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The Universitat Jaume I-Empresa Foundation celebrates its 30 years of history

Imagen Noticia

10 - Feb - 2023

The FUE-UJI was created in March 1993 to serve as a link between the Universitat Jaume I and the socio-economic environment of Castellón

Castelló, February 2023

The Universitat Jaume I-Empresa Foundation (FUE-UJI) will promote, throughout 2023, different activities to celebrate the 30th anniversary of its creation.

The entity launches a new visual identity, in which the 30th anniversary is integrated into the corporate logo and the claim #seguimsumant on social networks, as a strong message in the celebration of its 30-year history.

Starting in March, other programmed actions, such as a meeting with students and members of the university community, will remind them that the Foundation has already covered 30 years and has a promising future ahead of it as an entity of the Universitat Jaume I.

The FUE-UJI was established on March 8, 1993 at the initiative of the Universitat Jaume I and 11 prominent companies and entities with the aim of serving as a link between the UJI and the socio-economic environment of the province.

Throughout its history, the FUE-UJI has been incorporating new projects and initiatives based on the detection of needs in its field of action. The connection with the productive fabric has been a constant, expanding ties with an extensive network of organizations, professional associations, sectoral associations and social groups.

“The FUE-UJI is a strategic ally to take the pulse of the needs of the social and economic sector, a means of the University so that its strategic lines in the field of training, research and social commitment reach the productive fabric, it is the necessary bridge between the university and society” has indicated Eva Alcón, rector of the UJI and president of the Foundation.

Some notable milestones are reflected in the successive accessions of relevant companies and entities to its Board of Trustees, which give it the solvency to make it one of the university-business foundations, at a national level, with the greatest business and social support. It is worth noting the promotion of pioneering technological projects such as, already in 1996, the "Internet Classroom" or the Virtual Campus; the tumeves platform for video presentations and, at the beginning of 2012, the use of the Live Learning methodology for distance training through video communication.

The FUE-UJI has managed to consolidate itself as a reference entity in the detection of needs in the socio-economic environment, in the management of permanent and postgraduate training at the Universitat Jaume I, in the transfer of knowledge and innovation, the promotion of extracurricular internships and scholarships for graduates and the organization of congresses, conferences and events.

The Universitat Jaume I-Empresa Foundation has forged an identity associated with innovation, as a precursor of the use of new technologies and the Internet from its origins; and visionary, immediately understanding the importance of internationalization in promoting different projects.

In recent years, the activity oriented towards internationalization is noteworthy, through the Office of European and International Projects of the Foundation (EuroFUE-UJI), providing support in actions of international positioning of the sponsoring companies and the University, to through teaching and research projects in which it participates; as well as in obtaining European funding.

Carlos Cabrera, executive president of the entity, has stressed “the data that supports a successful track record, with more than 2,500 educational cooperation agreements with companies/entities that host internships; the management of training that is highly oriented towards the professional field, with the reception of more than 1,000 students who pass through the classrooms each year; or the recruitment and management of a portfolio of more than 17 European and transnational projects, among others.”

The collaboration of the companies and entities from Castellón that form part of the Board of Trustees of the FUE-UJI, is an essential support for the achievement of the aims of the University, for which reason they will meet at a commemorative act of the Foundation, which will take place In the month of June.

The different rectors of the Universitat Jaume I de Castelló, Francesc Michavila, Celestino Suárez, Fernando Romero, Francisco Toledo, Vicent Climent, and the current rector, Eva Alcón, president of the Foundation, have shown, in the successive stages of the history of the FUE-UJI, his firm conviction of the relevant role of the latter in the articulation of relations between the University and the society of Castellón.

The honorary president, Rafael Benavent, highlighted that “the growth of the Castelló campus has always gone hand in hand with an upward trend in business participation in the Foundation. The FUE-UJI has been adapting to the times and resurfacing even in the most uncertain stages.”


FUE-UJI Trustees
companies and entities

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