
Electronic Education in the Digital Age: ‘Linguistics learning through ‘Cybertasks’.

Ana María Jiménez Melero.
Creación de materiales de lectura para adultos migrantes recientemente alfabetizados en segundas lenguas.

Victoria Prada Cimarro.
Cómo tener pacientes de otras culturas y no perecer el intento.


Comunicaciones simultáneas / Parallel sessions:


Linguistics Applied to Multidisciplinary and Multicultural Discourses
Chair: Lucía Bellés
Room: FF0103AA

Vicent Montalt and Isabel García-Izquierdo. (Grupo GENTT / Universitat Jaume I)
El género consulta médica: nuevos enfoques y métodos de investigación para nuevos contextos sociales

Sofía Martín-Laguna. (Universitat Jaume I)
Exploring pragmatic learning in a multilingual learner corpus of written classroom tasks


Contrastive Discourse Approaches
Chair: Marisa Renau
Room: FF0204AA

Rosa Giménez-Moreno and Francisco Ivorra-Pérez. 
(IULMA-Universitat de València / SILVA Group)
A lexical-semantic relational-identity based analysis of terms associated with Spanish and British professional roles

Hanna Skorczynska and Marisa Carrió-Pastor.
(Universitat Politècnica de València)
A cross-disciplinary variation of verb boosters in research articles from Engineering, Medicine and Linguistics: frequency and pragmatic functions

Nataliya Egereva. (Universitat de València)
Discursive representation of the Ukrainian conflict in Anglo-American and Russian press: an interpersonal perspective


Corpora in discourse research
Chair: Antonio José Silvestre
Room: FF0102FR

Linda Ho. (University of Leicester)
Membership Categorization Analysis of Identity Construction in the Macanese Community in Macao – A Preliminary Study

Antonio-José Silvestre-López. (IULMA / Universitat Jaume I)
Using qualitative data analysis software (ATLAS.ti) to analyse figurative language: the case of conceptual metaphor in the discourse of contemplative practices


Comida / Lunch


Comunicaciones simultáneas / Parallel sessions:


Contrastive Discourse Approaches
Chair: Ignasi Navarro
Room: FF0102FR

Pedro Hernández Verdú and Mª Rosario Martí Marco.
(Dpto. Filologías Integradas Área Filología Alemana / Universidad de Alicante)
El lenguaje científico del amor en la psiquiatría y psicología en español y alemán

Corpora in discourse research

Maria Milagros del Saz Rubio.
(Dpto. de Lingüística Aplicada / Universitat Politècnica de València)
An approach to mitigation devices deployed in the presentation and evaluation of findings in three different disciplines


Corpora in discourse research
Chair: Begoña Bellés
Room: Salón de actos

Giovanni Garofalo (Università degli Studi di Bergamo)
Universales traductológicos y discurso judicial. La refutación en las sentencias del Tribunal Supremo de España y del Tribunal de Justicia de la UE

Begoña Bellés-Fortuño. (IULMA / Universitat Jaume I)
Empathic communication in healthcare across languages


Discourse in professional settings
Chair: Saily Cala
Room: Aula 105

Isabel Alonso Belmonte and Maria Fernandez Agüero.
(Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Secondary teachers’ discourses of adaptation and resistance on bilingual education: An exploratory study in the region of Madrid

Carmen Sancho (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
Scientific hybridization in the ‘democratic’ model of science dissemination: Researchers’ positioning in the video-abstract genre


Meeting point gathering and Tour


Cena / Gala dinner at Voramar (Benicàssim)




Early registration

to 30/06/2018

Late registration

from 30/06/2018 to 15/10/2018

Students (attendance)

20 €

 40 €

Students (with presentation) 


Individual presentation

150 €

 200 €

Delegates (only attendance)

80 €

100 €

Poster presentation



IULMA’s member

with speech

60 €

100 €

Gala dinner





The registration fee includes: the participation to the Conference, the Conference material, the Certificates (attendance and presentation), and the coffee breaks.


If you are a non-EEA resident, would you like to receive a letter of invitation in order to assist with VISA or entry into Spain? If so, contact the event team at jornadas@fue.uji.es






1er plazo de inscripción

hasta el 30/06/2018

2º plazo de inscripción

del 30/06/2018 al 15/10/2018

Estudiantes (asistencia)

20 €

 40 €


Participantes con ponencia

150 €

 200 €

Participantes sin ponencia

80 €

100 €

Presentación de póster



Miembro IULMA con ponencia

60 €

100 €

Cena de gala





La cuota de inscripción incluye: asistencia a las sesiones, material del congreso, certificados (asistencia y/o comunicación) y pausa café. 


Organizing committee

Lucía Bellés Calvera

Begoña Bellés-Fortuño

Vicent Beltrán Palanques

Pilar Ezpeleta Piorno

Carolina Girón-García

Teresa Molés-Cases

Ignasi Navarro i Ferrando

Marisa Renau Renau

Paula Saiz Hontagas


Scientific committee

Begoña Bellés Fortuño. Universitat Jaume I

Anabel Borja-Albi. Universitat Jaume I

Patricia Bou Franch. Universitat de València

Mª Luisa Carrió Pastor. Universitat Politècnica de València

Ignasi Clemente. City University of New York- Hunter College

Pilar Ezpeleta Piorno. Universitat Jaume I

Isabel García-Izquierdo. Universitat Jaume I

Carolina Girón-García. Universitat Jaume I

Jill Haldane. University of Edinburgh

John E. Joseph. University of Edinburgh

Ruslan Mitkov. University of Wolverhampton

Teresa Molés-Cases. Universitat Politècnica de València

Vicent Montalt Resurreció. Universitat Jaume I

Ignasi Navarro i Ferrando. Universitat Jaume I

Fernando Prieto Ramos. University of Geneva

Vicent M. Salvador Liern. Universitat Jaume I

Francisca Suau Jiménez. Universitat de València

M. Carmen Valero Garcés. Universidad de Alcalá de Henares

Francisco Yus Ramos. Universidad de Alicante


Congress venue

Fundación Universitat Jaume I-Empresa
Edificio Consell Social
Salón de Actos
Campus de Riu Sec - Universitat Jaume I
12071 - Castellón



From Barcelona

  • Road 
    Approximate duration: 2.32 hours 
    Distance : 277 km 
    We propose the following route: [ google ]
  • Train 
    Euromed Arch Regional Express, Alaris , Talgo 
    For more information: www.renfe.es 
  • Bus 
    The ALSA company , offers a direct path between Barcelona and Castellon. 
    For more information: www.alsa.es


From Valencia

  • Road 
    Approximate duration : 1 hour 
    Distance : 76 km 
    We propose the following route: [ google ]
  • Train 
    Commuter : Valencia -Castellón de la Plana (C6 ) 
    For more information: www.renfe.es
  • Bus 
    The company HIFE , offers a direct path between Valencia and Castellon. 
    For more information: www.hife.es

Already in Castellón. And now , how do you get to the UJI ?

UJI The proximity of the city of Castellón de la Plana and the bus and train station , the urban layout of this area of ??the city, along with the wide range of transportation, allows to reach the campus can choose between public transport , cycling or walking a pleasant journey .

TRAM (from the railway station and bus )

The new transport channel reserved for communication every five minutes Castellón railway station and bus UJI campus . The TRAM is an electric transportation , comfortable , efficient and sustainable , which has changed the travel habits of the university community . 
Notes and bonds can be purchased directly from the TRAM .

For more information: - T1 Tram Line ( PDF )


University Jaume I is linked to different areas of the city with four bus lines. They all stop at the train station and buses. 
Notes and bonds can be purchased on the bus. 
For more information:


If your option is to move to the campus with your particular car , you have large landscaped parking areas and we recommend that you join the campaign " 4x4 , 4 wheels , 4 persons " , the program University car share . I will save and make friends . Share your car to come to campus and contributes to a cleaner environment .


short distance separating UJI campus with bus and train station , allowing you to reach a pleasant 15 minutes about 25 minutes from the city center . The University avenue connecting the city has wide sidewalks and bike independently.




Castellón is a modern city open to the sea and with excellent communications that make it easy to access. More than three hundred days a year of sun and an exceptional climate wrap up the city of Castellón de la Plana where its beaches, marina, golf courses and natural parks such as Columbretes turn into an all-year enjoyment. A broad offer of hotels, our Convention Hall, the university, as well as the different lecture halls and venues fully meet the expectations for the celebration of meetings and congresses. Our gastronomic richness marked by tradition and by the Mediterranean sea, surprises the most exquisite palates that visit us but they are also the ideal charm for insiders and outsiders. Castellón, with a deep agricultural tradition for the cultivation of orange trees as well as a strong industrial sector with the production of tiles, positions now as a city of services and of tourism charms notably favoring the organization of congresses.

The city and its surroundings

Castelló de la Plana, the capital of the province of Castelló, is a small city of 180.000 inhabitants that lies between the Desert de les Palmes hills and the Mediterranean Sea, and is surrounded by orange groves.

The city is approximately 50 minutes away from Valencia (65 km to the south and two hours away from Barcelona, in the north (285 km). Castelló has a mild Mediterranean climate, with a pleasant temperature of around 27℃ in the summer and 18℃ in the winter. Castelló enjoys more than 300 sunny days a year.

Universitat Jaume I

The Universitat Jaume I in Castelló (UJI) is a public higher education and research centre, founded in 1991, which seeks to enhance the social, economic and cultural development of the society that surrounds it through the creation and transmission of knowledge.

The UJI is the northernmost university in the Valencian Community and the only one in the province of Castelló. The tremendous development and evolution of the University in recent years has transformed the city of Castelló de la Plana into a dynamic, modern university city, which has made use of the enterprising nature of its inhabitants to spark strong social and economic change spreading to the rest of the province.

 The UJI currently offers 31 undergraduate degrees, 44 official master’s degrees, 20 UJI-specific master’s degrees, 21 doctoral programmes and 32 specialisation courses. The University has approximately 14,000 students, a number that means students receive individual attention without problems of overcrowding. This personal feel is also possible because of our location on a single, attractive, modern campus, with spacious green areas and sports facilities.



web turismo ayto castellon



Tourist information of the City of Castellón.

All tourist and gastronomic Castellón. This website has information of interest to visitors to our city and for the residents of Castellón.



web turismo ayto castellon



Tourist information of the County of Castellón.

The Provincial Tourism Board is directed to all those who wish to have information about the province of Castellón.




Universitat Jaume I: http://www.uji.es




Habitacion hotel luz castellon

Pintor Oliet, 3. Castellón de la Plana

Modern and functional hotel in the center of Castellón. Just minutes from downtown, excellent connections from Valencia and Barcelona, is the Hotel Luz Castellon, a 4 star modern and elegant, designed to offer a perfect stay in the city. Located in the new area of Castellon, between the English Court, the railway station and the University Jaume I. The hotel has 144 spacious rooms. Also highlight the gym with sauna for disconnection of the workday, and a gastronomic bet: Aqua Restaurant, winner of The Sun Of Respol Guide, where you can enjoy the cultural tradition of the Mediterranean region and the soul of the kitchen edge.


Tel: +34 964 201 010 - Fax: +34 964 201011- reservas@hotelluz.com



Ronda Mijares, 86. Castellón de la Plana

PlanaModern and elegant, the Hotel Castellón Center is a magnificent 4 star hotel located 5 minutes walk from the center of Castellón. The establishment has 78 rooms fully equipped. In addition, enjoy free WiFi Internet connection in all areas. Among the many services, we emphasize the Basil Restaurant and fitness center with sauna and jacuzzi to take care of yourself during your stay.


Tel: +34 964 342 777 - Fax: +34 964 254 929 - reservas@hotelcastelloncenter.com


Herrero, 20. Castellón de la Plana

Hotel Intur Castellon is located in the center of Castellón at 200 metres from the Puerta del Sol, in the financial, commercial and cultural area of the city. Its location makes it a strategic place for those both wishing to go sightseeing, and for who are in the city for business.

This 4 star Hotel is characterized by its large size and brightness, thanks to the central courtyard and the large glass dome that forms its roof. The Hotel has 120 fully equipped rooms and 3 meeting lounges and a bright covered patio, ideal for business meetings, conferences, weddings and other events.


Tel: +34 964 394 497 - Fax: +34 964 395 896 - reservas@intur.com




Ronda Mijares, 67. Castellón de la Plana

The Hotel Jaime I is a modern and comfortable hotel in Castellon located 5 minutes walk from the town center. The property is well connected by road and is 60 km from the airport of Manises. It has 89 rooms and facilities are covered with free WiFi Internet connection

In the Hotel Jaime I, you will find 89 rooms equipped with everything necessary for you to enjoy the convenience and comfort. The floor is parquet and works with LED illumination. In each you will find free WiFi and you will have flat screen TV. The bathroom is complete with hair dryer and other amenities.


Tel: +34 964 250 300 - Fax: +34 964 203 779 - info@hoteljaimei.com



Calle Lucena, 3. Castellón de la Plana

Hotel Doña Lola was fully renovated in 2008. Located next to the "green lung" of Castellon city, Ribalta’s Park. A few meters from the Hotel you can find the shopping center "El Corte Ingles", less than 300m ago from here, the Central Bus Station and Train Station which welcome tourists from all places, and less 1200m ago from UJI, UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I DE CASTELLON.

Visit all the interesting places of the city is very easy thanks to the excellent placement of our hotel. Museums, the theatre, bars, restaurants or monuments will appear after a relaxed walking through the streets of Castellon.

Visit our restaurant verlooking the city's largest park, where you can enjoy the best of Mediterranean cuisine. The hotel has special menus for events, varied Mediterranean-based menus and a wide range of set menus to make you feel right at home.

The hotel has 5 panelled rooms that are fully equipped with the facilities necessary to hold meetings and banquets, with a capacity of up to 275 people.

Cosy, spacious, comfortable rooms, where the utmost attention has been paid to the small details that customers appreciate more and more on their travels. Totally renovated exterior rooms, equipped with full bathrooms, hair dryer, a select variety of amenities, FREE Wi-Fi in all hotel and laundry service.

The hotel also offers cosy apartaments form long stays.


Tel: +34 964 214 011 - Fax: +34 964 252 235 - info@hoteldonalola.com



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