International Conference on MULTILINGUALISM: sociolinguistic and acquisitional perspectives
Venue: Universitat Jaume I (Castelló - Spain)
Dates: 16th – 18th December 2008
Call for papers: DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION 30 th Juny
The main goal of this International Conference is the promotion of recent research and state-of-the-art debate on both (i) the effect of multilingualism in education and (ii) the effect of educational policies in the promotion of multilingualism. In addition sociolinguistic accounts in the study of languages in contact will also be the focus of this event.
The conference will feature four plenary speakers who are internationally recognised experts in multilingualism and language acquisition. Concurrent sessions will address sociolinguistic or/and acquisitional perspectives in the study of multilingualism.
More info:
Abstracts are invited from interested participants for parallel session papers and for symposia. We welcome original and previously unpublished papers on research on acquisition or use of three or more languages and on experiences dealing with languages in contact.
There will be one session addressing multilingualism & cross-cultural communication to fit one of the objectives of the Compostela Group of Universities – Working group on Multilingualism and Cross-cultural Communication. This session will focus on the topic: political trends and existing linguistic policies. Papers on the topic are also welcome.
Acquisition of languages beyond the second one. Focus on specific variables.
Multilingual education.
Education and the promotion of multilingualism. Case Studies.
Sociolinguistic studies of multilinguals in their communities.
Contributions in English, Catalan or Castilian are accepted. Abstracts (300 words) should be sent in the language of presentation to the following email addresses as an attached Word file: or
Proceedings (CD-Rom ISBN) will be distributed among participants the first day of the conference during reception. A selection of papers may also be published as a special issue in the Compostela Group Series, and as special issue in an International Journal dealing with multilingualism.
More info abstract submission:
Dr. Jasone Cenoz (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)
Dr. Jean Marc Dewaele (Birkbeck University of London)
Dr. Ulrike Jessner (Universität Innsbruck)
Dr. Carme Muñoz (Universitat de Barcelona)
The text will be written in Times New Roman 12, justified and a space will be left between paragraphs (no indentation). Extension: each paper should have about 3000 and 3500 words.
The margins will have 3.5 cms (left and right) and 3cms (top and down).
If a word needs to be emphasized use italics.
Figures and tables should use Arabic figures (Table 1, Table 2, etc.) and a title describing the content (Times New Roman 10) at the top.
Sections should appear in bold, with Arabic numbers and separated by two spaces from the previous section and by a single space from its first paragraph. Subsections will not appear in bold and they will be numerated (1.1., 1.2., 1.3., ...), separated by a space from both the previous and the next paragraphs.
1.1. Capital, small capital, lower case letters, Italics and bold type.
Capital letters should only be used in those cases where it is strictly necessary.
Italics will only be used for foreign terms or in order to highlight some word. By the same token, italics will be used in the reference section for book titles.
The use of bold type is restricted to headlines or titles. Hence, its use in the main text of the paper should be avoided. The original text should not include any type of underlining.
1.2. Quotations
Text quotes should be placed in the body of the main text between angled commas (« »); or when it is suitable as follows: «" ' ' "».
Long quotations (more than three lines) should be indented in a new paragraph and typed in a smaller text font type than that of the main text without inverted commas or Italics. They may also be clearly signalled as quotations.
If part of a quoted text is omitted, this should be signalled by using square brackets: [....]
These should also be employed for comments or asides on quotation.
Text quotations should be preceded by bibliographical reference as in (author, year: pages). This is aimed at diminishing the number of footnotes.
1.3. Hyphens
Hyphens should only be used for compound terms or to indicate pages in the references section. Dashes act as parenthesis. In this last case, a full stop after the comment does not allow for using a second dash.
1.4. Notes
Regarding notes from the original text, these should be presented in an independent document or at the end of the whole text conveniently numbered after punctuation marks. Footnotes should thus be reduced and also presented in an independent document, since brief bibliographical references are already included in the text.
1.5. References in the text
Brief references should only indicate the authors' surname in lower case letter and the year of publication. If suitable it may also provide the pages being referred, as complete data will be provided in the references section.
[…] has stated (Bellés, 1999: 34-56)
If pages are continuos, you should write a hyphen between number pages, otherwise pages should be separated by commas.
Bellés, 1999:34,67,109.
Hence, Latin abbreviations should be avoided: loc. cit., op. cit, ibídem...
1.6. Reference section
Consider the use of capital letters and italic in book and journal titles, punctuation (or lack of it) after dates, journal titles, and book titles. The inclusion of issue numbers of journals, or page numbers in books, is optional but if included should be as per the examples below.
Dagenais, D and Jacquet, M. (2008) Theories of representation in French and English Scholarship on Multilingualism. International Journal of Multilingualism 5 (1): 41–52.
Snyder, K. (2000) The Strategic Dance of Life. In K. Snyder, Acker-Hocevar, M. and Snyder, K S. (eds) Living on the Edge of Chaos: Leading Schools into the Global Age (pp. 211-240). Wisconsin: American Society for Quality Press.
References should appear at the end of the paper in alphabetical order according to authors' surname and the following criteria:
Jordan, R.R. (1997) English for Academic Purposes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Articles in Journals:
Nadin, M. (1984) On the meaning of the visual. Semiotica, 52.
Chapters in a book:
Nord, C. (1994) Traduciendo funciones. In Hurtado, A. (ed.) Estudis sobre la traducció. Castelló de la Plana: Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I.
Two authors or more:
Chillon, L. A. and S. Bernal (1985) Periodismo informativo de creación. Barcelona: Mitre.
Bolzoni, L., R. Mazzolini and R. Corsdeschi (1991) El arte de la memoria. El
descrubimiento del cerebro. Nacimiento y frontera de la neurociencia. Madrid: Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales.
Institution as author:
UNIVERSITAT DE VALÈNCIA (1993) Resúmenes de tesis doctorales, 2 vol. València: Servei de Publicacions.
Edition: The place of edition should be quoted in the language of the publication
Online documents:
US Census Bureau (2002) State profile: Oklahoma - Online document:
1.7. Tables, images and figures
Any additional material should be presented in the body of the text. In the case of figures and tables containing further written indications, these should be presented independently.
Images incorporation:
1. Dimensions of images should be the same they would have when published.
2. Scanner should contain at least 300 ppp resolution. Scanned image along with these dimensions should include 133 lpp.
3. Images will be stored in TIFF format (unzipped) or EPS. Also possible to include JPEG images, PICT, BMP.
4. GIF format is not valid.
Universitat Jaume I
Grup Compostela d’Universitats
Scientific Committee
Dr. Gessica de Angelis (Free University of Bolzen-Bolzano)
Dr. Sandro Caruana (University of Malta)
Dr. Mari Luz Celaya (Universitat de Barcelona)
Dr. Victòria Codina (Universitat Jaume I)
Dr. David Lasagabaster (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea/ Universidad del Pais Vasco)
Dr. Muiris O’Laoire (Institute of Technology - Tralee)
Dr. M. Pilar Safont (Universitat Jaume I)
Dr. Cristina Sanz (Georgetown University)
Registration fee..... 150€
Registration period, until december the 12th.
Bank details for payment.
La Caixa, Avda. Capuchinos 19, 12004 Castellón (Spain)
Swift Code: CAIXESBB
IBAN Code: ES64 2100 4236 14 2200003795
Account No: 2100 4236 14 2200003795
Remember that your registration will not be confirmed until you send us a copy of your bank transfer , you can send it either by email ( ) or by fax 0034964387010 (Congress departament).
Register now, press here!
From Valencia Airport:
1) Take the underground from the airport to the "Estación del Norte" railway station in Valencia (stop at Xàtiva).
2) Take a short distance train ("Cercanias") to Castellón.
3) In front of the train station in Castellón there is a bus stop to Universitat Jaume I
From Barcelona Airport:
1) Take the short distance train ("Cercanias") to "Estación de Sants" railway station in Barcelona.
2) Take a long distance train ("Euromed") from Barcelona to Castellón.
3) In front of the train station in Castellón there is a bus stop to Universitat Jaume I
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3) In front of the train station in Castellón there is a bus stop to Universitat Jaume I
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