Colloquium 610 Emerging topics in acoustic and mechanical metamaterials
This EUROMECH colloquium is aimed at gathering together the experts in the field of phononic crystals and acoustic metamaterials. The objective is to discuss the current state-of-the-art, deepen the understanding of the physics and mechanics of architected materials of broad size ranges, including the nano-, micro-, and macro-scales, and cross-pollinate research ideas in lively discussions.
Each topic area will have an approximately equal number of speakers from mechanical metamaterials, phononic and acoustic meta-structures, and topological meta-mechanics. Every invited speaker will give a 15-minute talk followed by a 5 minute Q&A session. In addition, we encourage you to bring your Ph.D. student(s) and post-doc(s) who will have full access to the sessions and can present their work in a poster session. Additionally, a “round table” discussion is planned after the end of each day often combined with social activities.
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