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Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics
Formación permanente

Cursos de Formación FUE-UJI


Del 01/01/2025
al 19/05/2025

100 horas lectivas

de Matrícula



This course will allow dentists to increase their knowledge of orthodontics and facial dental orthopedics. It will also serve to support your training by thinking of taking a master in the future like the one offered by our Dental Science university.


Duration:  100 hours 

Modality:  Blended

Date and time: The Schedule will be informed by the course director after registration.

This course will take place in AUSTRALIA

Contact phone:  

Spain +964 38 72 09/12 

Australia: +612 9223 6622

Title / Diploma obtained:  Continuous training by the Universitat Jaume I



All the students will have to be a qualified, registered dentist in their respective states/countries.


  • Through this program, the student will get familiar with the principles of Esthetic Dentistry, and the importance of interdisciplinary approach in achieving optimal results, focusing on minimally invasive dentistry as a basic premise. 
  • Through an adequate esthetic (esthetic and dynamic) diagnosis of peribuccal, gingival and dental parameters, the student will be able to elaborate an interdisciplinary treatment, to plan and to solve all kinds of cases.


  • Concept of Beauty & Divine proportions
  • Growth and Development Occlusion and guidance of occlusion
  • Malocclusion aetiology
  • Orthodontic diagnosis
  • Removable appliances vs. fixed appliances
  • TMJ, Muscles of mastication, Tonsils, Adenoid and Airway
  • Biology of tooth movement and its effects.
  • Diagnosis and treatment planning Cephalometric and software applications
  • Treatment concepts-Pre-adjusted appliances
  • Biomechanics
  • Orthodontic materials, wire, and elastics & associated allergies to Ni & Latex
  • Properties of materials and applications
  • Anchorage control, levelling & aligning
  • Functional appliances and their clinical applications
  • Extraction vs. Non-extractions
  • Bite opening procedures
  • The versatility of appliances - Roth, MBT Severity of malocclusion and methods of gaining space
  • Interceptive orthodontics/oral habits
  • Extraoral/intraoral anchorage, mini-screws applications
  • Space closure mechanics
  • Management of class 1 malocclusions Management of cleft lip and cleft palate Root resorption and its management in orthodontics
  • Overjet reduction
  • Management of class II malocclusions
  • Adult Orthodontics
  • Finishing and detailing
  • Management of class III malocclusion
  • Viewpoint on surgical orthodontics.
  • Diverse treatment mechanics and applications
  • Relapse and its management.
  • Recap of Fixed orthodontic appliances
  • Diagnosis treatment planning, derivation of functional analysis & other challenges in the diagnosis of dentofacial deformities.
  • Serial growth vectors in development & the role of interceptive procedures, Guidance of occlusion & management of airway problems.
  • Skeletal modifications during growth & development with various functional appliances, parameters to select the indications of the type of appliance in various clinical discrepancies & their follow-up.
  • Sagittal, vertical & transverse discrepancies & their management, in adolescent & adult malocclusions; class I, II, III situations, rapid maxillary expansion options.
  • Principles of treatment mechanics, various options, MBT philosophy & versatility.
  • Clear aligners with their applications & limitations.
  • Extraction & Non-Extraction philosophy.
  • Orthodontists'/Dentists’ role in upper airway sleep disorders.
  • Meeting the challenges of relapse & retention. Current options available to the profession to match the patient’s perception.



The course will be carried out mainly through theoretical classes. Candidates can opt for hands on sessions with the faculty if desired. Submission of 5 cases with complete documentation is required for receiving the Diploma. Emphasis is on comprehensive records and evidence-based diagnosis and treatment planning.



The course will be evaluated by taking an online exam after each module and presenting 5 cases per student with a heavy emphasis on correct diagnostics, record-taking, and treatment planning. The cases do not have to be completed.



Dr. Julio José Suay Antón - Director

Industrial Engineer, PhD. In Engineering, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.  

Full Professor of the Universitat Jaume I. Coordinator and director of PIMA, Polymers and Advanced Materials research group, taking part in the researches of the Biomaterials Center.

His research is mainly focused in the field of implantology: the development of functional coatings for biomedical applications (dental implants), research in implants osteointegration by proteomics, design of new adjustements and threatments to avoid perimplantitis.

Head of GMI-Ilerimplant Dental Science chair since 2017

Dr. Kenneth Lee - Course Director - Senior Faculty

Dr Kenneth Lee received his Bachelor of Dental Surgery from the University of Sydney.

He is a practicing dentist, principal of Today's Dental for over 30 years and runs a multi-location group practice in Sydney, Australia. His personal practice is limited to TMD, sleep Medicine and Implant Dentistry. He regularly lectures and teaches nationally and internationally. He is foundation faculty for the International Academy of Advanced Dentistry in Sydney, Australia, which runs over 30 weekends per year around Australia.

Dr. Jae Yong Choi - Faculty

Dr Jae Yong Choi, BDSc, FICOI, FIAO

Dr Choi has completed BDSc from The University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia.

He is a faculty and instructor at the International Academy of Advanced Densitry (IAADent). He is also in charge of Queensland IAADent Study Club for Orthodontics. He is also a Fellow of ICOI (USA) and IAO (USA), and advisor to the IAO education committee.

Dr Choi has a special interest in Airway focused Orthodontics, TMD, Pain Management and Implantology. He has instructed many live implant surgeries in Australia and overseas.

Dr. Jonathan Low - Senior Faculty

Dr Jonathan Low, BDS, FICOI, FIAO

Dr Jonathan Low obtained his Bachelor of Dental Surgery with honours at the University of Sydney. He has been a full-time practicing dentist at Today’s Dental for 15 years. He is a fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI), and a fellow of the International Association for Orthodontics (IAO), for which he is also a certified senior instructor. He is a faculty member of the International Academy of Advanced Dentistry, and is a senior lecturer for dental implants and orthodontics.

Dr. Marianne Pinto - Senior Faculty

Marianne Pinto, BDS (Bombay), MDS (Bombay), FICOI, FIAO

She is a full-time practicing dentist from Perth, Western Australia, and has been practicing for over 30 years with a special interest in orthodontics and implantology. She has a fellowship with the International Congress of Oral Implantologists, and fellowship with the International Association for Orthodontics. She is a certified senior instructor and full committee member of the education committee for the IAO, and a faculty member of the International Academy of Advanced Dentistry (IAADent). She runs the IAADent study club for Western Australia.

Dr. Robert Lin - Faculty

Dr Robert Lin, BDSc, FIAO

Dr Robert Lin obtained a Bachelor of Dental Science degree from the University of Queensland. Robert’s focus is in orthodontics and creating healthy patients. He is a member of the Australian Dental Association, Australasian Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine, American Academy of Craniofacial Pain and International Association for Orthodontics, of which he is a fellow and advisor to the education committee. Dr Lin is a faculty member of the International Academy of Advanced Dentistry and runs the Brisbane study club.

Dr. Theresa Lee - Senior Faculty

Dr Theresa Lee, BDS, MSc (Sleep Medicine)

Dr Theresa Lee graduated with a BDS with Honours from the University of Sydney. She has been a full-time practicing dentist for over 30 years in Today’s Dental, a multi-clinic group practice. She is a faculty member of the International Academy of Advanced Dentistry (IAADent), and has a Masters in Sleep Medicine.


D. Francisco Romero - Faculty

Chemical Engineer, MsC. of Science Technology and Applications of Ceramic Materials, Universitat Jaume I.Started as a researcher through a fellow collaboration of the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain, followed by various research grants in the Department of Engineering in Industrial Systems and Design, working in the same university, where he acquired experience in the development of biomaterials and respective characterization techniques. Research activity focused on the surface modification of dental implant through osteoinductive coatings and the development of new methodologies for biomaterial designing, based on the study of implant-tissue interactions using proteomics.




1000 €

900€ (Alumni SAUJI Premium)


  • Scanned pages of  1st and last pages of Passprt.

  • Scanned copy of Dental Degree Certificate 

  • Payment receipt

Account number to make the
                                        deposit : (name, surname and course) ES64 2100-4236-14-2200003795 (La Caixa)

How and where do you have to deliver the documentation?

1. In person at the FUE-UJI in Castellón (Universitat Jaume I)
2. Via email at formacion@fue.uji.es

More information
Fundación Universitat Jaume I-Empresa
Training Department
Telephone: 964 387 222/12
Fax. 964 387 010
Emails: formacion@fue.uji.es


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Contacta con nosotros
te ayudamos a encontrar lo que necesitas

Carmen Guía

Teléfono: 964 38 72 16

Silvia Membrilla

Teléfono: 964 38 72 09
WhatsApp: 648126119

Andrea Navarro

Teléfono: 964 38 72 12
WhatsApp: 648126119

Reyes Riera

Teléfono: 964 38 72 10


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