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10th Euro-American Workshop
on Information Optics
Benicàssim (Spain), 19-24 June, 2011
The 10th Euro-American Workshop on Information Optics will be held during 19-24 June, 2011 at Hotel El Palasiet (Benicàssim, Spain). The workshop will address the latest advances in information optics, information photonics, imaging sciences and engineering, display technologies and 3D displays, 3D image sensing, image-based information security, image recognition, biophotonics, and novel image sensors. It will be a forum for scientific interaction and collaboration between well-known scientists in the field and educational outreach to students.
The workshop will consist of keynotes and invited talks (oral presentations are by invitation only). Regular submissions will be accepted as poster presentations on topics that include, but are not strictly limited to, those listed below.
The program will include a "poster pop" session during which each poster presenter will have the opportunity to introduce his/her poster for 5 minutes to the conference attendees. Each presenter (keynote, invited, poster) is invited to submit a short manuscript that will be published online.
• Fundamental advances in information optics and photonics, including algorithms, devices, and systems
• 3D image sensing, processing, and display: digital holography, integral imaging
• Biophotonics and biomedical imaging
• Inverse problems in optics
• Image-based security and optical security systems
• Polarimetric and multi spectral imaging
• Materials and devices for information optics
• Nano-technologies for imaging systems
• Quantum optics for imaging
• Integrated sensing and imaging, compressive sensing
• Diffractive optics
• Spatial light modulators and applications in information optics
• New radiation sources for information optics
• Temporal optics
The workshop has been running for 16 years, starting with the Euro-American Workshop on Optical Pattern Recognition in La Rochelle, 1994. It is a small workshop (typically limited to 30-35 talks), with invited participants broadly from the area of information optics and photonics. Always there has been an emphasis on allowing time for interaction, collaboration, and networking in a friendly atmosphere. Participants stay together for lunch and social outings. Well-known researchers in the fields of optical information processing and advanced imaging techniques regularly attend the conference from Europe, USA, Japan, and Korea, and find it a refreshing, relaxed, and very profitable meeting. Previous workshop locations include Barcelona (1997), Colmar (1999), Valencia (2001), Toledo (2006), Reykjavik (2007), Annecy (2008), Paris (2009), and Helsinki (2010).
The spa hotel “El Palasiet” is an attractive 4-star hotel in Benicassim. The spa hotel is located among the gardens of an antique classical villa from the 19th century. El Palasiet was totally reformed in 2002 and extended in 2005. It is situated in a privileged place just 50 meters away from the Mediterranean Sea with a mild warm climate. It is characterized to be one of the most suggestive hotels on the Spanish eastern coast with a very particular decoration and friendly atmosphere.
Benicassim is a traditional tourist resort of the eastern coast of Spain, with renowned, fine, long, and sandy beaches along a coastline protected by mountain ranges. A row of modernist villas looking over the beachfront promenade is the perfect backdrop to go for a stroll at sunset. It is located 80 Km from Valencia and 270 Km from Barcelona, both with international airport.
The social events will include a visit to Peníscola, a village with fortified old quarters rising out of the sea to form almost an island of incredible beauty. We will also visit the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia, a unique complex devoted to scientific and cultural dissemination that, among other elements, includes the Príncipe Felipe Science Museum and the Oceanogràfic (the largest aquarium in Europe with over 500 marine species).
Jesus Lancis (University Jaume I of Castellón, Spain)
Enrique Tajahuerce (University Jaume I of Castellón, Spain)
Bahram Javidi (University of Connecticut, USA)
Pedro Andrés (University of Valencia, Spain)
J. Campos (University Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain)
O. Matoba (Kobe University, Japan)
F. Dubois (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
H. Mohseni (Northwestern University, USA)
P. Ferraro (Istituto Nazionale di Ottica Applicata, Napoli, Italy)
W. Osten (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Th. Fournel (University of Saint-Etienne, France)
D. Psaltis (EPFL, Switzerland)
Ph. Réfrégier (Fresnel Institute, Marseille, France)
K. Itoh (Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka, Japan)
J.-Y. Son (Daegu University, Rep. of Korea)
K. Kuroda (University of Tokyo, Japan)
A. Stern (Ben Gurion University, Israel)
M. Martínez-Corral (University of Valencia, Spain)
Z. Zalevsky (Bar Ilan University, Israel)
T. Naughton (National University of Ireland Maynooth, Ireland)
Ari Friberg (Aalto University and University of Eastern Finland)
M. S. Millán (University Politécnica de Cataluña, Spain)
J. García (University of Valencia, Spain)
Mercedes Fernández (University Jaume I, Spain)
Gladys Mínguez-Vega (University Jaume I, Spain)
Lluís Martínez-León (University Jaume I, Spain)
Omel Mendoza (University Jaume I, Spain)
Raúl Martínez Cuenca (University Jaume I, Spain)
Amparo Pons Martí (University of Valencia, Spain)
Administrative: Lucas Pérez
Tel: +34-964 387208
Fax: +34-964 729218
Organizing committee: Lluís Martínez León,
Tel: +34-964 728042
Fax: +34-964 729218
A list of recommended hotels is provided at the Travel/Acommodation section of the web site. Please contact directly with the hotel. We have negotiated special prices for the workshop attendees. Don’t forget to mention your WIO participation when booking the room.
We recommend to book as soon as possible, even before May 2011. The recommended hotels are near the beach and may be full at the end of June. This is especially relevant if you prefer to stay at Hotel “El Palasiet”, hosting the workshop, as there are only a limited number of rooms available for the conference participants.
Please fulfill the registration form no later than 18th April, 2011. Authors must also submit a short abstract at the same time. Both forms are located in the Registration and abstract section of the web site.
Regular registration includes admission to the workshop, online publication of the proceedings, one copy of the workshop digest, welcome reception, lunch and coffee breaks from Monday to Friday, conference dinners and early evening tours to Oropesa del Mar, Peníscola, and Valencia.
Camera-ready papers must be submitted no later than 13 June, 2011 to be included in the conference proceedings. See full instructions for paper submission in the Paper submission section.
The workshop will start 19 June, 2011 (evening) with a welcome reception at the Conference Venue.
Technical sessions will start 20 June, 2011 at 09:00 in the Spa Hotel “El Palasiet”. You can find the complete information in Program.
If you have any problem with hotel booking or registration, please ask for assistance to the administrative contact,
Lucas Pérez,
Tel: +34-964 387208
Fax: +34-964 729218
If you have any problem with abstract or paper submission, please ask for assistance to the organizing committee contact,
Lluís Martínez León.
Tel: +34-964 728042
Fax: +34-964 729218
Welcome reception in Spa-Hotel El Palasiet at 8:30 PM
Technical day 1 (morning and afternoon)
Walking tour to Oropesa del Mar
Technical day 2 (morning)
Visit to "Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias" in Valencia
Dinner at the underwater restaurant of the aquarium.
Technical day 3 (morning and early afternoon)
Visit to Peníscola castle
Reception in Peníscola.
Technical day 4 (morning and afternoon)
Conference dinner at the restaurant of the conference venue.
Technical day 5 (morning)
Time for networking
All technical sessions include lunches, coffee breaks, and networking facilities in Spa Hotel “El Palasiet”, Benicassim (Castelló).
Pedro Andrés (Universitat de València, Spain)
Yasuhiro Awatsuji (Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan)
Aurélien Bourquard (EPFL, Switzerland)
Karl-Heinz Brenner (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
Silvano Donati (University of Pavia, Italy)
Majid Ebrahim-Zadeh (ICFO, Spain)
Yeshaiahu Fainman (University of California, USA)
Pietro Ferraro (Istituto Nazionale di Ottica Applicata, Italy)
Thierry Fournel (Laboratoire H. Curien, France)
Ari T. Friberg (Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden/Aalto University, Finland/University of Eastern Finland, Finland)
Javier García-Monreal (Universitat de València, Spain)
Yoshio Hayasaki (Utsunomiya University, Japan)
Majeed Hayat (University of New Mexico, USA)
Javier Hernández Andrés (Universidad de Granada, Spain)
Hans Peter Herzig (EPFL, Switzerland)
Kazuyoshi Itoh (Osaka University, Japan)
Zbigniew Jaroszewicz (Institute of Applied Optics, Warsaw, Poland)
Bahram Javidi (University of Connecticut, USA)
Changyeong Kim (Samsung Electronics, S. Korea)
Kazuo Kuroda (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Rainer A. Leitgeb (Medical University Vienna, Austria)
Jesús Lancis (Universitat Jaume I, Spain)
Abhijit Mahalanobis (Lockheed Martin, USA)
Manuel Martínez-Corral (Universitat de València, Spain)
Pierre Marquet (EPFL, Switzerland)
Osamu Matoba (Kobe University, Japan)
Hooman Mohseni (Northwestern University, USA)
Ignacio Moreno (Universidad Miguel Hernández, Spain)
Elisabet Pérez-Cabré (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)
Filiberto Pla (Universitat Jaume I, Spain)
Demetri Psaltis (EPFL, Switzerland)
Jose M. Rodríguez-Ramos (Universidad de La Laguna, Spain)
Genaro Saavedra (Universitat de València, Spain)
Íñigo Sola (Universidad de Salamanca, Spain)
Adrian Stern (Ben Gurion University, Israel)
Toyohiko Yatagai (Utsunomiya University, Japan)
Zeev Zalevsky (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)
The proceedings will be published online in the IEEE digital library.
Deadline for submission is 13 June, 2011 in order for papers to be included in the proceedings.
Please follow these instructions when submitting the final paper.
1. Prepare a 2-to-3 page paper in MS Word, LaTeX or PDF format, in A4 size, according to the following IEEE specifications and templates:
Microsoft Word 2000 | LaTeX Archive Contents | LaTeX (Bibliography Files) |
A4 (DOC, 97 KB) | Unix (TAR.GZ, 655 KB) | Unix (TAR.GZ, 307 KB) |
Windows (ZIP, 674 KB) | Windows (ZIP, 309 KB) |
They can be found also here
2. Send the paper directly to WIO•2011 by using the IEEE PDF eXpress Plus site at
The IEEE PDF eXpress Plus tool allows to convert your source file to PDF. It accepts many file types, such as MS Word, WordPerfect, LaTex, RTF, and others. If you send a PDF file, it checks that your PDF file satisfies the IEEE requirements. It also sends the final paper to WIO•2011. IEEE PDF eXpress Plus requires registration, in which the above conference ID is needed.
If you have any problem with the IEEE PDF eXpress Plus tool please contact with
3. Authors are required to fill out the IEEE copyright form ( PDF file, MS Word document) and send a scan of the signed copyright by email to
Spa Hotel El Palasiet (Hotel Termas Marinas El Palasiet)
Pontazgo, 11
12560 Benicassim (Castellón)
The Conference will be held at the auditorium of the own hotel. Free high-speed wi-fi will be available at the meeting room. Access key will be provided on site.
The nearest international airports are Valencia (80 Km), Barcelona (270 Km), and Madrid (420 Km). There are intercity trains from these cities to Castellón. Therefore we suggest arriving to Castellón by train. The easiest way to reach the hotel from the railway station of Castellón is by taxi (approximately 20 minutes, about 18 euro).
The organization has reserved some rooms in the venue hotel and nearest hotels for the conference attendees.
You can enjoy special rates* for conference participants, but remember to inform about your attendance to the WIO conference when making the booking.
* Special rates only until the 1st of June. All reservations are subject to availability.
Spa Hotel El Palasiet:
Prices: 95€ (double room, single use) and 124 € (double room)
Telephone: +34 900 300 255
Hotel Voramar: (2 minute walk to Venue Hotel)
Prices: 74€ - 84€ (double room)
Telephone: +34 964 300 150
Email for booking:
Hotel Vistalegre: (5 minute walk to Venue Hotel)
Prices 55€ (double room, incl. breakfast)
Telephone +34 964 300 400
Email for Bookings:
Other economy fare hotels:
Hotel Tramontana: (15 minute walk to Venue Hotel)
Prices 48€ - 62€ (single/double room, incl. breakfast)
For booking, please contact directly the hotel (not through the web site):
+34 964 300 300
Please find the detailed program here (last update 19 June, 2011)
Welcome reception in Spa-Hotel El Palasiet at 8:30 PM
Go hiking from Benicàssim to Oropesa del Mar
We propose you a romantic walk of 5.5 Km along a short section of the former rail link between Valencia and Barcelona, when steam-powered railways were employed. This trail runs the ancient railway track between Benicassim and Oropesa del Mar following the Mediterranean coastline. The rails, ballast, and sleepers were removed and the permanent way was arranged for cyclists and pedestrians only. These quiet narrow roads are named “vias verdes” (literally “green lanes”). The path preserves its original railway trenches and tunnels, and it is possible to see along the walk some surveillance towers to warn the inhabitants of the territory about surprise attacks from pirates during the XVI and XVII centuries. The starting point of the “via verde” is located 50 m from the main entrance of the Conference venue. Please do not forget to take your cap, comfortable footwear, and a bottle of water.
We will end the walk visiting “La Torre del Rey” (literally “The King Tower”), maybe the most impressive defensive bastion of medieval origin in the region, and going to dinner by bus to the restaurant El Pinar, with unforgettable views over the Mediterranean seaside.
Visit to “Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias” in Valencia
Wednesday 22nd June 2011
Visit to Peníscola
Thursday 23rd June 2011
Enjoy Saint John night
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